#Dronestrategy - Thailand - Can you register a Drone just 4 holiday?
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35746 41 2019-5-3
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Update May 2020:
Registration process done in under one week!
( https://forum.dji.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=188279&page=1#pid2168718 )
And still about 400 requests in a week, so my guess is that it is not just b/c of the Corona times.

My tip: HAVE a insurance for the bird, not just for holiday and, as a traveller, for "worldwide"!
Prepare the needed (digital) papers ( https://uav.caat.or.th/faq_en.php ) and (after travel bans are lifted worldwide), add the entry stamp, fill out the website and upload the documents.
Get your buttocks to nearest NBTC office ( google: Regional offices of the NBTC - they are using thai letters in that webadress, the linking does not work )And fly legally ;-)

One of the white temple in Thailand (Khao Wang -Phra Nakhon Khiri Historical Park- Petchaburi) :
Wat Tham Suea / Kanchanaburi :

A friend of mine wanna come for a holiday.

And bring his Mavic, so he asked the question from above:

"Can I register my drone in time, so that I can legaly fly in a 3 or 4 week holiday?"

So I looked into my own experience, into the online registration process and at the usual way, people deal with things (law), in Thailand.
And I told him, to bring his bird, anyway, but ...!

First of all:
You need a drone insurance in Thailand!
Minimum 1 Million baht  cover, valid "worldwide" or just in Thailand
(~30.000 Euro/ ~32.000US / ~25.000 GBP,you can get that packages IN Thailand, for 3000is baht! details here:
https://medium.com/@nomadictrave ... surance-41065ecdfda )

So in case you don't have one or don't wanna get one, for just a holiday: Don't bother reading any further about drone registration in Thailand
Instead jump to the last paragraph ;-)  

Wat Tham Suea / Krabi :
04.jpg Wat Tham Suea / Krabi :

All others:

Thailand is, as a mass tourist destination, certainly interesting for drone pilots.
Lots of tourists even buying there drones in the holidays in Thailand! ("My" dealer told me)
Since January 2018, there is a MUST REGISTER scheme in place.
ALL drones with cameras, even the Tello, need to be registered!!!!
And not only with the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT), but also with the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)

The "good" thing: NBTC is a walk in, 30 minutes, free of charge
Taking the drone, the remote, the passport and getting there in person, done!
They do pictures, copies, ...., you get a bunch of papers back, registered. For using a remote controlled aircraft with a specific remote controller.
This is NOT the permission/registration, to fly with it.
Just now you can't get fined for using illegally radio equipment.
Which, fun fact, would be the higher fines, in case ....  ;-)
And because it is a easy process: I recommend to register with the NBTC at all costs!
It may cost you some time, but certainly it can safe you money!

The nearest office of the NBTC, to your planed destination, search here please (looks strange, b/c it is thai language in the link!):
https://www.nbtc.go.th/About/%E0 ... %E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%84-(1).aspx?lang=en-us

My first CAAT registration, however, needed some month till I got the license.
That was still via mail, trying to find the right one, not getting feedbacks and in the end getting the license in paper form with snail post!
I even had to go to the CAAT office in Bangkok, twice, to make that work.
But that got changed to a website, a simple online process.
I can't say how long it really needs, the website claims just 15 working days.
I did hear from a week, 2 weeks, but still up to 3 month seems to be possible.
But you get feedbacks, right away!
Set up your account:
Here you create a account, but:
USE Google Chrome for it:
"Note: This Drone Registration System is supported on Google Chrome ONLY."
It works "not right" with firefox, I found out!

You'll find all this, and one PDF, bigger as 2 MB, on the login page!


Part 3: Please download the PDF - 03-Announcement-of-the-Ministry-of-Transport - from the caat page!
(can't upload it, the limit is 2Mb, the file is 2.x Mb)

Must know.jpg

Here a list of the needed documents:

Must know02.jpg
The biggest disadvantage of the registration process wit CAAT is, that they want(ed) the entry stamp to Thailand.
So you can't really prepare from home.

