#Dronestrategy ITALIAN Travel Drone Strategy
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#Dronestrategy ITALIAN Travel Drone Strategy

#Dronestrategy ITALY What should you know if you want to fly your DRONE IN ITALY

update March 2020

Will the European drone regulations foreseen for 2020 facilitate UAS operations and their authorizations?
Under the link to download a new pdf manual delivered by EASA

In July 2020, EASA will be the new authority across member states of Europe (plus the UK)

Finally the regulations will be harmonized under the same legislator and regulation.
The single authorities of the member states will remain, which will have the task of controlling and divulging the different airspace, permits for the flight of drones or with permanent / temporary prohibitions ... they will issue authorizations, as well as certificates of competence for pilots.

In Italy ENAC has made available the dedicated website for the online training course (pdf manual)and exam (cost 31 euros)
ENAC / EASA certificate of competence valid for 5 years category
A1 -A3  Open Category

Stay tuned ... more update will be available soon

update January 2020
waiting for the new european regulation (easa)
my suggestion about the new rules issued by Italian Aviation Authorities ( ENAC )
link :
at the beginning , this new regulation has generated much confusion ...
to be honest some doubts remain...

Anyway... for the people that are planning to travel in Italy with his friend drone ...
have a quick look at my below suggestion ...

in Italy for hobby use ( non businesses porpose ) ,  even for the Mavic Mini ...

1) - make an aircraft insurance, adequate for use ( insurance is mandatory even for Mavic Mini under 250gr )
insurance is mandatory required for all drones except toy ones, specified use for children
for example even the small DJI Tello must be insured to fly in Italy.

2)  - you don't fly into the city, (150 meters away from the cities)
3)  - 50 meters away from people, minimum safety distance request
4)  - 120 meters of maximum altitude ( check for some area wher maximum altitude can change becouse its position near airport or other area )
5)  - VLOS (visual line of sign) maximum distance 500 horizontal meters ( however how far you can see it , monitor your drone by your eyes )
6) - in summer you don't fly over the beach please ... is forbidden!!!!
7)  - respect privacy ... ask permission to filming  people or inside the property, car license plates, or other personal items that identify the person.
8) - obviously not flying over prisons or military installations. (permission also from the ministry of justice or defense ministry permission required)
9) - Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”
10) - see and avoid in all cases, it is mandatory to give priority to all other aerial vehicles, avoiding interference and when necessary landing with the drone, leaving the airspace free for all other vehicles.
11) - it is forbidden to fly over crowds of people, for processions, sporting events or forms of entertainment or in any case areas where unusual concentrations of people occur.
12) - NEVER fly over parks and nature reserves (you need permission from the body that manages it)

for a drone under 250 gr (like Mavic Mini)
( in Italy for hobby use)
it's not required license or pilot tickets
not registration with the authorities is required
remeber 250 grams becouse for example
Mavic Mini with propeller guard in my opinion is more safe but will be more than 250gr total weight  so, authority's rule will change becouse it's total weight .

it's required
check the d-flight.it website
to see where you can fly check the official website of the Italian authorities.
requires a free registration.
below, link of the instruction manual and website

Italian authorities have established that in Italy the D-flight.it website will provide all the information necessary to fly, such as flight restricted or prohibited areas, maximum altitude, airport safety distance and more ...
this is the website issued by the authorities with legal value ,
d-flight is mandatory to pilots drone to make sure where is possible to fly in safe manner
you will found all information , like , not fly zone , or other limitated area ...
read his USER MANUAL and sign up for free ... easy and very useful

I'm pretty sure , you will enjoy in ITALY  with your DJI DRONE
just pay attention to not disturb other people around you and stay safe
in Italy there are so many cinematographic view , expecially out of city , you can choise the right one at right time ,
you can use the best golden hours to filming and shoot so beautiful panorama

enjoy your holiday and remember you wil be very wellcome there ...
italians are a fantastic people

if you are planning to come to Italy ...
keep following this topic and write me your comments ...
I will try to keep the situation up to date ...

remember that I am not a lawyer but a user like you ...
so check the regulations well and think about having fun ...

if you liked this topic
follow me on my social networks
your every like is truly welcome


UPDATE December 2019  waiting on the coming new EASA rules June 2020
Meantime ENAC  to ensure the free circulation of drones within the Italy ,  has developed new rules.
The approach taken is to apply the frist step in changing to requested EASA new rules. ( transitory rules )

The new Italian rules ensure that drone operators – whether recreational or professional – will have a clear understanding of what is allowed or not.
They will cover each operation type from those not requiring prior permission, to those involving certified aircraft and operators, as well as minimum remote pilot training requirements.

ENAC remotely piloted,  unmanned  aircraft italian rules (2019 Edition 3 ) has arrived

when we are going to read it, we will find
some striking (but pre-said ) differences and some small differences which however will have a significant impact on the economy drones community like ,

- Section VII - Model aircraft ... remained but with a tragic change for those who are not members of recognized associations
( before , the drone hobby use in Italy was under section VII that given more free room for the usuer , pilots of drone )

but now , adding this wording on the definition of model aircraft : "used exclusively in the context of legally recognized organizations." ..
model aircraft " hobby" use  will be excluded any other scenario outside these organizations... and them will be covered by this more below specific new rules ...

