Mavic Air connectivity issues.
581 5 2018-8-27
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Flight distance : 112123 ft
South Africa

Hi all, I recently purchashed the MA. Intially I was a bit aprehensive after reading about many of the issues regarding the go 4 app / firmware updates.

I was relieved to find all in working order after a few test flights in my yard and nearby sports field. After getting used to controls I decided to head out to a new location and take it out on a "proper" flight - taking it out between 500-600m and heights up to 80m and again everything worked well.

A couple of days later I decided to fly at the aforementioned sports field for the fifth time but for the life of me I simply could not get in the air as the RC would immediety disconnect on take off - only to instantly reconnect after autolanding.

If I took off manually using the sticks it would simply hover for few minutes before briefly reconnecting only allowing me to land.

Went through the process of switching everything on and off restarting the app at least 20 times, sometimes it would fly for a few metres before disconnecting but mostly on takeoff. Seemed to work only once few minute or two before disconnecting and RTH.  

Everything is up to date/was fully charged and as mentioned prior to this seemed to be working perfectly.

I did unistall/reinstall the go 4 app, hoping on testing it out later day to see if that helps.

Any suggestions on cause/remedy?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 689334 ft
South Africa

Mark, I had the same problem the first couple of times I flew my MA. What I later did, was be a bit more patient for the RC and MA to connect. Sometimes it takes longer than other times. I use to manually link the drone to RC every time, now I just wait for it to have a good signal, before I fly.
Not sure if that is your problem though. The Go app do have some problems with MA disconnection, and you could fly one day, no problems, just to have a lot of issues the next day, in the same spot.

I would manually link the controller to the MA, do all the necessary calibrations, and decide from there.
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DJI Natalia

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience caused. Can you please try to manually re-link your remote controller to your aircraft? For reference, please watch the video tutorial below. Should you have other question, please let us know. Thank you.

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Flight distance : 112123 ft
South Africa

Thanks for the responses, I normally do wait a little bit before taking off to make sure there is a good GPS connection/satellite count and no RC weak signal warning /interference, make sure everything is calibrated.

At the time I did try reconnecting  the RC manually as per the video above several times but the problem persisted.

I'm not 100% sure but I suspect the issue may be app based since I did update to  4.3.0.  After uninstalling/reinstalling it seems promising, however I might have to wait a day or two for the weather to clear up before testing properly.

If it still persists I will try rolling back to a previous version of the app which seems to be the best solution that I can think of.
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United States

I had the exact same problem with my brand new Mavic Air and the replacement unit they sent me.  This resulted in two crashes but DJI won't acknowledge the linking/communication problem. Instead they offer the same formal email repsonse written in broken English.
Just a word of warning to anyone who's considering a purchase from DJI, the units are great when they're functioning properly BUT if you have a problem and need support or repairs from this company, don't count on it.

The DJI support team reps  I dealt with (Andee, Joshua, Carry, Bonnie and Summer) repeatedly promised to get back to me and didn't respond.

I had to reach out again and again, finally calling up for phone support and experiencing long wait times.  My issue still wasn't resolved to my satisfaction. Fortunately I had Care Refresh package whic took some of the financial sting out of the issue but still no answers regarding the technical issues plaguing my units.  All firmware was up to date.
  Any company can sell you a product, it's service after the sale that counts.  That is the true reflection of the character of a company.  DJI failed miserably in that regard.  I think the DJI team should listen to the issues that a customer is experiencing instead of repeatedly responding with form letters and ignoring the reasons for technical malfunctions. I had read critical reviews about DJI lack of support before buying but thought they were posts by finicky customers.  I  wish I had paid more attention to them before buying from DJI.  

Now I know better.  I'll be sure to share my negative experiences with friends and colleagues.
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Flight distance : 112123 ft
South Africa

flipfly Posted at 2018-8-27 07:16
I had the exact same problem with my brand new Mavic Air and the replacement unit they sent me.  This resulted in two crashes but DJI won't acknowledge the linking/communication problem. Instead they offer the same formal email repsonse written in broken English.
Just a word of warning to anyone who's considering a purchase from DJI, the units are great when they're functioning properly BUT if you have a problem and need support or repairs from this company, don't count on it.

Thanks for sharing, Your experience sounds quite disheartening. Been scrolling the through forums recently and I see many that share your sentiment regarding post purchase Dji support. What from I've read it seems as if it's either a 50/50 or waiting game when resolving some the prominent issues relating to software/firmware.

Much of the feedback appears generic and often the users device ends up taking the the blame.
I understand that there are a vast number of variables when dealing with countless number of devices available on the market, yet even users like myself with the devices  that meet the minimum system requirements or that are recommended experience severe issues.

Like you I had also read such reviews before purchasing, however I was confident based on the information provided on their website that my devices were up to scratch. Thus I wouldn't experience any software related issues.

It a bit of a shame seeing as Mavic Air is an amazing piece of technology when it/the app is not being temperamental.

Fingers crossed that all will once again run smoothly the next time I attempt to take off, will have to wait a few days for decent weather to find out.

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