First Officer
United States
HereForTheBeer Posted at 12-19 01:16
i bet that's why kids are learning more coding and drone use too.. probably push for military and space stuff. nasa has their remote operations stuff and their drones on other planets and always testing new things looking for new talent (not just nasa but other space agencies too!) and the military loves new technology and drones and military go together almost as well as guns and the military many many uses for drones without even mentioning their lethal use. like having an eye on the battlefield before stepping foot into it, having a watchful eye while you kit up for shut eye having another vantage point and locating the enemy in the fog of battle,
now its just my theory which at-least makes sense.. probably some connection
If they were programming drones to fly from point A to B or a specified route, I could see it helping students with their futures. Not so sure about how hands-on Joystick time is helping them. Maybe as a career in military flying small reconnaissance drones.
When it comes to NASA, drones on planets or outer space, the pilot would need to be within say 5,000 miles of drones. Otherwise transmission delays would make human control an issue. Reason military has LEO Satellites vs. public's internet satellites setting 22,500 miles up.
Really believe students would be better served learning how to program & debug, writing man pages & mgmt reports, and filing expense reports & IRS 1040s... |