DJI Certified Refurbished Batteries
10330 19 2019-4-2
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

OK...I saw a similar post regarding this but the question, for me, never got answered. I know that a lot of companies sell product refurbished because it was defective and came back and they fixed it and can no longer be sold as new, right?

So my question is when it comes to DJI Intelligent Flight batteries does this also hold true?

Screenshot from Amazon

Screenshot from Amazon
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

The only way you can refurbish a LiPo is if it needed repair ... such as cable joint, plug, or in DJI packs - a new board fitted to it.

Imagine how many packs get returned due to non cell fault ......

There are no ways to refurb actual cells ......... LiPo cell damage or fault is irreparable.

But yes - it is perfectly feasible to refurb a battery pack but not cells.
Final comment : Nowhere in that Amazon page does it say GENUINE DJI battery ... what it says is 'Looks like' ....
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

solentlife Posted at 4-2 06:41
The only way you can refurbish a LiPo is if it needed repair ... such as cable joint, plug, or in DJI packs - a new board fitted to it.

Imagine how many packs get returned due to non cell fault ......

Thanks...I have returned a few batteries myself because they came DOA...and they were may have been something besides cell damage (who knows)...I just find it interesting...I could see the scenarios you mentioned and then it being sold "refurbished".

Generally speaking, I haven't bought any of those...mine were all bought brand new out of the box...DJI batteries.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

Suck it and see .........  you may be onto a winner !
There is a 90 day warranty.
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Tree Wolf
Flight distance : 451119 ft
United States

it's amazon prime, plus it's sold by dji amazon, you can return it if you don't like it or if it doesn't have a dji serial number.
back feb this year I decided against buying this dji refurbished battery and bought 2 from dji directly.

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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

Tree Wolf Posted at 4-3 10:23
it's amazon prime, plus it's sold by dji amazon, you can return it if you don't like it or if it doesn't have a dji serial number.
back feb this year I decided against buying this dji refurbished battery and bought 2 from dji directly.

My biggest concern is not the return is my drone loosing power from a faulty battery and falling out of the sky...something I would like to actively avoid...LOL
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

KennyB Posted at 4-3 10:56
My biggest concern is not the return is my drone loosing power from a faulty battery and falling out of the sky...something I would like to actively avoid...LOL

Falling out of sky ......

Personally - I could be wrong - but given that I know about 10 DJI owners with approximately 30 batterys overall. Near all those 10 incl myself have ONE original battery ... all the rest are 3rd party. NO-ONE has had any failures except one ORIGINAL battery ... we pulled it apart after it failed as a pack to find out all we could about the internals.
I accept that all batterys I mention in this post are P3 packs.
I also accept that as far as I know - none are Refurb.

But the suggestion I make is that claims of falling out of sky due to non OEM battery - I find hard to accept. Trouble is when the AC crashes - its hard to actually pinpoint the real cause, even with log files. You can make an educated supported guess.
But I also believe its easy to blame the pack instead of oneself.

Now I suppose the usual 'antagonists' will have a go at me for daring to be different.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

There's nowt like a good battery discussion to warm up the forum !  LOL
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

solentlife Posted at 4-3 11:21
Falling out of sky ......

Personally - I could be wrong - but given that I know about 10 DJI owners with approximately 30 batterys overall. Near all those 10 incl myself have ONE original battery ... all the rest are 3rd party. NO-ONE has had any failures except one ORIGINAL battery ... we pulled it apart after it failed as a pack to find out all we could about the internals.

I am not proposing that it would lead to it "falling out of the sky" but I have heard and maybe just rumor of drones loosing power and falling out of the sky...that is the reference I am making. If that is unfounded than great. I guess I am just proceeding cautiously. I have only had a DJI phantom for almost a year and, knock on wood, no issues. That said I have only bought DJI original batteries, non 3rd party and none refurbished...I would like to save a little money if possible but not at the cost of my bird.

If you have had success that is great to hear...I haven't heard many people discuss this or their success of failure with refurbished or 3rd party batteries...which is why I created this post.

I am looking for advice, warnings, success and failures before I go one way or the other.
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

Manxmann Posted at 4-4 00:44
There's nowt like a good battery discussion to warm up the forum !  LOL

So true...LOL
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

KennyB Posted at 4-4 01:57
I am not proposing that it would lead to it "falling out of the sky" but I have heard and maybe just rumor of drones loosing power and falling out of the sky...that is the reference I am making. If that is unfounded than great. I guess I am just proceeding cautiously. I have only had a DJI phantom for almost a year and, knock on wood, no issues. That said I have only bought DJI original batteries, non 3rd party and none refurbished...I would like to save a little money if possible but not at the cost of my bird.

