Flight distance : 4028425 ft
United States
I have a new M210 RTK which has never flown and I'm using a CrystalSky. After booting everything up in the proper order and starting DJI Pilot, which is updated to the functional (non-beta) version, I have a Cannot Take Off message in the upper left-hand portion of the screen. There is no clue in the App as to why. Going down the checklist, all parameters indicate "normal."
I have re-calibrated the IMU and compass, just to be sure. There is no "Aircraft Locked" message, as I seen reported elsewhere on this forum, nor is there any indication of a battery problem. I've updated the firmware of both aircraft and batteries.
I do find a "WEAK RTK SIGNAL" message.
I do live about 2 miles from a medium-sized airport - Class E airspace and I know that my No-Fly-Zone data is upt to date. Could the problem be that simple (although there is no specific indication of that issue in the app) or am I looking at another problem?