Flight distance : 391493 ft
HIGH RES pictures available on PANORAMAS (no matter it's a 9 or up to 27 pics you've taken.)
Finally something is moving and DJI worked on it!
I did not red the release note if there where some... (I do attach the last update history. Just information on DJI GO update list on App Store for iOS, and nothing was mentioned about Panorama keeping now all uncompressed photos (phone resolution & sizes) and give the possibility to same them and stitch them with external software and getting a high resolution image at the end.
I've tried it out and now it's what we needed.A small and LowRes Stitched picture is saved on your device to see result almost live, and all photos in normal resolution (as your phone camera res allows it) available to be copied to your device to get a high Res and probably also stitched better image.
Thank's DJI!!
You should have probably made this feature more noticeable and in the list of improvements of DJI GO app update.
Below last update features of DJI GO app. No mention of this new feature, so much expected.

I Also put a feedback in this thread,
But to give some more visibility (I think it`s worth) I started also a new one.
Cheers DJI