For those with MP2 envy
1666 20 2018-9-5
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Lads I hear you, new shiny object on the block and everyone wants it. Picking up your "old" MP or MA or Spark or Phantom just seems like a chore as they became less disirably overningt...somehow... Congrats to everyone that owns one btw, you are pioneers and yes i am jelly but thats besides the point though.
You find your self watching all them glorious reviews on YT, sponsored adds and such, all the big boys are doing it, its amazing, its the best thing that ever took to the skies, MP2&MP2Z are just the bees knees.
Maybe...maybe theres potential for the new guy to be a winner, but not at this point, its too early, its been a rocky road for these new birds and the forums are full of issues.

Anyways - Long story short! I flew my MA more in the last two weeks than i did in the whole 6 month I owned it. Why? Because its a fanstastic piece of machinery, it was advertised as such a few month ago and its still living up to the hype. Because its mine and i know it and we became buddies ever since.
Will I buy the a MP2? likely, one day.. maybe. If at all, the new generation made me apreciate what I already had in a way I didnt think was possible.

And also this, thank you, because some stay true!

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My sentiments exactly. I have an MA and MP and just can’t justify the upgrade for general hobby use. I view my photos and videos on a 65” TV and I think they are superb
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I agree totally. I seriously wonder if the MP2 Series had come out before the Air and then the Air if we would be hearing how much better the Air is over the MP2. For me all this high end camera work is good for photo geeks but for those that just like a bit of You tubeing etc what is the point as You Tube compresses the quality any way. I have the MA and Spark and only ever use 1080p which is fine for me.

The small size and weight of the MA and Spark are what does it for me.

I am sure DJI know the MA is and could be better but than the MP2 but they had to release a MP2 for all the many MP1 users who were champing at the bit to spend their cash

Good thing is you can now get a very good deal on a MA
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El Diablo
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I bought orignal MP right off the bat, I think you might remember, the forum would then have 10 fold complaints, in fact there still complaining to this day, I stuck with it through thick and thin and enjoyed every minute of it, and I will be keeping it, I don’t join in with those trying to create hysteria because M2 lands 2 feet away from homepoint or I don’t have colour profiles, I bought the drone because it’s far superior in its camera, it’s streets ahead in the way it handles from both P4Pro and Mavic Pro , but the biggest deal I get is I can fly it Now enjoy it now, it’s called live for the moment, it’s not about beta testing if that was the case then I wouldn’t be enjoying what I have now just as I did when I first received one of the first Mavic Pro , a lot of jealous posters on this thread, but that’s life, some of us live for now not the future, because the future doesn’t always come around for us all.
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Flight distance : 81401 ft
United States

You guys enjoy your MA, MP, MPP, and/or Spark and I will enjoy my M2P.  Different strokes for different folks.
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Second Officer
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United States

The fact is simple.  Haters are going to hate.  That is their job.  There will always be problems.  there will always be issues.  I learned a long time ago (in the tech world) there will always be a new version.  It will always have more.  Do you want to spend your life chasing better tech, or do  you want to get the most out of the tech you have?  Personally, as long as my MA gets me the beautiful shots and pure enjoyment of flying that it brings, I don't need to upgrade.  When it's necessary, I'll upgrade.  Until such time arrives, I will live in this moment, with my Mavic Air, and my old ass Phantom 3.  I'll continue to take pictures that amaze my friends and family, and hang them on the walls.    If I decide to go pro (no pun intended), that's when it will matter.  

So yeah, for all of the pilots who have a M2P or M2PZ, congrats!! Enjoy that!  To all the pilots that don't, remember, just because you don't have the latest doesn't mean that you're no longer a pilot.  It doesn't mean that your pictures/videos are any less amazing.  It just means you haven't spent the latest money.  Enjoy your aircraft.  Enjoy your photos.  Enjoy the hobby.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States

I think it's a matter of freedom of choice. Some of my friends go out and buy a $1,000 iPhone every time one comes out. Me, I use what I have until it doesn't work or I have an actual need that isn't addressed. I have a MP that I love to fly. It does everything I want it to do and more. I've had zero problems with it from day one. I just don't need a MP2 at the moment. I will fly my MP until the props fall off and then make a decision on the next drone at that time, again, based on my needs, not the latest hype or marketing blitz.