- one of more important update , in my opinion is ...the d-flight website , has been ufficialized https://www.d-flight.it/web-app/
from now , this website ( smartphone app ) will be a official reference site where you will find the rules for easy understand where you can flight  ... ( not too bad )

- no medical  examination will be required (fortunately) ...
- but ... will be mandatory a insurance for all unmanned aircraft ( Droni ) in Italy

as already said , there are even many disappointing confirmations of the old regulation as :

still present distinction between hobbies  and professional use of the drone ....
- for Drone hobbies purposes will be required a training course and its examination all online, (but not for drones under 250g like Mavic Mini )

- and still present , a mandatory  training course and examination at the professional and recognized schools for those who use the drone for professional purposes
( all drone even under 250 gr for professional use professional training course and examination )

- great news where VLOS night flight, EVLOS flight and BVLOS flight is allowed

- it will be necessary to have an identification device, but at the same time the transponder will not be required
(I really hope the new DJI Smartphone app will be legally accepted for this use in UE )

- remains the pilots responsibility for the safety of aerial vehicles and the verification of the existence of any provisions issued by the Public Safety Authority for the areas affected by the drone flights operations.
like , local or temporary restrictions maybe not identified on d-flight website

us usual ... MANDATORY ...
- Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”
-  see and avoid in all cases, it is mandatory to give priority to all other aerial vehicles, avoiding interference and when necessary landing with the drone, leaving the airspace free for all other vehicles.
- it is forbidden to fly over crowds of people, for processions, sporting events or forms of entertainment or in any case areas where unusual concentrations of people occur.
- “Privacy”  ask the permit to take pictures of filming people , propriety , things  (nobody like to be spied from the sky )
- NEVER fly over parks and nature reserves (you need permission from the body that manages it)
- NEVER fly over or near prisons (permission also from the ministry of justice)
- NEVER fly over or near military facilities (defense ministry permission required)
- NEVER fly into the city (need permission from the city authority's )

- a horizontal safety distance of at least 150 m from congested areas,
and at least 50 m from people who are not under the direct control of the unmanned aircraft vehicle (Drone)  pilot)

height not exceeding 120 m (400 ft) AGL, except as indicated in the following (maybe more restricted and limited) areas  
On the areas of the airport grounds, near the airports (including the airfields) and the heliports / helipads, within the ATZ and the CTR, where present, the procedures published by ENAC in the appropriate circulars of the ATM series must be applied .

Information on the aforementioned areas is available on the D-Flight website

I hope this update has been useful
Alex november 2019

Location :Italy ,  Rome, from 2013 to 2019
DJI Spark (300gr) DJI Mavic Air Dji Phantom 4 pro , DJI Phantom 3 Adv , DJI Phantom

Well , as you can see in the above object I flew  with a Drone in Italy from a long time

In this years many things are changed , DJI and in general speaking , Drones are became more smart and their abilities more advanced ,  sensor , flight controls cameras , IMU , Geofencing , double GPS and so … even the safety level has been improved …
Many people have got a drone and is more easy to meet someone with a drone or a person that already know something about drones

Government had  followed this new generation of technology Drone and his quick improvements with his impact on the safety and privacy of people.
Obviously this was and will be a hard job to do … because as for usual any technology field is always in a very fast improving and changing … that's why , from my personal point of view , it was like follow a running  train without any stop

what is not changed too much during this last years is the
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”
Remember this simple word : “Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

But … without loose Time .. let’s go into Italian Drone Strategy
I believe that before flying to Italy with a Drone, we should know a little of the Italian law regarding Drones
so I will start my strategy starting from the laws

Here in Europe any country have different rules about drone
Load , weight , measure , distance , kind of permit , area , maximum flight altitudes  … and more ..
So  EASA (the same of us FAA but in Europe) has recently issued new regulations which I will talk about later …

Civil drones (Unmanned aircraft)
To ensure the free circulation of drones and a level playing field within the European Union EASA has developed common European rules.
They contribute to the development of a common European market while ensuring safe operations and respecting the privacy and security of EU citizens.

But at the moment in Italy still valid rules , the last regulation about Drone issued by ENAC

F.O. Comunicazione Istituzionale
tel: +39 0644596373-372

THIS IS THE LINK IN English language about ITALIAN drone rules in pdf issued by ENAC

In my opinion a simple way to understand this Italians rules is  to divide drone in 2 main categories

- Hobbies
- Professional

( Note: the same drone , for example DJI Mavic Air , could be Professional or Hobbies , so this  mean the difference is not the kind of drone but which kind of use you will do with your drone )

Not too difficult to explain is the hobbies amateur  Drone

Hobbies Drone are called in Italy “Aereo modello” model aircraft
In this category of Drone there are the main DJI consumer series , like Spark , Mavic , Phantom

The main and simple rule to be part of this category is : Don’t use for professional use ;-)
That mean , OK to take pictures and  Make video but than, this creations can NOT be used to get money
(a discussion about it still open because someone want to  mean even get money from YouTube or something like this )

Obviously when any aircraft is used to get money … will be ? A Professional drone (WITH VERY different mandatory REGOLATION )
In Italy called SARP System Aereo Remote Pilot