But: I would still try that, some weeks before the trip, to start the process
With the hint, you get them the entry stamp direct after arrival.
Instead of sending a picture with the entry stamp, send on with the explanation, that you will send the stamp after your arrival to Thailand.
And hope for the best!
They may/will most likely send you a mail, complaining about it.
(pointing out, there is the entry stamp missing = feedback, someone watched your application!)
But then you have the "edit"- button working, to change your application, to upload the entry stamp picture after arrival.
Also you already see the No. of your application, since that is the first that gets created, after sending the documents!

In case you arriving/staying for some day/s in Bangkok, you just could plan a trip to the IT-Square in Lak Si, near Don Muang Airport.
And walk in to the office , opening Mo-Fr, 08.30 to 12.00, 13.00 to 15.30, closed on public holidays.
They are very helpful in there, I tried it some times ;-)

Documents needed for CAAT registration (pictures):

    Proof of address (supposed/hotel adress in Thailand, I'd send a booking confirmation picture, if available)
    Your passport photo page / usually the entry stamp page, too
    Pictures of your drone including serial numbers of the drone and the remote
    Liability insurance documents (no insurance, no ....!) IN english (or Thai)!
    Signed self declaration form  
(download her: https://www.caat.or.th/wp-conten ... laration15MAR18.pdf )  

Pai Historical Bridge / Mae Hong Son


Pai Canyon / Mae Hong Son

The Mon Wooden Bridge / Songhkla Buri

The latest/newest info about this process, I could find, is from here:
https://itsbetterinthailand.com/ ... -drone-in-thailand/

So the best would be to check in the future, that the procedere is still the same, on there and with your favorite search engine!
Right now (April 30.2019) it is the actual info!

For an english version of the drone laws in Thailand:
https://www.caat.or.th/uav/Annou ... ry-of-Transport.pdf

Your keywords in short are : VLOS, max 90 meters, daytime only, not over crowd, over privat land you have to ask the owner   

Riverkwai Bridge / Kanchanaburi

Mostly it is easy flying. As long you don't p... o.. people, you should be good to go.
Common sense it is, isn't it?  

Prasat Muang Singh Historical Park / Kanchanaburi

Last "hint":
(disclaimer: personal opinion of S-e-ven)
Since they changed to a online registration form:
I do see that as a chance for a little loophole for tourists on shorter holiday!
In the online history-section stays "Date Register"
And that date is the date of applying for the "license" by sending in the documents
The requirement is "All drones need to be registered"!
Technically, from the moment of sending your files to the CAAT, it is registered.
You are known to the authorities, your drone is it, too!
"Just" not issued a 2 year license, yet.
Which will be  valid for said 2 years, after it got granted.
Of course I am not and i can't be certain, that stands against law/a police officer, who wanna fine you.
But with the paperwork from NBTC in hand, I'm pretty sure that even the officers don't know that for sure!
Or how to put the value of flying a registered drone (with CAAT/NBTC) without a ("driving") license into a fine!

(here the people from the top, deciding not to want a insurance, should read again;-)

p.ex.: If driving a car/moto on the road in thailand, without a license or insurance, it just cost 500 or 1000 baht.
You pay and off YOU DRIVE. Because the receipt grants you a "free to drive", minimum for the rest of the day.
In some areas even up to 3 or 5 days! At the next checkpoint you are just showing this "freecard". So anticipate ! ;-)
Just saying, TiT (This is Thailand)!  

