First influences .500 (AC), 200 (RC
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3652 50 2018-9-30
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

Hi All,

I thought after upgrading MA & RC  would share with you my first influences flown MA with FW .500 RC  .200. I upgraded today morning, so I wanted to try and see what the new FW brought.

I have Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge with Android 8.0, so my phone is on the compatibility list. Airplane mode was on. After upgrading I made a factory reset and I set up again all of the functions.
I flew in a very open territory, absolutely no interference, no trees, no rocks, a bit windy, etc. Wifi was on 2.4 GHz (custom). I flew with three fully charged batteries, alltogether about 40-42 minutes.

I am in CE country, so distance and flight heihgt is restricted.

1., I didn't notice the former randomly experienceable yawing.
2., I didn't notice the former randomly experienceable side displacement of the MA by moving the camera tilt button.
3., bad news: video lag was very strong at 200 meters distance and 100 meters height.
4. after 300 meters the connection with the RC was temporarily lost, then back again. It happened more times. Once MA started RTH., but I cancelled and controlled myself.

These are my today observations. I am trying to fly more and share my influneces.
Thank you.

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Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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upgraded as well. Use a non-listed-devic (miMax2), my experience:

- no video lag,
- no disconnects,
- no sideways flying,
- yes, unwanted/controlled yaw displacement to the left (very quick and just once).

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

JJBspark Posted at 2018-9-30 10:44

upgraded as well. Use a non-listed-devic (miMax2), my experience:


you are lucky.... anyway I wish you good flight.
best wishes
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Flight distance : 2621982 ft

I have same problem as you with video lag. After 50 meters from me i´ve got strong video lag that was on open area (5.8 GHz) and every 3-5 seconds RC disconected from AC and reconnected. After switched battery same problem and i one thing helped me "change from video mode to photo mode and back". After that no video lag on distance 1KM only tested . (Sorry for my bad english)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

LookAt_Wictim Posted at 2018-9-30 12:14
I have same problem as you with video lag. After 50 meters from me i´ve got strong video lag that was on open area (5.8 GHz) and every 3-5 seconds RC disconected from AC and reconnected. After switched battery same problem and i one thing helped me "change from video mode to photo mode and back". After that no video lag on distance 1KM only tested . (Sorry for my bad english)

Thank You for your response,
Tomorrow I will try your "change from video mode to photo mode and back" method and I will report on it.  
Wish you a good flight
P.S. I love my MA, but I would have really appreciated the requested waypoint function. I can live without this, it would be a cream on the cake.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 664534 ft

I'll add a couple of data points to this discussion. After upgrading the firmware on the Mavic Air and remote control, I took the drone out for two test flights. In both cases, the drone experienced disconnections (which I've rarely seen in the past). The first time it happened, the connection came back on its own in about 30 seconds or less, and the rest of the flight was normal. In the second case, a few seconds after the disconnection the remote displayed a message that the drone would RTH due to the loss of signal, but after another 30 seconds or so, the connection came back and once again the flight ended normally.

In both test flights, the drone was never at more than 800 feet horizontal distance and no more than 300 feet in altitude.

I can't report about any bugs that were or weren't squashed with the firmware updates, since I never experienced any of the listed bugs.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

i flown 5x today and i have some worrying issues with my mavic air.  im not sure whats going on.  tested on both iPhones X and LG V10.. tested on both Auto and custom channels.  using a anker charge cable over full size USB port..reverted all my settings and i made sure everything was right was not set to land or hover on signal loss, my RTH alt is set to 75M to clear anything maybe in the way.. ya know how it is..

1. signal is noticeably weaker quality for me.  i am in FCC mode and in america so not even trickery thing for FCC mode that maybe broken..  i am seeing unreasonable amount of chop in my video and blockiness at times. same on iPhone X and my LG V10  (i will try again in another area another day, maybe today in this area isnt ideal)

2. my RTH on no signal failed!  it did initiate and begin but it just hovered there staring in my direction and refused my controller inputs, clicking the X seemed to work then it got stuck again and froze up..  also this happened not very far away from me... 500 feet away and i taken that same route before never had issues!  also strangely in the app, it showing 1-2 bars of 2.4Ghz signal, even with my custom channel on 5.8Ghz.  (same issue on both devices, iPhone however did not show 2.4Ghz on status bar like android did)