So … the strategy to come in Italy with the Drone for PERSONAL / HOBBIES  use

The drone for personal use in Italy don’t need to be registered

enac copia.png

Model Aircraft with MY COMMENT ON THE BOTTOM

SECTION VII Model Aircraft

1. Model aircraft operator is responsible for operating aerial vehicle such as not to endanger persons or property on the ground and other airspace users, to maintain separation from obstacles, to avoid collisions during flights and to give way to any other airspace users.
2. Model aircraft operator is responsible for obtaining any permissions concerning the electromagnetic spectrum for the frequency used by the radio-control and for the respect of any relevant obligations.
3. Airspace reservation is not required if:
a) Model aircraft have the following characteristics:
1) Operating take-off mass less than 25 kg;
2) Maximum wing area of 500 dm2
3) Maximum wing loading of 250 g/dm2
4) Maximum total displacement of piston engine of 250 cm3; or maximum total electric power of 15 kW or maximum total thrust of turbine engines of 25 kg (250 N) or maximum total power of turboprop engines of 15 kW;
5) free flight or circular tethered flight;  
6) hot-air balloons with the total weight of the gas container for the burners not exceeding 5 kg; and
b) the activity meets the following requirements:
1) is carried out in daylight and model aircraft operator maintains direct visual contact with the model aircraft, without aid of optical and/or electronic devices;
2) is conducted within specific areas selected by model aircraft operator, up to maximum height of 70 m AGL, within maximum radius of 200 m, over unpopulated areas, far enough from buildings, sensitive infrastructures and facilities;
3) outside ATZ or at a distance greater than 5 km from the airport (ARP o published geographic coordinates) where the ATZ is not established;
4) outside CTR;
5) outside active restricted areas and prohibited areas.
4. When operations do not meet the requirements set forth in points point 3 above, activities shall be carried out within areas established by ENAC for model aircraft activities or, alternatively, within segregated airspace. In case of operations above 70 m AGL, model aircraft operator shall hold a qualification for flying model aircraft issued by Aero Club of Italy.
When weight and power/thrust conditions do not meet requirements set forth in point 3.a) above, operator shall be at least 18 years old and shall hold the qualification for flying model aircraft issued by Aero Club of Italy.
5. In case of interfering traffic, model aircraft shall not have right of way and shall be kept at a safety height such as not to endanger other aircraft.
6. Model aircraft operator shall respect all the provisions issued by local administrative authority.
7. Model aircraft operating over public areas shall not have installed any device/system which enables it to be used for specialised operations.
8. Model aircraft air shows and operations of model aircraft during air shows shall be carried out according to Aero Club of Italy provisions.
9. Class FAI F1 free flight model aircraft with mass less than 1,5 kg, circular tethered model aircraft and model aircraft used indoor are outside the scope of this Regulation.

MY COMMENT HERE about this rules

Point 1
In my opinion this point should be very clear …
Drones Pilot is Responsible for his Drone and when this drone are flying in Italy is his responsibility to take care about where , when and why his Drone are flying
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 2
DJI DRONE ARE UE CE Approved and set his remote control and Drone properly when are used in Europe by his GPS
But don’t forget to accept via software this change when dji go app request with popup advise on the device screen
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 3 , a)section 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 -
DJI consumers  Drone like Spark , Mavic ,Phantom , Inspire series have all right characteristics to be part of “model aircraft”
Point 3 , a) section 6 - IT IS NOT ABOUT  FOR DRONE ( hot-air balloons )
Point 3 , b)section  1
VISUAL LINE OF SIGN (VLOS) it in NOT allow to fly behind visual  line of  sign (BVLOS NOT ALLOWED )
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 3 ,b)section 2
Model aircraft are used for recreational purposes, can be flown by day in direct visual contact at a maximum of 200 m (to get an idea a soccer field is about 100 m long) and at a maximum height of 70 m (approx. a 15-storey building) and therefore without using any flight automatisms on routes out of sight of the pilot.
These model airplanes can be used in unpopulated areas and therefore urban centers and the public parks contained in them must be excluded.
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 3 ,b)section 3,4 and 5
Furthermore you must make sure that you are not closer than 5 km from an airport or in an area where it is explicitly forbidden to fly at all (eg Rome center).
Flights to ATZ and CTR airspace are also prohibited: this information can be found in the AIP-Italia publication available on the ENAV website.
Any permits to fly in the above areas with model aircraft can be requested from ENAC in accordance with the provisions of the "Remote piloted aircraft" Regulation.
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

TO BE HONEST DJI GO4 APP with the last updates have already the main restriction on the map and even some pop up alert on the screen …
But my strong suggestion is even have a double check on the others ...

In Italy ENAC use ENAV to make Aerial Map service for all aircraft and pilots …
Now … If you are a professional pilot for you will be very easy to read a official aerial map like the below example:


And if you want , you can create a new account here : and than download all officials aerial map you need for free here:
Note : ENAV Aerial map are the only official map in Italy
LINK : [url=https://auth.enav.it/ssologinPor ... ServiziOnline.html#]ENAV registration ONLINE[/url]

But at the same time ENAV to help the users to better understand and planning ours drone flight give a very useful service here :
D-Flight - a company created by ENAV to develop the U-space platform for the provision of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Traffic Management (UTM): so-called “drones”.



Another useful LINK where is better have a look is to check if there are some NOTAM

A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) is a notice filed with an aviation authority to alert aircraft pilots of potential hazards along a flight route or at a location that could affect the safety of the flight
NOTAMs are issued (and reported) for a number of reasons, such as:
  • hazards such as air shows, parachute jumps, kite flying, lasers, rocket launches, etc.
  • flights by important people such as heads of state (sometimes referred to as temporary flight restrictions, TFRs)
  • closed runways
  • inoperable radio navigational aids
  • military exercises with resulting airspace restrictions
  • inoperable lights on tall obstructions
  • temporary erection of obstacles near airfields (e.g., cranes)
  • passage of flocks of birds through airspace (a NOTAM in this category is known as a BIRDTAM)
  • notifications of runway/taxiway/apron status with respect to snow, ice, and standing water (a SNOWTAM)
  • notification of an operationally significant change in volcanic ash or other dust contamination (an ASHTAM)
  • software code risk announcements with associated patches to reduce specific vulnerabilities
  • Professional Drone Flight
therefore, this means that when a NOTAM has been issued for one of the aforementioned situations or other reasons ...
The drone pilot, even in the case of amateur use, will have to make sure that on that day, at that time and in that particular area not there will be other planned activities which have required a temporary restriction of that airspace ...