Big Buddha / Phuket


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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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Here I add 2 links to Spark videos, 1080p upscaled to 4K. One is Phuket's Big Buddha , the other is from the Death Railway , River Kwai, in Kanchanaburi

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DJI Panda
Flight distance : 405039 ft
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Hong Kong

Nice strategy! Many of my friends always want to fly drones in Thailand. This thread can help a lot!
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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
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United Kingdom

Good work
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Flight distance : 394173 ft

Bro, you have no idea how long I was looking for something like this. I even sent some papers to the authorities without ever getting a response, lol. In the end I flew my spark anyway...as you said...common sense :-)

Do you live in Thailand? I'll come visit when I'm back again :-)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 7557283 ft

Good work thank you!
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great work! bangkok is so near to me.
i can't wait to fly to thailand again with my drone
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3985561 ft
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Hey well done! And would you please share how do you get this effect with the small planet from above? All I can manage is a 360 with my MA. Thanks
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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elberti Posted at 5-6 02:11
Hey well done! And would you please share how do you get this effect with the small planet from above? All I can manage is a 360 with my MA. Thanks

you got a p.m.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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jannlee Posted at 5-6 01:42
great work! bangkok is so near to me.
i can't wait to fly to thailand again with my drone

Can Singapore drone pilots buy a insurance, valid for , lets say, Asia? Or even "worldwide"?
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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MartyTravels Posted at 5-5 18:26
Bro, you have no idea how long I was looking for something like this. I even sent some papers to the authorities without ever getting a response, lol. In the end I flew my spark anyway...as you said...common sense :-)

Do you live in Thailand? I'll come visit when I'm back again :-)

The "sending papers to some mail address at CAAT" time is over!
Done that, been there (literally, in Bangkok, to ask for the results, in person).
There where different mail addresses to find in the net, but there was almost never a answer reported.

The new online system, which is already 10 month in place (about), is a great advantage!
At least for the applying side and the end result delivery!

Just: There is STILL NO e-mail address, to ask about.
P.ex. in case nothing is moving for some time (over the 15 working days ;-)
Just the Bangkok telephone number (02 568 8800) from CAAT
Which is now, having a unique number (build by year-month-number of drone reg. requests), something to work with.

In case anyone has a "working" contact e-mail, drone registration related, please post it!

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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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Nice entry!
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Flight distance : 6103757 ft
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Very well done, many thanks!
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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LUX.aerial Posted at 5-7 18:18
Thank you for this! I lived in Thailand for many years but moved back to the US some years ago. Now I’m in the middle of planning a prolonged excursion back to Mueng Thai and needed exactly the info you posted. THANK YOU!

Your welcome!
And after living in Thailand for some time already, you probably see the options you have during the period of waiting for the license.
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Paulo Paulino
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2945833 ft
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Nice work.
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Flight distance : 49478 ft


Great work and information, especially the last paragraph.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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Hartyaj Posted at 5-9 17:18
Great work and information, especially the last paragraph.

That's why I wrote it
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First Officer
Flight distance : 500052 ft

Wow, you did huge amount of work! Thank you for tips at the end
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New Zealand

MartyTravels Posted at 5-5 18:26
Bro, you have no idea how long I was looking for something like this. I even sent some papers to the authorities without ever getting a response, lol. In the end I flew my spark anyway...as you said...common sense :-)

Do you live in Thailand? I'll come visit when I'm back again :-)

Bro..did customs say anything to you at the airport ?
Were u able to fly anyways without permit?
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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djiuser_jc8jsDFXk9yz Posted at 5-10 21:16
Bro..did customs say anything to you at the airport ?
Were u able to fly anyways without permit?

I literally had NEVER any problem with my Sparks in Airports!
I flew in Asia to/from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Phuket, Bangkok (both airports), Hongkong, Shanghai, Beijing.
No one ever wanted to see the Spark in the Combo Bag (include 3 batteries), nor the extra batteries or the Charging hub or such.
Still, sometimes they wanted to check my power bank and,  more often, the little (sun;-) Umbrella, I carry in hand luggage, too.

And even in Airports, where custom X-rays luggage of international arriving  passengers, they never stopped/questioned me.

And to the last question, for "in Thailand":
Read the last paragraph in the topic.
Thousands of tourist are driving motorcycle in Thailand, without having the right / a international license. Every day.
Or people driving bikes/cars, without having the (crappy) compulsory insurance or the yearly  tax  renewal not paid.
You get caught, you pay (official, with receipt, you may have to go to the police station for this, or they setting up pay counter on check points!), you get a receipt, you get on the bike and drive where you wanna go!

