Flight distance : 310892 ft
United States
You really had no idea what this thread was about, you were full on confused. Osmo pocket, has an SD card. You record to that initially. If you want to edit files, you must download FROM the sd card on the pocket, to your phone or tablet. The Dji mimo software does not allow you to download from the Osmo pocket, directly to your larger phone or tablet SD card, but only to internal storage. Which is 30GB on my tablet I use, while I have 256GB external storage. Which causes the user to have to try to move non dji files on their phone and tablet to their external storage, in order to make room to have space to download from the Pocket, to your phone or tablet. Do you get it now?
You were so confused, then go after someone for using caplocks, while having no idea what is even going on. Jfc.. |