Like already said, ENAC use ENAV to official give information about mapp and restriction ...
so if you are already registred in ENAV website you can check the last updated List of Notam
but ... reading NOTAMs is not a simple thing at all ...
so ,  this is my  personal tip shortcut  link,  where it is much easier to select the area where to fly and read if there are temporary NOTAM restrictions



“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 4  this point has been done to meet the Aero Club need
Aero Club of Italy link: http://www.aeci.it
The Aero Club of Italy brings together all the Associations and / or Bodies that promote the flight in all its aspects, tourist flight, ultralight flight (ULM), parachuting. Its primary purpose is the promotion, dissemination of all forms of flight and updating of all its members.ENAC in the point 4 of his rules ,

Point 5
in all cases, it is mandatory to give priority to all other aerial vehicles, avoiding interference and when necessary landing with the drone, leaving the airspace free for all other vehicles.
a Drone used for professional purposes has precedence over one for hobby use.
paracatudist, hang-gliders, hot-air balloons, helicopters, airplanes, all have priority over the hobby drone
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 6 local authorities
some areas, like public parks, forests even outside the cities, in Italy are under the law of the municipality that manages them.
In Italy for example , there have been cities that have banned the use of Drones for security reasons.
even if there is no ban on aerial maps,
it may be prohibited to fly over this area from another local authority.
as in the case of beaches.
In Italy it is prohibited if there are people on the beach.
but  It is in any case forbidden to fly over beaches from 1 June to 30 September within 100 meters from the coast line at a height of less than 300 meters from the ground, in accordance with what is specified in the "Air Italy Rules".
this prohibition was also issued by the harbor master's office (local authority) which prohibits overflight in the bathing season.
so always be careful where you fly, ask if there are restrictions to the provincial police headquarters.
through a fast  google search you will have the phone number of the provincial police headquarters in the area where you plan to fly
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 7
in this case, Italian law does not take into account the cost or quality of the equipment used, but of the use made of it.
you can shoot a scene with a quality 8K camera and edit the video in a superlative way, but if this is done to sell, resell, advertise, earn money ...
then it means that you are using the equipment for professional use.
hardly a judge will believe that you are using a Mavic 2 enterprise with a thermal camera for recreational use
But if you're filming yourself or a family member to capture your holiday ... this is an amateur use
“Respect of the each others and responsibility sense”

Point 8
The same for the above point 4 , model aircraft used for sport competitions linked with Aereo Club

Point 9
this point was created for a type other than DJI drones. This is the reference for which this point was created:


So … said all this , I hope the rules for the amateurs  model aircraft  use in Italy will be a little more clear for everyone

But in my Italian Drone strategy I think even about this
“ Respect of the each others and responsibility sense“ again and again because this is my main strategy

Anyway  … following “Respect of the each others and responsibility sense” …

1st) On top of all , I think is a good idea have a drone insurance
is not mandatory for recreational use but could be useful...
thinking about respect of others , could be better have a good insurance to be covered just in case something come wrong
Battery fault , propeller impact with a bird , or a simple wrong command given …
This is the link of my Italian agency CABI broker , maybe there are other … but I think this is one of more convenient about drone in Italy
LINK: https://www.cabibroker.com/convenzioni/sapr-droni#

2nd) Another very important point in Italy ( but I think everywhere ) is “Privacy”
Respect and responsibility sense mean … ask the permit to take pictures of filming people , propriety , things
nobody like to be spied from the sky ….

Here in Italy to make video or pictures for your personal use or for professional job must be followed some simple rules

  • Never filming people in theirs house , garden , balcony
  • Never follow someone with your drone
  • Never filming people without their permit , especially people at work or children  …
  • Never fly in secret  - make yourself hight visible ( professional pilot use a jacket highlight  color with written SAPR PILOT )

if there is someone in your shoot while doing something, he does something acrobatic, while he is falling and so it is not by chance that he is recorded in your shots,
you will have to ask for his permission ... better if written
People who are recorded by chance in a filming made in a public place, by law in Italy are part of the landscape, so their privacy is not at risk by the Drone …

In any case , I like to ask always permission to shoot to avoid to make disturb someone else
In Italy there are many curious and drone fan that like to be part of ours shooting … just  ask to have his permit and maybe you get even a new friend

Others NEVER in Italy

VIETATO PARK copia.png
NEVER fly over parks and nature reserves (you need permission from the body that manages it)

NEVER fly over or near prisons (permission also from the ministry of justice)

NEVER fly over or near military facilities (defense ministry permission required)

VIETATO CITY copia.jpg
NEVER fly into the city (need permission from the city authority's )
NEVER fly on the beaches during the summer bathing season (model aircraft / hobbyists can fly when deserted)

obviously I always recommend a pre-flight check (not only in Italy )
check copia.png

In aeronautics, pre-flight checks are the basis for safety.
Never forget to check your drone before and at end of each mission!
Remote control, aircraft batteries, and mobile device or tablet.
Check that the battery is firmly attached and are well closed
Physically examine the unmanned aircraft and all gimbals/payloads/props for visible defects.
Verify that the motors do not dance and do not move on their supports, and that the structure of the drone, especially the arms, are in place, with no signs of cracking.
Gently remove gimbal clamps.
Make sure that they are properly attached and secure.
Check that the blades are undamaged, show no sign of fracture and that they are mounted in the right direction.
Always power on Ground Control equipment before the aircraft system.
Add fully charged battery to the drone and power on the battery.
Firmware versions, Flight Mode, Datalink Strength, Payload Status, Battery Status, and Onboard Sensor Statuses.
Based on the height of the tallest obstacle within the flight area.
Use to ensure compliance with ENAC rules for maximum flight altitude,  (70m)
distance 200 m maximum
Follow manufacturer instructions for when and how to calibrate the magnetometer (compass).
It is considered a best practice to calibrate whenever you move more than 30 miles from the previous flight area.
Verify GPS signal strength and number of satellites connected. Be aware of the potential for losing GPS positioning capability in any area where less than 10 satellites are able to connect to the unmanned aircraft.
Do a quick Map Check on the App monitor to make sure the icon indicating the GPS recorded ‘Home Point’represents your actual location.
white balance, shooting resolution, frame rate, file type, gimbal mode, etc.
subject of photography / video: privacy respect