3.  low battery RTH failed as well on 2 events..  1st time it failed it just kept popping up it wants to begin RTH..i click return and it popped up again asking with 10 seconds restarted.. not cool i had to fly with that popup opening counting down closing then opening back up again...this was on andriod version, so next flight switched to iOS..   2nd time it did it it started its RTH routine exactly like it should no popups or anything then it paused itself facing my direction and not moving in any direction..  

apart from all those unnerving issues above.  it seemed to fly normally otherwise.  avoidance and apas work good, it flies straight and true not freaking out about wind or anything..
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 2018-9-30 13:43
i flown 5x today and i have some worrying issues with my mavic air.  im not sure whats going on.  tested on both iPhones X and LG V10.. tested on both Auto and custom channels.  using a anker charge cable over full size USB port..reverted all my settings and i made sure everything was right was not set to land or hover on signal loss, my RTH alt is set to 75M to clear anything maybe in the way.. ya know how it is..

1. signal is noticeably weaker quality for me.  i am in FCC mode and in america so not even trickery thing for FCC mode that maybe broken..  i am seeing unreasonable amount of chop in my video and blockiness at times. same on iPhone X and my LG V10  (i will try again in another area another day, maybe today in this area isnt ideal)

Something wrong with number 2, loss of signal RTH , if your signal is lost you don’t have an option of pressing X button.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-30 13:49
Something wrong with number 2, loss of signal RTH , if your signal is lost you don’t have an option of pressing X button.

i had the X option on the far left side of the screen..  my signal isn't fully lost either only blipped and initiated its thing turned towards me and just stopped like hard locked and dropping in and out i dont know if it was being jammed or what... and refused me anything from the sticks.. rebooting the controller allowed me to get it out of the air.
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Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 2018-9-30 13:57
i had the X option on the far left side of the screen..  my signal isn't fully lost either only blipped and initiated its thing turned towards me and just stopped... and refused me anything from the sticks.. rebooting the controller allowed me to get it out of the air.

You said signal lost on RTH , if that’s the case you don’t have option of X, if you do have option of X then your signal is not lost, and even if your signal is not lost then your craft cannot go to RTH without you pressing RTH .
When signal is lost from radio it means you can not communicate to Aircraft by any means not radio not app nothing,
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Flight distance : 158845 ft

I think they fixed Wifi issue where you had to reset wifi settings each time you want to fly with phone only.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-9-30 14:02
You said signal lost on RTH , if that’s the case you don’t have option of X, if you do have option of X then your signal is not lost, and even if your signal is not lost then your craft cannot go to RTH without you pressing RTH .
When signal is lost from radio it means you can not communicate to Aircraft by any means not radio not app nothing,

i can only tell you what happened. im not arguing what was or is supposed to occur, just did happen with me....   

status was "Aircraft Disconnected" then ~beepbeep...beepbeep~  with vocal prompt "go home" and status saying the same at the top, it rotated towards me and just faced my location and did nothing.  didnt go up or down, left right forward or backwards.      it showed a red circle with white X on it.. suggesting i can cancel RTH...i clicked that button.

the aircraft disconnected status only lasted 1 second or about that the video signal was absolutely unusable mess of blockiness and dropped frames..  this was only 500 feet away.

i am going to test this out some more tomorrow in another location, just incase someone was jamming or some issues with signal in general in the area i was flying aroubd test today, normally i have no issues however but, wifi based signal and a dynamic enviroment... who knows
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Jerry Seon
Flight distance : 326457 ft


I will update later, due to all this problems
after seeing some other reviews
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First Officer
Flight distance : 573054 ft
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Jerry Seon Posted at 2018-9-30 21:06
I will update later, due to all this problems
after seeing some other reviews

I had no issues with my MA after upgrade. Flys perfectly, and while managing a strong wind too. Tested out various effect videos (asteroid etc) and all good.
I do what I always do - update, reset to factory default, and update again. Then calibrate VPS and then gimbal. Also updated the RC twice.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

Punchbuggy Posted at 2018-9-30 21:15
I had no issues with my MA after upgrade. Flys perfectly, and while managing a strong wind too. Tested out various effect videos (asteroid etc) and all good.
I do what I always do - update, reset to factory default, and update again. Then calibrate VPS and then gimbal. Also updated the RC twice.

Hi Punchbuggy,

thanks for the response. I will upgrade again both of the equipment. Factory reset was done, but not the repeated update/upgrade. I will give a try.

