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Minor crash related to personal stupidity....
1983 9 2018-9-10
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United States

Hey all,

I accept responsibility for my actions.

Not used to flying in atti mode and had a bump with a wall, indoors, nothing other than a broken ND filter to the best of my understanding. The spark contacted the wall at 1-3 MPH and fell to the ground. All the failsafes worked as they should, the rotors stopped, etc.

What I wanted to know is what I need to do to make sure that my spark is alright to fly before I go ahead and try again. The gimbal is still level with the horizon and tracks accordingly.

Should I test th IMU?

What other procedures do i need to do to make sure she is airworthy again?

The propellers have scuffs but not broken, I will just replace them as I feel im better safe than sorry. First crash in 12 hours of flight and my first crash in a number of years etc.


_SkinJob the embarassed.
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Flight distance : 168658 ft

Just my two-cents.

I'd check the rotors for any damage and give the Spark a quick once over to make sure there isn't damage elsewhere.
Then take it up for a short flight and if all is okay, I wouldn't worry about it.

I was careless running my Spark across the backyard in Sport mode and misjudged the stopping distance that resulted it slamming into the chain link fence.
Dusted it off, no damage to the rotors or anywhere else and sent it up for a brief test flight to make sure the internals weren't knocked out of sorts.

Gotta say these little guys are tough.
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United States

Coppertop Posted at 2018-9-10 16:18
Just my two-cents.

I'd check the rotors for any damage and give the Spark a quick once over to make sure there isn't damage elsewhere.

agreed, i do resent the mourn the loss of my ND16 filter, its quite useful, the ND36 will have to stand in and since I lost the ND8 in a forest, which is 2/4 of them, I think Ill upgrade to a set of polarpro clip ons in the near future, the gimbal was slightly off, I flew two batteries and had a 9000+ foot flight, my longest yet, no vibrations, no crazy any thing else. No problems with the battery that went down with it. All seems good. Ill be more careful in the future, seems the bird is really designed with GPS flight mode in mind and that Atti is more useful for scenarios without a breeze, which was the primary contributor to the crash. otherwise, im not concerned at this point.

-The Almighty SkinJob2501
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First Officer
Flight distance : 46325 ft

My personal "After crash" checklist:
- Close visual inspection of propellers, motor arms (cracks etc.) and drone body.
- Smoothiness of motors if turned manually.
- Check motors for foreign objects (dirt particles etc.) in motor air gaps. Evtl air blow them while holding motors fixed.
- Gimbal movement not blocked
- Battery seating still good
- Clean camera lenses if necessary
- Turn Spark on, connect everything (R/C and app)
- Check if compass indicator on the app shows correct heading when turning Sparky manually
- Check IMU, evtl. calibrate IMU and compass.
- Do a short flight nearby, climb and descend a few metres, yaw left and right to see if it performs normally. Be prepared to land ASAP in case of problems.

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DJI Stephen

Hi there, thank you for reaching out and Glad to hear nothing serious happen to your aircraft. Regarding your concern, I would recommend to Calibrate the Imu, Compass then try to check if the gimbal still working properly then give a try to at least hover the Aircraft and see if there are any unusual things happening.
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 2018-9-11 10:11
Hi there, thank you for reaching out and Glad to hear nothing serious happen to your aircraft. Regarding your concern, I would recommend to Calibrate the Imu, Compass then try to check if the gimbal still working properly then give a try to at least hover the Aircraft and see if there are any unusual things happening.

Thanks this seems necessary, it drifts a bit in one direction. Ill do so and go fly again. Had a fligt this morning but it was turning by itself, very slight but i recognized it as a problem. Thanks again!

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First Officer
Flight distance : 6247444 ft
United States


The first time I tried "Sport Mode" I was showing somebody. "Look how fast it..." "...flies into a tree." Got pine pollen all over it.
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United States

Tentoes Posted at 2018-9-12 17:02

The first time I tried "Sport Mode" I was showing somebody. "Look how fast it..." "...flies into a tree." Got pine pollen all over it.

werd, at least that was all that happened.
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H. Arif - 6IX
Second Officer
Flight distance : 430364 ft

Kind of glad somebody has taken responsibility for their actions. Well done mate.
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United States

H. Arif - 6IX Posted at 2018-9-13 18:46
Kind of glad somebody has taken responsibility for their actions. Well done mate.

Thank you sir,

I dont know why I would'nt, not everything can be the fault of DJI, actually I think very few problems listed on this forum actually are. I did at one point, turns out im a stupid and couldnt update the firmware on my own, made me look like a moron when I took it into my local DJI store. I cant tell you how happy I am with my spark, I feel a new purchase coming on here shortly, Probably a Mavic 2 Zoom,...(I cant say that without my pants getting tighter).

anyways. Yep, my fault. I own it and you can't buy it. Its not for sale because its a FACT! I crashed, it was my fault and more people could follow that example to say the least. Read the manual, it sucks, barely makes sense and is rife with grammer errors. BUT, it does get the point across. Failing that ask a forum member, hek, many know sup' and can help a noob prevent a headshot to the droneparts. Enough said, my tirade is at its end.

be well, take crap from no one and read the manual ya'al....

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