But that said, I see nothing wrong with going out and getting the latest/greatest whatever if that is what you want to do and it makes you happy. Don't let others criticize you for that decision and don't criticize others if they're happy with what they have.
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3-D Posted at 2018-9-6 05:42
The fact is simple.  Haters are going to hate.  That is their job.  There will always be problems.  there will always be issues.  I learned a long time ago (in the tech world) there will always be a new version.  It will always have more.  Do you want to spend your life chasing better tech, or do  you want to get the most out of the tech you have?  Personally, as long as my MA gets me the beautiful shots and pure enjoyment of flying that it brings, I don't need to upgrade.  When it's necessary, I'll upgrade.  Until such time arrives, I will live in this moment, with my Mavic Air, and my old ass Phantom 3.  I'll continue to take pictures that amaze my friends and family, and hang them on the walls.    If I decide to go pro (no pun intended), that's when it will matter.  

So yeah, for all of the pilots who have a M2P or M2PZ, congrats!! Enjoy that!  To all the pilots that don't, remember, just because you don't have the latest doesn't mean that you're no longer a pilot.  It doesn't mean that your pictures/videos are any less amazing.  It just means you haven't spent the latest money.  Enjoy your aircraft.  Enjoy your photos.  Enjoy the hobby.

Well said..
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-6 05:21
I bought orignal MP right off the bat, I think you might remember, the forum would then have 10 fold complaints, in fact there still complaining to this day, I stuck with it through thick and thin and enjoyed every minute of it, and I will be keeping it, I don’t join in with those trying to create hysteria because M2 lands 2 feet away from homepoint or I don’t have colour profiles, I bought the drone because it’s far superior in its camera, it’s streets ahead in the way it handles from both P4Pro and Mavic Pro , but the biggest deal I get is I can fly it Now enjoy it now, it’s called live for the moment, it’s not about beta testing if that was the case then I wouldn’t be enjoying what I have now just as I did when I first received one of the first Mavic Pro , a lot of jealous posters on this thread, but that’s life, some of us live for now not the future, because the future doesn’t always come around for us all.

I fully agree!
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

3-D Posted at 2018-9-6 05:42
The fact is simple.  Haters are going to hate.  That is their job.  There will always be problems.  there will always be issues.  I learned a long time ago (in the tech world) there will always be a new version.  It will always have more.  Do you want to spend your life chasing better tech, or do  you want to get the most out of the tech you have?  Personally, as long as my MA gets me the beautiful shots and pure enjoyment of flying that it brings, I don't need to upgrade.  When it's necessary, I'll upgrade.  Until such time arrives, I will live in this moment, with my Mavic Air, and my old ass Phantom 3.  I'll continue to take pictures that amaze my friends and family, and hang them on the walls.    If I decide to go pro (no pun intended), that's when it will matter.  

So yeah, for all of the pilots who have a M2P or M2PZ, congrats!! Enjoy that!  To all the pilots that don't, remember, just because you don't have the latest doesn't mean that you're no longer a pilot.  It doesn't mean that your pictures/videos are any less amazing.  It just means you haven't spent the latest money.  Enjoy your aircraft.  Enjoy your photos.  Enjoy the hobby.

Excellent statement!
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Paul_IA Posted at 2018-9-6 07:46
I think it's a matter of freedom of choice. Some of my friends go out and buy a $1,000 iPhone every time one comes out. Me, I use what I have until it doesn't work or I have an actual need that isn't addressed. I have a MP that I love to fly. It does everything I want it to do and more. I've had zero problems with it from day one. I just don't need a MP2 at the moment. I will fly my MP until the props fall off and then make a decision on the next drone at that time, again, based on my needs, not the latest hype or marketing blitz.

But that said, I see nothing wrong with going out and getting the latest/greatest whatever if that is what you want to do and it makes you happy. Don't let others criticize you for that decision and don't criticize others if they're happy with what they have.