I am flying for almost 2 years now, in Thailand.
The first 6 month in the "goodwill" time with the "you have to be registered till ... January 2018
But had NBTC-registration from the beginning.
And insurance, too
After that a bit longer, still waiting for the papers.
Even walked into the CAAT office in BKK, to check on them.
Got them, eventually, but:
And I never got asked to show anything!
Even the police officer, approaching me the one day, was just interested about how easy it is to fly, how much it cost, how far can it fly away, if it has a camera.

So till now, I can just assume that drone pilots aren't targeted.
Despite having heard about, once I think, that a pilot got fined.
Probably not enough of us around to look for them.
Which is a total different outcome, compared to "international" motorcycle drivers driving without a helmet, also even a lot of helmet on drivers have no license:
1 h checkpoint, xx- xxx drivers caught.
You get the picture? ;-)

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Flight distance : 394173 ft

djiuser_jc8jsDFXk9yz Posted at 5-10 21:16
Bro..did customs say anything to you at the airport ?
Were u able to fly anyways without permit?

No customs ever said anything in any country and I've been to a lot. Well, didn't try my luck in Vietnam though :-)


Just be careful where you fly and don't push your luck (wouldn't try to fly near the palace in Bangkok if you know what I mean). I read about guys who got fined by rangers a huge amount for flying over a national park.

Common sense ;-)
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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MartyTravels Posted at 5-11 14:12
No customs ever said anything in any country and I've been to a lot. Well, didn't try my luck in Vietnam though :-)


Did they pay direct to the rangers ?
Did they get a receipt?
And have they had any of the two registrations done?

Anyhow: National Parks are tricky.
Best thing to do, b/c you have to pay entrance fees, anyway, is to ask at entry point.
Often it can be dealt with this issue in a baksheesh way.
Sometimes the fine is just about the same amount!

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Flight distance : 394173 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 5-12 04:06
Did they pay direct to the rangers ?
Did they get a receipt?
And have they had any of the two registrations done?

No no they had neither and as far as I remember they flew the drone from a boat on the water. Rangers are not the police ... they are military. That's what I (and you) mean with common sense. If you push your luck too hard it can get very ugly with unregistered drones in a no fly zone ;-)
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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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Thank you very much!
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Flight distance : 2560453 ft
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S-e-ven Posted at 6-3 06:25
Thank you very much!

Well deserved
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Thanks for sharing.
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Flight distance : 1987031 ft

Hi Seven! Really appreciate the thorough explanation on the steps to apply for the the permit and insurance!
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Flight distance : 1987031 ft

Was also wondering on the insurance payment portion- how do we go about paying for the insurance?
Was looking at https://medium.com/@nomadictrave ... surance-41065ecdfda page and found no definitive answer for the payment itself.

I have already tried to register CAAT online and now its just left with the insurance portion which i am uncertain of.

hope you can advice
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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MervTheSoon Posted at 8-20 20:39
Was also wondering on the insurance payment portion- how do we go about paying for the insurance?
Was looking at https://medium.com/@nomadictravel/thailand-drone-insurance-41065ecdfda page and found no definitive answer for the payment itself.

Since I could cover that insurance problem, with a insurance from my home country, worldwide cover,  I did not look further into it.
But in here:
https://medium.com/@nomadictrave ... surance-41065ecdfda


5. Please email all documents to dronethaiinsurance@gmail.com with Transfer slip for insurance policy Plan A — 3,000 THB

Transfer to bank account name: Charoonsak Sukawatano

Siam Commercial Bank

Account number : 025–2–27861–1


You have a Siam Commercial in Singapore in Robinson center, methinks.

Also I do think, that buying a insurance just for a trip to another country, is not covering the drone activities over the year.
So check this out, perhaps!


https://dollarsandsense.sg/just- ... s-available-to-you/

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United States

S-e-ven Posted at 2019-5-6 04:16
The "sending papers to some mail address at CAAT" time is over!
Done that, been there (literally, in Bangkok, to ask for the results, in person).
There where different mail addresses to find in the net, but there was almost never a answer reported.

