DJI Support
Flight distance : 2408 ft
Hong Kong
To provide users with a more stable device connection experience, we have fully updated the iOS’ MFI hardware connection service, speeding up the connection to the remote controller and making it more stable. Also, the devices will be more stable when hot-plugging.
As iOS’ MFI connection is only available for iOS 10 or higher, DJI GO 4 v4.3.4 and after will no longer support iOS 9.
For iOS users, it is recommended that:
- For iOS 9 users, please update the device to iOS 10 or higher. So you can use the DJI GO 4 and enjoy a better experience.
- If you still want to use iOS 9, then you can download DJI GO 4 v4.3.3 from the App Store and use this version.
- If you purchase a Mavic 2 series product after 5th November, it is recommended that you update the mobile device to iOS 10 or higher, and use DJI GO 4 version 4.3.4 or higher. Users of iOS 9 may be affected as they won’t be able to use newer versions of DJI GO 4.
To ensure DJI GO 4’s performance on supported Android devices, the lowest applicable version will be changed to Android 5.0. Android DJI GO 4 v4.3.4 and versions after will no longer support Android v4.4 or prior versions.
For Android users, it is recommended that:
- For users of Android V4.4 or prior, please update the system to Android 5.0 or above. So you can use DJI GO 4 and enjoy a better experience.
- If you still want use Android 4.4 or prior, then you can download DJI GO 4 v4.3.2 through an official channel (official website, Google Play) and use this version.