Thanks for the advice.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

Punchbuggy Posted at 2018-9-30 21:15
I had no issues with my MA after upgrade. Flys perfectly, and while managing a strong wind too. Tested out various effect videos (asteroid etc) and all good.
I do what I always do - update, reset to factory default, and update again. Then calibrate VPS and then gimbal. Also updated the RC twice.

Has anybody problem with RC's factory reset thru Assistant 2? In my case Assistant sends an error massage and doesn't perform factory reset.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 2018-9-30 16:40
i can only tell you what happened. im not arguing what was or is supposed to occur, just did happen with me....   

status was "Aircraft Disconnected" then ~beepbeep...beepbeep~  with vocal prompt "go home" and status saying the same at the top, it rotated towards me and just faced my location and did nothing.  didnt go up or down, left right forward or backwards.      it showed a red circle with white X on it.. suggesting i can cancel RTH...i clicked that button.


i did some tests with my Spark in july; flew in OPTI mode (GPS reception hampered with alu foil) and did a RTH....
Ofcourse not possible but my RC started to beep Beep-Beep-B...ect   like it was performing a RTH!

Ofcourse you cannot do a RTH when disconnect buy does the RC knows this??  


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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

JJBspark Posted at 2018-10-1 00:10

i did some tests with my Spark in july; flew in OPTI mode (GPS reception hampered with alu foil) and did a RTH....

This was a it self initiating RTH on signal loss (Aircraft disconnected status) and within same instant it came back with a broken live view and controller beeping.  The controller wasn’t beeping until status switched itself to “Go Home” but it was all at the same time.  There was no 3 second time out or anything was all within same instantly really.

Another side question.  Is there any reason my RC now beeping at me moment I boot it up the first time..?  If I reboot the controller the beeping stops and everything acts normal.. the beeping reminds me of when you don’t have sticks lined up right or have them unplugged internally.  Never done that before this update.  Do you suspect maybe software issue or hardware issue.  The range issue and this beeping issue has me worried that this update messed up my controller or something..

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First Officer
Flight distance : 689334 ft
South Africa

Updated firmware of both RC and Air. Flew 4 x batteries, with only video freeze and lag at around 1100 meters. (and yes, I could go more than the general 500 meters for me, whoop whoop.)

RC disconnected once, and did not want to re connect, so it RTH and landed around 1 meter from take off point. Good. (Had disconnection issues at almost every second flight before.)
Drone connection to RC is faster, and no problems so far. Had a problem to connect before, powering off the drone, rc then the drone again, before it linked properly.
Improvement so far. More stable in the air, no continuous disconnection problems, and I did not need to calibrate the compass once.

Beeping on RC still annoying, was hoping for gimbal up and down setting, and a way to NOT charge the phone with RC.............please DJI, read and take in.

I did not test any quick shot modes etc.
Problem, that I noticed and wonder if anyone else have it now. I extend gimbal limit, as I want the extra area in the sky, but the gimbal keeps on falling down, while flying, and when taking pictures. Goes back to the middle position.

Thanks DJI, now please also give us a few nice things to keep us smiling. That new feature on the RC and SS is a huge step in the right direction. Keep it up.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 689334 ft
South Africa

Typical female, I am not done yet. I enjoy flying my Mavic Air, for the first time, without any stress, problems etc when I tested it over the weekend. Have the Air for 6 months, FIRST time I take real pleasure from it. This is what and how it should be.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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Charissa Posted at 2018-10-1 01:36
Typical female, I am not done yet. I enjoy flying my Mavic Air, for the first time, without any stress, problems etc when I tested it over the weekend. Have the Air for 6 months, FIRST time I take real pleasure from it. This is what and how it should be.

Great news, hopefully not to much problems, maybe some new features will arrive with SW.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 689334 ft
South Africa

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-10-1 01:43
Great news, hopefully not to much problems, maybe some new features will arrive with SW.

I am smiling again.
Any idea about the gimbal going back to the middle position? Would like to know what is going on.
Can take one shot with extended gimbal, but not AEB, 3 shots. It will level itself after only one shot. Also, will level itself in video, as soon as I start flying.

Ideas, settings, any help?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 2018-10-1 01:13
This was a it self initiating RTH on signal loss (Aircraft disconnected status) and within same instant it came back with a broken live view and controller beeping.  The controller wasn’t beeping until status switched itself to “Go Home” but it was all at the same time.  There was no 3 second time out or anything was all within same instantly really.

