United Kingdom
I am happy to report that PanGazer 1.01 is now available at speleotrove.com/pangazer/.
PanGazer is a free (and advert-free) Windows application for viewing images and panoramas, including the 360° spherical panoramas as captured by drones such as the Mavic series.
PanGazer features:
- PanGazer detects spherical 360° panoramas automatically and you can pan around them easily, but you can also use it for viewing non-spherical panoramas and other images.
- When viewing ‘hemispherical’ panoramas (e.g., drone panoramas, which typically cover 30° above the horizon and 90° below) PanGazer will automatically set the correct horizon.
- You can save views to disk to extract individual photographs from a panorama. Unlike a screenshot, the saved image includes data such as the effective lens focal length of the view, the camera tilt and also, if known, the location and bearing and other metadata of the saved image.
- In general, PanGazer tracks image geometry; for example, when zooming in while viewing an image the equivalent focal length of the view you are seeing is displayed.
- If an image is geotagged you can show its location on a map in several ways (including Google Satellite or regular Maps, MapGazer, or Google Earth). You can also save the location as a GPX or KML file.
- You can set North for any 360° image, to add compass points (N, S, etc.) to a view to give a sense of direction.
- Multiple views (windows) are supported – you can view different images, or the the same image, from multiple angles and zooms at the same time. For example, you can compare still images with views projected from a panorama.
- Strong viewing enhancements (brightness, etc.) are available to help you identify features of interest.
- PanGazer uses a fast multi-threaded implementation of the gnomonic projection which reduces apparent distortion of horizontals and verticals. Interpolation is used to improve the display of zoomed or low-resolution images.
Mike Cowlishaw (speleotrove.com/mfc/)