First Officer
Flight distance : 648399 ft
United Kingdom
Hi Guys,
here is my experience with Denmark.
This is a bit more complex Denmark you need to register the drone even if you are a tourist. The legislation says if the take-off mass of the drone is lower than 250 grams and its maximum speed does not exceed 50km/h then you DO NOT need to register.
But if the drone weights more than 250grams then you need to register it with the authorities.
Last year I've spent 1 week in Denmark with my family. Although the initial plan was not allowing for too much time in fly zones, I said it's better to have my Spark with me. So I started to read what is needed to be done to be able to fly in Denmark.
After several readings, which by the way, is hard to find something in English, I was able to find the rules and regulations.
The drones registration and regulation in Denmark falls under the Ministry of Transportation, Constructions, and Housing. Their main webpage is this one:
If you read it carefully, there will be some links to English version documents as well. But I will anyway link them down and attach them to this article.
Step 1: read the document for Flying Drones in Built-up Areas (attached) - this may not always apply as there are even more authorizations needed and there should be a commercial scope
Step 2: read the document for Flying Drones outside Built-up Areas (attached) - this one is probably what a tourist would be looking for
Step 3: here is a very short animation that summarizes all the regulations referring to Flying OUTSIDE of Built-up Areas. The information in this video will be needed to complete a TEST that proves your awareness of the legislation.
I would recommend watching this 4 minutes movie as here are presented all the limitations: what is a built-up area, limitations from the airports (6KM), military bases (8Km), roads (150m), boats (50m), etc.
Step 4: take the AWARENESS TEST here: ... itation-english/new
The test is pretty easy and for your convenience, I attached the questions (awareness test.pdf). I would say it targets the basics which are very common sense. If you are already flying a drone, no matter the country you are in, then you should already know the "basics" rules. The numbers/distances may vary from one country to another though.
Step 5: after taking the Test you need to complete the Drone registration. Another form should be completed and is located here:
Please note, there is a fee for registering - 15DKK which is approx. 2Euros. It can be paid by credit card.
Step 6: Once you successfully took the test and registered your drone, you will receive an email (usually within 24 hours) that confirms your drone is registered with the Danish authorities. The last thing to do is to LABEL your drone (name, passport #, phone # and the Drone Operator ID received after passing the test)
Step 7: you can check the No-Fly zones on . There is also a mobile app with the same name that can be installed on mobile phones and will provide you with no-fly zones.
By the way, you need insurance too.
So, I was traveling by plane to Denmark. I took my Spark in my cabin baggage. The batteries were kept in fireproof bags. There were no issues at the airports or with the airline operators.
The main issue that I had was the wind. During 7 days in Denmark was extremely windy - 25Km/h with gusts going up to 30Km/h. A bit much for a 300g drone like the Spark. But despite the windy conditions, I couldn't leave Denmark without a souvenir:
I hope this was useful.