Flight distance : 598150 ft
United Kingdom
Hi there,
I have an Inspire 2 and two CineSSDs. The 240GB one works perfectly. The 120GB was fine until the latest firmware update.
Essentially what seems to have happened is the I2 has reformatted the 240GB card to exFAT but I can't get it to do the same to the 120GB. The 120GB loads fine on the CineSSD Station on my mac and I can see the files on it, but OS X Disk Utility says the drive is formatted FAT32.
When I initially upgraded the Inspire 2 firmware to 1.02.0200 I believe the 240GB was physically installed, which may have been the reason it's working.
When the 120GB SSD is put into the drone, I just get a red line through the SSD icon in DJI Go and if I try and format the SSD within DJI Go I get a "No SSD" message.
I am running DJI Go 4.2.24, Inspire 2 is on 1.02.0200, Camera is 1.09/22/22, RAW module is
I have tried downgrading the Inpsire 2 firmware to 1.02.0100 using Asssistant. Doing so allows me to use the 120GB card correctly, including formatting.
I have then tried updating the Inspure 2 firmware back to 1.02.0200 with the 120GB SSD in the drone - however this doesn't resolve the issue and I still have a 'No SSD' error.
Obviously the CineSSD station doesn't allow me to format the SSD from my Mac so I am stuck unless there is a way to force the drone to 'see' the FAT32 SSD and reformat it as exFAT.
Any help much appreciated!