Second Officer
Flight distance : 5036 ft
QuadFunAus Posted at 2018-10-28 21:21
I believe the idea behind the RTH taking the last flown route home during a loss of signal is that it knows this route is safe and obstacle-free. Remember during a loss of signal you have no video transmission, so if there happens to be a large obstacle in a straight line between the drone and the controller, obstacle avoidance would probably kick in and the drone would just stop and hover until it ran out of battery. With no video feed or telemetry, you wouldn't know this is happening. That's why once you regain signal, it stops so you now have an option based on video and telemetry.
As for return RTH button, I believe you press and hold to activate RTH, not just a quick press. At least that's what I remember from reading the manual when I first got the MA. Unless loss of signal, I always fly home manual, via VLOS, radar or map.
Hope this helps!
Yes, yes, QuadFunAus. You are right and I’m stupid. But what I want to say, is – if I made a decision that flying home is safe at RTH height and invoked a RTH, then whatever happens between AC and controller, it MUST to return (except when I cancel it) directly to home point, not activating failsafe return, as this can be dangerous as when battery energy lowers, it will anyway start directly to fly to home point and in this time there may be already obstacles in the way… But what I know – DJI is a god and god bless him or her blind followers… |