Before to swich on the propeller "Arm the Drone" have a good planning of your flight
if you have already planned your flyght before todo it, you will have a good chance to save time and battery life ...
a good idea could be even check your camera setting in accord with the light condiction before take off
record only what you need ... the best clip shuold be 15 seconds -
do not forget to
wait for the best hours to shoot your best scenes ...
sunrise and sunset give beautiful lights and lots of shadows, even beautiful to see ....
- adjust the correct ISO settings, - aperture, shutter - style, - white, - color, D-log, focus ...
- MicroSD card: inserted and with sufficient free RC memory:
- cable control and device installed

Flight planning:
INTERFERENCES make sure that the flight area is faraway from electromagnetic nets or bases and towers , radio antennas , radar , wi-fi, whose waves could interfere with the flight of the drone
WEATHER checks that there is no rain coming in or that the wind is above 10 m / s-
- maximum height, - route, - duration, - distance, - possible obstacles -


Make sure that the space to fly is free, without people unrelated to the operations and make sure you have enough free area to maneuver.
Do a final check to make sure all bystanders are clear. If people are standing too close, ask them to stand back.
Choose a take-off spot
as leveled as possible and without tall grass. Remember that the return to home is not very precise, make sure there are no risks such as puddles, roots, debris
Notify all people close to you that you are about to take off. Attentive to pets, dogs are very attracted to drones.
Arm the drone and give it gas gently, or better slide on the precise landig option
take off and check your drone one more time  to be ready to abort if you notice any anomaly. - (Initial check: sound-check of the engine)
Hover 2 metres or so initially. Do a quick status check on your monitor to make sure everything is in order (GPS control, Datalink strength, battery levels, etc.)
Check RTH point is set up on the device , check the download map is done and then set up your device in " Airplane mode "

Capture any required footage or data. Be safe and remember to always have fun! Maintain visual line of sight.
Be aware of disorientation risks. Make sure to thoroughly practice basic flight exercises before flying with hazards nearby

Make sure you have enough battery to return in plenty of time. 25%-30% Low Battery warning level is recommended.

everyone has their own check list , but this could help someone who hasn't done one yet


when you are flying the image that is transmitted from the drone to your device is not always faithful to that recorded in the drone's SD
this for many reasons, including the configuration of your device's screen, interference, sunlight on the screen and other factors
I advise you to learn to read the histogram, which is very faithful to the image (light) that passes into the sensor of the drone camera
I always keep the histogram on my monitor, because I think it's the best tool to have a good camera setup

instogramma copia.png


Prior to landing ensure landing area is clear.
Check that the place where you have decided to land is free, and there are no obstacles in the landing path of your drone. Attentive to children and pets.

Maneuver the aircraft to a position directly above the landing zone and rotate the aircraft to a ‘nose forward’ orientation.

Be sure you understand how the aircraft will function when under autonomous control.
If manual landing is executed, perform a motor shutdown upon landing.
Always call the landing, alerting all those close to you of your intentions.

When you land, turn the drone off first. Then turn off the ground control unit and the Flight Control App.

Always remember to disconnect the batteries: if they remain connected and discharge too much, they can be permanently damaged.
Check that the drone has not suffered damage to the structure and propellers.
Always secure the drone to prevent any problem

Just at end ...
I would like to share with you my preferred apps for dji drone :
This link : www.windfinder.com I think it’s very useful
It’s very important for me to know the weather condition ...
So , from this web site , for free , I can check my area and in Superforecast tab , I can have a good information about wind speed and rain for the next 3 day ...
For sure ... there are many others ... just you can found the best web site for you and check the weather forecast to make sure everything will be fine


Now there are some app that I think is better to have or at least to know
and before to leave from your home maybe is better to have a look and download with your home internet wi-fi

I don’t want to talk about DJI GO or Litchi ...
I think , we can found so many tutorial about that is more than enough ...
But AirMap for example is helping me a lot to check the rule when I’m planning my flight
There are many informations about local law , safety and alerts that it's good to check ...

In Italy there is also this link : www.notaminfo.com But there are international Flight Planning Maps

I found this the best to re-check and plan my flight in Europe ... to work in safety and follow the local law and the last safety alerts note
obviously ... it’s always better to know the rules , study these and follow it And again ...
check and double checks ours staff before and after any flight -
Good planning managements
Privacy respect rule authority , take care about what you want to shoot
And repeat ....
respecting our community, our common passion ... fly with a drone ...

Now I always try to respect these suggestions ...
avoiding having or giving problems ...
respecting other people, other people will respect us ...

Go ahead ...
Some times during my trips , me happen that I’m in need to read the memory card of drone o just I’m in need to get more free space in the memory ...
how I can do it without a laptop ?
Easy ... I bring with me a portable hard disk , like this
hard disk copia.png
This is not a commercial Television advertising I don’t sell any hard disk
But I guess should be nice to know , that we can save ours works directly from drone memory cards to hard disk
and then it’s even possible to review it by using wi-fi connection with ours devices or tv
Or maybe ... for Apple iOS users ... very compatible with DJI, but little with external memories
so or you use that little bit of battery left on the drone to connect it to the iOS device or you can use specific readers, easy to find on Amazon or on eBay ...
one of this , you can order directly on DJI STORE

Travel with a Drone on a plane
All drones should be brought on carry on luggage if possible.
This is because according to the Montreal Convention, airlines are only liable for losses up to ~$1,000 USD. When traveling internationally, theft and lost luggage can be common issues, particularly if your flight has many connections.
If your drone is worth more than $1,000 USD and you cannot bring it onto the plane you should consider shipping it with DHL, Fedex, or UPS instead and fully insure the shipment.
You should NOT place drone batteries in your checked baggage.
All drone batteries should be placed in a Medium Size Lipo Battery Bag and brought onto the plane in your carry on bag (on Amazon customers can buy the Lipo Battery Bag).
Lithium-ion batteries are considered “dangerous goods” by airlines and rules surrounding these batteries on planes are EXTREMELY strict due to multiple incidents of these batteries catching fire.