If you have had success that is great to hear...I haven't heard many people discuss this or their success of failure with refurbished or 3rd party batteries...which is why I created this post.

Absolutely agree with you.

For peace of mind - many people prefer to find genuine new batterys and only use them. That's fine and I for one do not 'knock it'.

I also understand like myself - I want to find a successful avenue that saves me 'lubricating my wallet' or as I see it with many things in life - paying for a name !

There are reports of bad 3rd party batterys.

There are odd reports of bad genuine batterys - many I think may be due to shelf time at dealers ...

Its a hotly contentious subject with quite a divisive nature to it.

Another site way back ran a poll to try and gauge the situation ... initially it steered to favour the genuine, but as time went on - it slowly veered to the non genuine. Just before it shut down - sadly now lost so I cannot link to it ... it came out near equal !!
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

solentlife Posted at 4-4 04:30
Absolutely agree with you.

For peace of mind - many people prefer to find genuine new batterys and only use them. That's fine and I for one do not 'knock it'.

I agree. I am happy to buy refurbished vs. new if I can have some piece of mind...I have done so with other things just not things that fly through the air.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

A genuine DJI battery ?  Do DJI actually manufacture the battery or get them made by a contractor ?  No doubt if it's the latter,  there would be standards to be met,  but .. .. .. .. ?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

It is common knowledge that Chinese factories have for years not only produced OEM on licence - but also knock off sideline versions as well in many items ... sport shoes ... mobile phones ... cameras .... literally nothing escapes the clone brigade.
Famous brand companies basically complain but because of the profit margins they enjoy .. production costs vs retail pricing - they let it go.

Close friend of mine was the R&D director of a famous Mobile Phone co. They knew full well that the factory was selling clones with slightly altered name ... so all they could do was to withhold the software programming. The phones themselves were identical internally - having come of same production line.
He was involved in setting up the famous ... send us the serial number of your battery and we will send you a genuine battery to replace it with. I asked him why they wasted so much money doing that ... his reply was that because their Brand Name at the time was #1 ... the publicity and benefit in sales far outweighed the cost of the batterys they sent out. When I asked him about the counterfeit batterys  .... he reckoned they had not found any that did not work correctly !!  In fact majority they believed came of the same licenced production lines.

China is improving - much of the products I provide are Chinese and they rival any others not only in matched quality, but faster or at least on time delivery.
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DJI Stephen

Hello and good day KennyB. Thank you for the inquiry. Based on our official store, we're not selling a refurbished unit, therefore, we couldn't offer a warranty for this said batteries. However, we're providing and offering a warranty claim for refurbished drones that we're offering including the batteries. For further details about after-sales policy and warranty period, please refer to the link below. Kindly keep us posted if you have other concerns. Thank you for understanding.
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Flight distance : 674137 ft
United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 4-5 15:02
Hello and good day KennyB. Thank you for the inquiry. Based on our official store, we're not selling a refurbished unit, therefore, we couldn't offer a warranty for this said batteries. However, we're providing and offering a warranty claim for refurbished drones that we're offering including the batteries. For further details about after-sales policy and warranty period, please refer to the link below. Kindly keep us posted if you have other concerns. Thank you for understanding.

Thank you for the reply and link.
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DJI Stephen

KennyB Posted at 4-8 03:20
Thank you for the reply and link.

You are very much welcome KennyB. If you have any other inquiries or concern with DJI. Please feel free to post it here at DJI Forum. We are all here to help and support you.
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 2019-4-8 12:59
You are very much welcome KennyB. If you have any other inquiries or concern with DJI. Please feel free to post it here at DJI Forum. We are all here to help and support you.

yah but you don't seem to support your older drones with parts, i can't figure out how to order batteries or propellers for my mavi 1 pro....
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Manu P4P Paris
Flight distance : 136483 ft

Manxmann Posted at 2019-4-3 01:00
Suck it and see .........  you may be onto a winner !
There is a 90 day warranty.

yeah, wins who can score highest damage with a crashed drone before before 90 days!
anyway, original battery price is can find it on some shop but the discount would be very stay away from any other ad...of course, the electronic is always a mystery, even new can be fault, but in this case (and most of it) is better spend more and have less possible troubles
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1178793 ft

Manu P4P Paris Posted at 11-23 06:05
yeah, wins who can score highest damage with a crashed drone before before 90 days!
anyway, original battery price is can find it on some shop but the discount would be very stay away from any other ad...of course, the electronic is always a mystery, even new can be fault, but in this case (and most of it) is better spend more and have less possible troubles

I agree,  spend less and get less is not always the best way to go.  
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