Another side question.  Is there any reason my RC now beeping at me moment I boot it up the first time..?  If I reboot the controller the beeping stops and everything acts normal.. the beeping reminds me of when you don’t have sticks lined up right or have them unplugged internally.  Never done that before this update.  Do you suspect maybe software issue or hardware issue.  The range issue and this beeping issue has me worried that this update messed up my controller or something..

Sorry, i have less knowledge about RC beeping when started the first time etc.

I am always surprised that so many people have all kind of problems with the app, or drone, or disconnects, or only low distance flying ....

I use 1 non listed mobile device, fly always with a screen recorder active (so more procc power needed) and have no real problems whatsoever. (only that little yaw glitch after takeoff)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

JJBspark Posted at 2018-10-1 01:56
Sorry, i have less knowledge about RC beeping when started the first time etc.

I am always surprised that so many people have all kind of problems with the app, or drone, or disconnects, or only low distance flying ....

.".....have no real problems " ......
I am yellow of your plain, after yesterday flying I wasn't really convinced, even I felt real doubtfulness to trust what I saw on my phone because of the video lag. Maximum flight distance was about 300 meters, meanwhile initiated auto RTH, etc. Today I refreshed / made factory reset / (except RC, I couldn't) and will fly again, perhaps with more success. Thank you
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Flight distance : 694728 ft
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United States

Punchbuggy Posted at 2018-9-30 21:15
I had no issues with my MA after upgrade. Flys perfectly, and while managing a strong wind too. Tested out various effect videos (asteroid etc) and all good.
I do what I always do - update, reset to factory default, and update again. Then calibrate VPS and then gimbal. Also updated the RC twice.

The fact that you have to do all that to be sure the update "takes" is just more than a little ridiculous, don't you think?  I've never even thought about having to do that with any other DJI product.
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Flight distance : 694728 ft
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United States

kovat53 Posted at 2018-9-30 23:47
Has anybody problem with RC's factory reset thru Assistant 2? In my case Assistant sends an error massage and doesn't perform factory reset.

I've never been able to do a factory reset on the RC.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

WayneMHK Posted at 2018-10-1 04:21
I've never been able to do a factory reset on the RC.

Not me, thank you for your response.
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InvisibleName 7
Second Officer
Flight distance : 795653 ft

3 full batteries worth of flying with .0500 FW this evening...

...flew perfectly!

Went out to 1000m with completely stable video feed
Hovered without any drift
Several auto flight functions tested
No disconnections at any time

Combined Function key & gimbal wheel controls exposure setting - very useful!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

InvisibleName 7 Posted at 2018-10-1 09:14
3 full batteries worth of flying with .0500 FW this evening...

...flew perfectly!

May I ask you, did you fly under FCC or EC,.2.4 or 5.8 Ghz.Thanks.
Use props
Flight distance : 23698 ft

Two batteries use today with no problems, didn't have any previously either so must be lucky.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

DonB1 Posted at 2018-10-1 09:51
Two batteries use today with no problems, didn't have any previously either so must be lucky.

Good to hear...... I wish you more lucky flights .....
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 664534 ft

Another day, another test flight. Same location, same conditions as before.

I flew the drone up to about 330 feet, then flew it 1,000 feet (not meters) to the northwest. It got to 1,080 feet in horizontal distance, then the remote announced "Signal Lost - Returning to Home" or something very similar. After maybe 30 seconds, the drone and remote reconnected, and the drone performed an RTH. Viewing the flight log afterward, I saw that the reconnection occurred at a distance of about 900 feet.

I also received a very brief "Strong Aircraft Interference" warning with the drone about 330 feet up and 500 feet distant, with nothing at all (not even trees) nearby, but that disappeared after a second or so.

Before the firmware update, I was easily able to fly the drone three times farther than that horizontally, now it consistently loses signal at about 1,000 feet.

I can no longer trust the drone to go more than about 1,000 feet away without risking losing the signal. This has happened all three times I've tried flying it that far away.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

larryc43230 Posted at 2018-10-1 09:55
Another day, another test flight. Same location, same conditions as before.