lipo guard copia.png

Should I Buy A Drone Backpack?
Throwing your drone in your bag, even if it is small enough to fit is a great way to damage the drone before you even get to your destination.
With a proper bag, you can ensure the drone will arrive in working order.
There are two types of drone travel bags, “soft bags” and “hard shell bags”.
Hard shell bags are best if you plan to be traveling extensively and moving around many locations.
These bags can take a massive beating, and also benefit from being waterproof.
A soft bag is best if you will be taking the drone to a hotel for example, and do not plan to travel too far, or too extensively with it.
in my backpack I also put some silica gel sachets to prevent problems with moisture and condensation
our high-tech drone could suffer from temperature changes and consequent humidity during air travel
what is silical gel ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silica_gel

silica gel  copia.png

To confirm before buying the ticket, it is better to contact your airline,
asking if they allow the loading of the Drone, the batteries (some companies impose a limit on lithium batteries)
very important thing is to evaluate if during our journey by plane, we will make stops ...
some airports are much more restrictive than others ...
for example, for security reasons, I have to hand over my laptop computer to the airport authorities
which kept it well and returned to me during my return home.

cartina copia.jpg

so I usually, when I travel with equipment,
ask for confirmation from the airline, try to travel with direct flights
and when I have to make stops,
phone and ask the airport authorities for confirmation ...
because I carry everything with me in my hand luggage

another thing that helps during a drone trip in Italy ...
print a small identification plate
better 5 copies
and attach it with transparent tape on the drone
(remember not to cover a part where the GPS is positioned
usually on the battery it's okay ... but if you use more batteries, better do it on all)
this because, if we were ever to make mistakes
flying in a forbidden area by mistake, dropping the drone in a private property or other ...
it will be easier to show our good faith to the competent authorities ...
where will they check,
our phone calls, our checks on aerial maps and on the various links in the description
in short, all the necessary checks and also the will to not want to hide because in good faith and in the intention of not wanting to do things in secret


As you have seen, I did not talk much about the professional use of the drone in Italy and therefore of a possible strategy
this is because, as explained in the same ENAC regulation, a professional use of the drone in Italy,
currently includes a course for pilots, divided into different categories,
which provides lessons at ENAC recognized training centers and final exam.
medical examination with recognized ENAC doctors
registration of the pilot and the drone at enac

all this for a cost of money of around 900 euros +
700 EURO for necessary 2nd level

therefore, considering the imminent entry into force of
the European regulation, issued by EASA
of which the member states will have to take note and comply with this broader regulation
I think it is appropriate to wait for the new regulation of which link
to plan a strategy at European level

Civil drones (Unmanned aircraft)
To ensure the free circulation of drones and a level playing field within the European Union EASA has developed common European rules.
They contribute to the development of a common European market while ensuring safe operations and respecting the privacy and security of EU citizens.


below, some of my videos and photographs

I hope this helps you to travel in Italy
remember that I am not a lawyer nor an authority ... but I extracted this information from official websites where you can check yourself through the links
Italy is
a beautiful country full of wonderful people
where if you fly with respect and caution, your drone will be welcome
besides the big cities, often full of bans for drones, there are many areas, rich in monuments, architecture, nature ... truly fascinating ...

your comments or curiosity ... will be really welcome
I will always be happy to HELP my friend in this big family of the DJI Forum
Have a good fun ...

Lighthouse longexposure
lighthouse pano longexposure.jpeg

Acient City.jpeg

my little friend at sunset

my little planet
Tiny planet Solar Eclipse2.jpeg


the city on the lake
trevignano 2 copia 2.jpg

Photographers Woman
Women Photographer.jpg

Sunrise throughout a old city

Fall in love with the lighthouse

DJI Now It's Epic Bracciano Lake , Rome Italy

one day in holiday with my SPARK Italy Calabria

are you planning to come to Italy ...
if there is any other question ... it is welcome

ITALY drone copia.jpg
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Great job nicely put together .
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Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

hallmark007 Posted at 4-15 02:47
Great job nicely put together .

thank you so much for your kindly comment  
I'm glad you liked it and I hope will be useful too
Use props
Flight distance : 2913035 ft
  • >>>

Very good entry!
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Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Montfrooij Posted at 4-15 03:39
Very good entry!

Thank you so much Montfrooij
Your comment is very appreciated
Use props
Flight distance : 2913035 ft
  • >>>

AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-15 04:21
Thank you so much Montfrooij
Your comment is very appreciated

You're welcome!
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DJI Panda
Flight distance : 405039 ft
  • >>>
Hong Kong

That's very detailed! What an amazing strategy! Thanks for sharing.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

Pretty comprehensive strategy!!
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

DJI Panda Posted at 4-15 20:16
That's very detailed! What an amazing strategy! Thanks for sharing.

DJI Panda, this comment greatly honors me
I'm so glad you liked it

while writing, I was afraid I had put too many things ...
but I think it is important, for those who travel with the Drone,
to know the rules of the place where they will go,
to organize themselves in the best possible way.

in fact, once again, I have to thank you for having created this contest,
which has given us all this great opportunity to share these important and useful information.

we are all learning a lot, and it is a great joy for me to share here in this great forum

thank you

Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

ro_flyer Posted at 4-15 22:05
Pretty comprehensive strategy!!

well, I hope I was even clear enough...

in Europe it's not too simple, because every country still has different rules ...
I believe that soon, through easa, we will finally be more uniform ...
hoping that this will give us benefits

Thanks for your comment

Use props
Flight distance : 6103757 ft
  • >>>

Very well done!
Un gran bel lavoro Alex, nonostante io sia italiano, in italia ho volato solo una volta filmando una masserie abbandonata.
Questo perchè non ho ancora avuto l'occasione di organizzare qualcosa, e anche perchè non mi sono mai messo a spulciare la miriade di regolamentazioni vigenti in Italia nella speranza di capirci qualcosa (cosa che ho dovuto fare con la Spagna ).
Quindi un immenso grazie per il tuo lavoro e per i link utili che hai allegato.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-15 22:32
well, I hope I was even clear enough...

in Europe it's not too simple, because every country still has different rules ...

