Compass Calibration LED Flash Sequence
2503 6 2015-6-4
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Hopefully someone can enlighten me on this. There was a time, and I think it was before I upgraded to 3.14, when I would perform a compass calibration on my Phantom 2 V2 and the sequence would go as follows:
1. Do the horizontal spin and have solid green LEDs.
2. Do the vertical spin and get 1 flash of a green LED, 3 flashes of the red LED, a series of green LED flashes for 3 seconds or so, then the phantom would go into the satellite status indication. 3 red flashes followed by 1 green flash

Now I notice the following after the vertical spin.
3 Flashes of the red LED, a series of green flashes 3 seconds or so, then the satellite status.
I no longer get the initial green flashe after the vertical spin.

What does your Phantom do after the vertical spin? Thanks for your input.

(Edit) I am in NAZA mode.
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This is what it should do:
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Flight distance : 11099 ft
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Offline Posted at 2015-6-5 02:36
This is what it should do:

Thanks. I guess I am unsure of what is Normal LED indication. I have had compass calibration failure, at least I believe it was a failure because after the vertical spin I got continuous flashing red LEDs. I never have gotten the red and yellow
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United States

seems your 1,2 list is showing perfect calibration.

i think you need yell/red alternate to show fail.

i think ur #2 is perfect:  after vert comp pass, it goes to normal leds:  3 red then grn showing <4 sat locks, then it does the COMPASS LOCK, showing the flashes of green, then bk to sat lock indication again.
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yorlik Posted at 2015-6-5 06:51
seems your 1,2 list is showing perfect calibration.

i think you need yell/red alternate to show fai ...


I'm still on 3.12 and I'm getting what Ray first wrote:

"1. Do the horizontal spin and have solid green LEDs.
2. Do the vertical spin and get 1 flash of a green LED, 3 flashes of the red LED, a series of green LED flashes for 3 seconds or so, then the phantom would go into the satellite status indication. 3 red flashes followed by 1 green flash"

Is it your opinion that this is correct? PhantomHelp supplied the instructions in the manual. I guess the question really is: What is "Normal LED" as shown in the diagram? I have always gotten a "green flash" followed by 3 "red flashes" as Ray first noted. As far as I know I have not had any compass issues. Now I'm getting confused.



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United States

I really dont want to do a compass calibration since my unit is working fine....  It seems to me those who do calibrations often have fly aways mostly, so if it ainnt broke, I dont want to fix it....

but I will tomorrow.  seems to me compass cal or no cal, we get green/red/red/red withl sats lock <4, then green/red/red for 4 then green/red for 5, then green green for 6 and up.  sometime along the way during all this we get the 3 sec quick green flashes - telling us compass lock.  then after 6 sat locks, another set of green 3 sec flashes for home lock.

why dont you believe those green 3sec quuick flashes is compas lock?

why dont you try keeping unit vertical after it is satisfied with comp cal, it goes to green/red/red/red  over and over, and maybe it will never get comp lock if you keep it vertical?  that could convince you it is normal?  delay the green 3sec flashes by not letting it do comp lock until you make it horizoontal?
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United States

So I just did compass cal a dozen times on my p2v3+      got exactly same response as you!

I have stuck with 3.08 fw but I dont think that matters.

I get the solid yellow to begin.  
do the hor. ccw rotate and get solid green
do the vertical ccw rotate and go immediately into NORMAL LED:  ie., two quick gree then 3 quick red, indicating I am in my workshop with NO GPS.  over and over same 2g, 3r.

I think if it fails you will get the red/yel as manual states.  
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