Inspire 2
1162 3 2018-10-3
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 529836 ft
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United States

DJ I cannot seem to come up with one good reason why they cannot correct the firmware on the inspire too. It’s been a disaster for several people, but they keep Releasing new product without fixing existing products. I really don’t wanna hear any excuses anymore I just want the Firmware fixed. So maybe the inspire two could be as stable as the Mavic pro to that was just released. I think it’s a joke that a $1500 drone can outperform a $5000 drone. Where are your work ethics? Do you have any at all? DJI is becoming nothing but a bunch of Common  thieves. Does this sound familiar delay delay delay.
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Elektrica Atellani
Flight distance : 9674836 ft
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All said and done and despite bugs here and there, the I2 is such a kick ass bird, and I cannot help myself...I still prefer it over everything else. I know there're bugs, but despite those warning messages, it still flies like a champ and it takes footage that is gorgeous. Other DJI drones are cheaper, easier, more perfect, possibly more reliable, but at the end of the day, the true love is the I2. BTW...And no matter what it's the best looking of them all.My Phantom and Mavic 2 always end up in the closet and the I2 takes over the entire trunk of my car. I love that bird.
This said, you make a good point
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DJI Tony

Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience that it caused. I would like to ask what are the challenges that you experienced on using the latest firmware of your Inspire 2? Please let us know so that we can assist you further. Thank you for the support.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

The I2 looks like an amazing drone (overall)
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