Yes you were, well put together info. Thanks for taking time to do it.
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

ParideM Posted at 4-15 22:52
Very well done!
Un gran bel lavoro Alex, nonostante io sia italiano, in italia ho volato solo una volta filmando una masserie abbandonata.
Questo perchè non ho ancora avuto l'occasione di organizzare qualcosa, e anche perchè non mi sono mai messo a spulciare la miriade di regolamentazioni vigenti in Italia nella speranza di capirci qualcosa (cosa che ho dovuto fare con la Spagna ).

ParideM Posted at 4-15 22:52
Very well done!
A great job Alex, although I am Italian, in Italy I flew only once filming an abandoned farm.
This is because I have not yet had the opportunity to organize something, and also because I have never tried to comb through the myriad regulations in force in Italy in the hope of understanding something (which I had to do with Spain)
I thank you very much for your comment

I agree with you, in Europe there is still too much diversity
and I really hope that with the new EASA regulations this will be solved, at least for the Drones ...

although I have to admit to being a little worried, because the money invested to date, will probably be lost ...
I am also quite convinced that these new rules will give a big boost to the field of drones,
giving us new opportunities for development.

for now, as written on the post, ENAC in Italy has written the rules that are still valid ...

and so, thanks to this contest, of the DJI Forum, we can all share and understand better, how to travel in Europe and in the world.

thanks again my Italian friend, for your comment and for your precious posts

BTW ...
what do you think about the new EASA rules?


ti ringrazio moltissimo per questo tuo commento .
sono d'accordo con te , in europa c'è ancora troppa diversità e spero veramente che con le nuove normative EASA questo sarà risolto , almeno per i Droni ...

anche se devo ammettere di essere  un pochino preoccupato , perchè i soldi investiti fino ad oggi , provabilmente saranno persi ...
sono anche abbastanza convinto , che queste nuove regole , daranno una grande spinta al nel campo dei droni , dandoci ancora nuove opportunità di sviluppo .

per adesso , come scritto sul post , ENAC in Italia ha scritto le regole che sono ancora valide ...
e quindi , grazie a questo contest , del DJI Forum , tutti noi possiamo ben condividere e capire meglio , come viaggiare in Europa e nel mondo .

grazie ancora amico mio italiano , per il tuo commento e per i tuoi preziosi post
a proposito
cosa ne pensi tu delle nuove regole EASA ?

Use props
Flight distance : 6103757 ft
  • >>>

AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-15 23:20
ParideM Posted at 4-15 22:52
Very well done!
A great job Alex, although I am Italian, in Italy I flew only once filming an abandoned farm.

A single European regulation would greatly simplify our lives, we would have to study and always respect the same rules, without having to go crazy looking for the right translation and a myriad of doubts in the head. I am in favor of an online exam, as I have already done for France, to obtain a certificate and a registration code to be applied to the drone and valid for the whole of Europe.
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

ParideM Posted at 4-15 23:46
A single European regulation would greatly simplify our lives, we would have to study and always respect the same rules, without having to go crazy looking for the right translation and a myriad of doubts in the head. I am in favor of an online exam, as I have already done for France, to obtain a certificate and a registration code to be applied to the drone and valid for the whole of Europe.

yes I must say that I really agree with you ...
even if reading these EASA rules, it seems that we should do other online tests ... especially to continue flying with our  drones ...
which will soon become all 'specific' category,
not having the new CE certificates and conformity certificate ,
which will be requested in the coming years ..

in my opinion .. this will complicate things a little ...
but the new open categories ... will open up new flight opportunities for everyone

thanks again for your kindly comments here

Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

ro_flyer Posted at 4-15 23:12
Yes you were, well put together info. Thanks for taking time to do it.

to be honest ... it's a my very pleasure to share here ...
I'm in this forum from a long period ... and exactly from here where a learned  a lot about drone ...
to share our experience and opinions it is very important for me

thank you for your kindly comments
Use props
Flight distance : 49478 ft


WOW what an extensive report let a lone your lovely work. Thanks for sharing your.
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Hartyaj Posted at 4-16 01:52
WOW what an extensive report let a lone your lovely work. Thanks for sharing your.

I'm very happy to be useful , when I can ...
It's my pleasure to share here  ...

did you plan to travel in Italy ?

Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3168455 ft
  • >>>

Ouch your english is a pain to read...anyway you made a short story unnecessarily long.
To cut it short Flying legally in Italy is a pain in the a$$ and almost anything worth filming can't be filmed unless you own an Italian license and even so is such a pain in the a$$ that's almost not worth it.
So my advice is don't fly in Italy because it is not worth it unless you intend to fly illegally.
In the latter case you'll find that our law enforcements are most of the time a joke and that you can probably take a ride with n one ever bothering you unless you do something really stupid like flying into an ATZ or in the historical part of venice/florence/rome.
I've flown over the police head(legally) and they didnt even bother asking a document...
Use props
Flight distance : 15283773 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Very comprehensive and supported with stunning shots. Great work!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-16 00:11
to be honest ... it's a my very pleasure to share here ...
I'm in this forum from a long period ... and exactly from here where a learned  a lot about drone ...
to share our experience and opinions it is very important for me

Keep up the good work!
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Elettrone78 Posted at 4-16 04:27
Ouch your english is a pain to read...anyway you made a short story unnecessarily long.
To cut it short Flying legally in Italy is a pain in the a$$ and almost anything worth filming can't be filmed unless you own an Italian license and even so is such a pain in the a$$ that's almost not worth it.
So my advice is don't fly in Italy because it is not worth it unless you intend to fly illegally.

thank you very much for your suggestion about to better summarize the topics ...
even if I disagree with you about Italy and its infinite beauty ... or about flying legally ...
thank you anyway for your commentswe have probably had different experiences and different points of view


Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

A J Posted at 4-16 05:01
Very comprehensive and supported with stunning shots. Great work!