And another very true statement, thank you!
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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South Africa

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-6 05:21
I bought orignal MP right off the bat, I think you might remember, the forum would then have 10 fold complaints, in fact there still complaining to this day, I stuck with it through thick and thin and enjoyed every minute of it, and I will be keeping it, I don’t join in with those trying to create hysteria because M2 lands 2 feet away from homepoint or I don’t have colour profiles, I bought the drone because it’s far superior in its camera, it’s streets ahead in the way it handles from both P4Pro and Mavic Pro , but the biggest deal I get is I can fly it Now enjoy it now, it’s called live for the moment, it’s not about beta testing if that was the case then I wouldn’t be enjoying what I have now just as I did when I first received one of the first Mavic Pro , a lot of jealous posters on this thread, but that’s life, some of us live for now not the future, because the future doesn’t always come around for us all.

Well said Hallmark and so True
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Flight distance : 13641634 ft
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South Africa

3-D Posted at 2018-9-6 05:42
The fact is simple.  Haters are going to hate.  That is their job.  There will always be problems.  there will always be issues.  I learned a long time ago (in the tech world) there will always be a new version.  It will always have more.  Do you want to spend your life chasing better tech, or do  you want to get the most out of the tech you have?  Personally, as long as my MA gets me the beautiful shots and pure enjoyment of flying that it brings, I don't need to upgrade.  When it's necessary, I'll upgrade.  Until such time arrives, I will live in this moment, with my Mavic Air, and my old ass Phantom 3.  I'll continue to take pictures that amaze my friends and family, and hang them on the walls.    If I decide to go pro (no pun intended), that's when it will matter.  

So yeah, for all of the pilots who have a M2P or M2PZ, congrats!! Enjoy that!  To all the pilots that don't, remember, just because you don't have the latest doesn't mean that you're no longer a pilot.  It doesn't mean that your pictures/videos are any less amazing.  It just means you haven't spent the latest money.  Enjoy your aircraft.  Enjoy your photos.  Enjoy the hobby.

I fully agree
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-6 05:21
I bought orignal MP right off the bat, I think you might remember, the forum would then have 10 fold complaints, in fact there still complaining to this day, I stuck with it through thick and thin and enjoyed every minute of it, and I will be keeping it, I don’t join in with those trying to create hysteria because M2 lands 2 feet away from homepoint or I don’t have colour profiles, I bought the drone because it’s far superior in its camera, it’s streets ahead in the way it handles from both P4Pro and Mavic Pro , but the biggest deal I get is I can fly it Now enjoy it now, it’s called live for the moment, it’s not about beta testing if that was the case then I wouldn’t be enjoying what I have now just as I did when I first received one of the first Mavic Pro , a lot of jealous posters on this thread, but that’s life, some of us live for now not the future, because the future doesn’t always come around for us all.

No jealousy from me If I wanted to I could easily buy both several times over. I just feel my Mavic Air is better.

As for the Camera I shoot all my stuff in 1080p and I cant see the differences in all this 4K nonsense. Just makes all the file sizes bigger. Also if posting on line absolutely no point in higher than 1080p. Most peoples eyes cant see the difference on the computer equipment they have
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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Fraggboy Posted at 2018-9-6 05:42
You guys enjoy your MA, MP, MPP, and/or Spark and I will enjoy my M2P.  Different strokes for different folks.

Yup quite agree
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Bigplumbs Posted at 2018-9-6 12:35
No jealousy from me If I wanted to I could easily buy both several times over. I just feel my Mavic Air is better.

As for the Camera I shoot all my stuff in 1080p and I cant see the differences in all this 4K nonsense. Just makes all the file sizes bigger. Also if posting on line absolutely no point in higher than 1080p. Most peoples eyes cant see the difference

Your entitled to your opinion, but for someone who doesn’t care, you certainly are making it known to everyone, people who don’t care don’t bother, just saying.......
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Flight distance : 620164 ft
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hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-6 12:38
Your entitled to your opinion, but for someone who doesn’t care, you certainly are making it known to everyone, people who don’t care don’t bother, just saying.......

Doesn't care about what...... Don't understand your post I am afraid
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El Diablo
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El Diablo
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