I flew the drone up to about 330 feet, then flew it 1,000 feet (not meters) to the northwest. It got to 1,080 feet in horizontal distance, then the remote announced "Signal Lost - Returning to Home" or something very similar. After maybe 30 seconds, the drone and remote reconnected, and the drone performed an RTH. Viewing the flight log afterward, I saw that the reconnection occurred at a distance of about 900 feet.

I am sorry to say, I feel the same way after similar issues.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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larryc43230 Posted at 2018-10-1 09:55
Another day, another test flight. Same location, same conditions as before.

I flew the drone up to about 330 feet, then flew it 1,000 feet (not meters) to the northwest. It got to 1,080 feet in horizontal distance, then the remote announced "Signal Lost - Returning to Home" or something very similar. After maybe 30 seconds, the drone and remote reconnected, and the drone performed an RTH. Viewing the flight log afterward, I saw that the reconnection occurred at a distance of about 900 feet.

Well you can just roll back FW,
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InvisibleName 7
Second Officer
Flight distance : 795653 ft

kovat53 Posted at 2018-10-1 09:44
May I ask you, did you fly under FCC or EC,.2.4 or 5.8 Ghz.Thanks.

FCC mode and auto, so didn’t note which frequency band it was in
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 324521 ft

InvisibleName 7 Posted at 2018-10-1 10:34
FCC mode and auto, so didn’t note which frequency band it was in

Thank you very much. I fly under EC, so distance and height are (could be) half of yours.
Use props
Flight distance : 11844 ft
United States

larryc43230 Posted at 2018-10-1 09:55
Another day, another test flight. Same location, same conditions as before.

I flew the drone up to about 330 feet, then flew it 1,000 feet (not meters) to the northwest. It got to 1,080 feet in horizontal distance, then the remote announced "Signal Lost - Returning to Home" or something very similar. After maybe 30 seconds, the drone and remote reconnected, and the drone performed an RTH. Viewing the flight log afterward, I saw that the reconnection occurred at a distance of about 900 feet.

This is why I am holding off on doing the firmware  and app update.  My drone works great right now and I am afraid if I update, I am going to be having the same problems that many of are experiencing.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

JJBspark Posted at 2018-10-1 01:56
Sorry, i have less knowledge about RC beeping when started the first time etc.

I am always surprised that so many people have all kind of problems with the app, or drone, or disconnects, or only low distance flying ....

no problem, i took apart my controller and everything was internally connected properly, i re-tapped down antenna wiring and added a dab of silastic on connectors on the board for the antennas.. those seem like most loose thing.   even with all that done the beeping glitch i get continued.. so im kinda convinced this update made my controller at-least unhappy

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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
  • >>>
United States

larryc43230 Posted at 2018-10-1 09:55
Another day, another test flight. Same location, same conditions as before.

I flew the drone up to about 330 feet, then flew it 1,000 feet (not meters) to the northwest. It got to 1,080 feet in horizontal distance, then the remote announced "Signal Lost - Returning to Home" or something very similar. After maybe 30 seconds, the drone and remote reconnected, and the drone performed an RTH. Viewing the flight log afterward, I saw that the reconnection occurred at a distance of about 900 feet.

i did a few flights today as well, most of my flights where in a low interference areas.. i continued to also suffer from low range issues as well since this update....  600-1000 feet was my sort of range today, normally i can push it out there 2-3 miles in the same area.  in this area signal was almost completely unusable today. however all the various return to home featured worked like they are supposed to.   

i then took it back to same test area i was at yesterday and it was just as bad as it was yesterday i admit the area is peppered with wifi from buildings and houses but never been an issue before.    barely any range now... its a real struggle at times..  and RTH featured this time seemed to mostly work, both a rielf but also worrying.. because its potentially intermittant issue which means harder to track down the root cause.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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HereForTheBeer Posted at 2018-10-1 13:00
i did a few flights today as well, most of my flights where in a low interference areas.. i continued to also suffer from low range issues as well since this update....  600-1000 feet was my sort of range today, normally i can push it out there 2-3 miles in the same area.  in this area signal was almost completely unusable today. however all the various return to home featured worked like they are supposed to.   

i then took it back to same test area i was at yesterday and it was just as bad as it was yesterday i admit the area is peppered with wifi from buildings and houses but never been an issue before.    barely any range now... its a real struggle at times..  and RTH featured this time seemed to mostly work, both a rielf but also worrying.. because its potentially intermittant issue which means harder to track down the root cause.

Can you post the flight logs,
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