Thanks ... I'm glad you enjoyed it and the photos too.
I hope it will be useful for those who would like to travel in Italy
I tried to do my best to provide research and information tools on how to find areas where it is possible to fly legally and freely

thanks again for your kindly support

Use props
Flight distance : 15283773 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-16 12:43
Thanks ... I'm glad you enjoyed it and the photos too.
I hope it will be useful for those who would like to travel in Italy
I tried to do my best to provide research and information tools on how to find areas where it is possible to fly legally and freely

You are most welcome
Use props
DJI Panda
Flight distance : 405039 ft
  • >>>
Hong Kong

AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-15 22:12
DJI Panda, this comment greatly honors me
I'm so glad you liked it

I definitely love this strategy. Incredible work.
Everything's important in the strategy, very useful.

Thank you for your great effort on the Forum.
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Jacob Williams
Flight distance : 824560 ft
United States

Wow, how long did it take you to make this?
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 8133219 ft
United States

Great info and beautiful captures. Thanks for sharing.  
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

DJI Panda Posted at 4-16 18:47
I definitely love this strategy. Incredible work.
Everything's important in the strategy, very useful.

DJI Panda is a great honor for me to participate in this Grand Forum in some way ...
your words make me very proud

Thank you

Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Jacob Williams Posted at 4-16 19:14
Wow, how long did it take you to make this?

in this day I'm very busy with my job ...
but it's nice to write on this forum ... so I always dedicate something to it ... hoping it's something good

Thanks for your comment

are you planning to come to Italy ...
if there is any other question ... it is welcome
Use props
Flight distance : 49478 ft


AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-16 04:24
I'm very happy to be useful , when I can ...
It's my pleasure to share here  ...

I would be there in a heartbeat if I could. Maybe next year fingers crossed.
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Sayhelloforme Posted at 4-16 19:26
Great info and beautiful captures. Thanks for sharing.

thank you for your kind words

make me very happy

thank you
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Hartyaj Posted at 4-17 02:07
I would be there in a heartbeat if I could. Maybe next year fingers crossed.

in this period ... all of EUROPE ...  is changing the rules for Drones ...
this to adapt to the EASA directives that are slowly coming into effect ...
I suggest you try to check, through the links, that surely they will still be valid ...


and if you have any doubt ... I'll be happy to help you ...
but it's better with a warning ... (1 month I think)
at least we could check together and maybe I'll be there too

fingers crossed ...

Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 516690 ft

thx for comprehensive overview
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

paulbeumer Posted at 4-17 04:01
thx for comprehensive overview

Many thanks for your comment
I’m very happy you liked it
Use props
Flight distance : 2159413 ft

good job, thank you
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 8133219 ft
United States

AirButterflyDrone Posted at 4-17 02:08
thank you for your kind words

make me very happy

You are very welcome. I’m thankful for people like yourself on the forum.
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

MaciekT Posted at 4-17 06:23
good job, thank you

I'm happy you like it
thaks for your comment
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Sayhelloforme Posted at 4-17 19:10
You are very welcome. I’m thankful for people like yourself on the forum.

Believe me , It's my great pleasure to be part of this Forum with so many talents and enthusiastic users

thanks again
Use props
Flight distance : 3536388 ft
  • >>>

Easy rules for flight in italy if you don't have certification of enac, or 300gr drone  with enac registration, is out of Atz, out of CTR, out of regolated space  70m maximum altitude 200m maximum distance, out of town at minimum 150m to town area.... 1 nautical mile far from prison, military area.
Enac don't give autorization for town or restricted aereospace if you don't have certification... they acepted other country certification if you have the certification in duble lenguages, your and english, and need insurance...
Be carefull about the rule, bicouse if flight without respect is possible very huge penalty and prison....
Use props
Flight distance : 5302175 ft
  • >>>

Peiper1944 Posted at 4-18 09:14
Easy rules for flight in italy if you don't have certification of enac, or 300gr drone  with enac registration, is out of Atz, out of CTR, out of regolated space  70m maximum altitude 200m maximum distance, out of town at minimum 150m to town area.... 1 nautical mile far from prison, military area.
Enac don't give autorization for town or restricted aereospace if you don't have certification... they acepted other country certification if you have the certification in duble lenguages, your and english, and need insurance...
Be carefull about the rule, bicouse if flight without respect is possible very huge penalty and prison....

Thank you for your contribution ...
you summed up very well ...
Are you a professional drone pilot?

as you read in the post. there are links to check which areas are allowed to fly with the drone

manuale ENAC in inglese pdf

Italian map website D-Flight by ENAV with allowed and restriction drone flight area

Italian map web site with temporary restriction NOTAM

plus a short list with Never do it in Italy for privacy and legal reasons...

today,  for drones and their NON-professional pilots ... there is no obligation to register in Italy

for drones less than 300gr ... there is more freedom ... I agree
but we are talking about those registered ENAC ... professional use (SAPR)

for a tourist, who uses the drone for hobbies, photographs and personal videos of his holiday ...
the 300gr drone is not valid for ENAC,
it is not registered, it does not have manuals, it has not done the required tests,
it has no insurance and maybe not even the propeller guards ...

I sell the 300gr Spark ... but right now I don't recommend it to a tourist
where he, through the d-flight and notam site, can already check where he can legally fly in Italy with his drone ...

another matter is for those who want to work in Italy ...
where, he will have to check a legal aspect, taxes, work permit, insurance and then ...
absolutely, the drone, drone insurance, ENAC permit, drone pilot, medical examination ...

but for this it would take another post ...
maybe better written by a drone pilots school and an international lawyer and accountant.

but I repeat the question ... are you a professional drone pilot ?

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