I've been trying to register for a couple of months now but their requirements are almost impossible if you've never been and you're only going for a short (1-2 week) visit.

I'm getting stuck on:

1.  Submit photo of visa on arrival stamp.  Will I haven't arrived yet.  How am I going to provide this before I arrive at Thailand immigration?

So I submit the photo of the visa stamp.  Can they approve my registration within 1-2 weeks?  Otherwise, it's impossible.

2.  They want an insurance policy showing drone model and serial number.  Americans have homeowners insurance which covers personal property liability.  Drones are personal property but the policy doesn't specifically list every personal property you have.

Coverage is worldwide and way over the 1 million Baht CAAT requirement.  But it doesn't specifically list my drone details.

Moreover they say you need a NBTC registration.  That site doesn't allow you to register online.  So I hear you have to go to NBTC Bangkok office in person.  Well the first place I'm staying in is Chiang Mai.  I don't go to Bangkok until towards the end of my stay.

So I'm curious if any American or Westerner has been able to get their registration approved by the CAAT and NBTC before they go to Thailand.

Or at least find a way to get it approved almost as soon as they arrive there.

Otherwise, they can't really register successfully to use their drone during their stay, can they?
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United States

S-e-ven Posted at 2019-8-20 21:42
Since I could cover that insurance problem, with a insurance from my home country, worldwide cover,  I did not look further into it.
But in here:
https://medium.com/@nomadictrave ... surance-41065ecdfda

That's kind of steep, 3000 THB for insurance I can only use in Thailand, during a short visit.

I already have insurance that would cover liability for anywhere in the world, way over the 1 million THB requirement of the CAAT.

But they won't accept my American homeowners insurance.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

My latest updates from a source, who is more often switching drones:

The 15 working days (would already be 3 weeks) is a myth.
Its more 4-6 weeks, minimum.

My advice still is:
1.Get the NBTC thing done
( google: nbtc office chiang mai  - next to Airport)
2. Apply again for online registration
3.  Why aren't they?
Get a paper from that insurance, stating the worldwide and the amount in US.

After 1 and 2 are done, you technically are registered.
That's what the online registration site tells, at least.
You just did not get the 2 year license, yet.
(disclaimer: on your own risk)

In my opinion, the paperwork they GET you, for free, at the NBTC, plus the online account at CAAT, should keep you out of trouble!
As long you look for no trouble ;-)

Have a nice holiday
Use props

United States

Actually the CAAT online registration asks for a lot of documents, like 5 or 6 of them.

One is a picture of the visa on arrival, which obviously I can't get until I arrive in Thailand.

Another is an insurance policy showing the drone model and its serial number.  Like I said, American homeowners policy doesn't list every personal property.  For them "personal property" covers everything.

So for visa on arrival, I guess I could upload right after I enter Thailand.  But if CAAT takes 2, 3, or 4 weeks, that's not going to work for a 1-2 week trip.

I assume when you register, you will have some kind of documents to show anyone who asks.  So is it the same as telling a policeman or whoever that you've submitted the paperwork?

Especially when you don't speak Thai?

Also I've heard of some accounts saying if you bring in an unregistered drone into Thailand, you can be subject to fines and even jail time.  Well I am going to visit other countries on this trip so even if I can't fly in Thailand, I would be flying in Hong Kong for instance, which doesn't have such difficult registration requirements.

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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>

wco81 Posted at 1-5 18:23
Actually the CAAT online registration asks for a lot of documents, like 5 or 6 of them.

One is a picture of the visa on arrival, which obviously I can't get until I arrive in Thailand.

Don't compare Thailand with Hong Kong or Singapore, ever Country has it's own!

Yes, you can just show the stamp (not visa, it is exempt entry), which is just stating granted 30 day of stay, after you arrived. So do that CAAT thing after arrival AND do the NBTC!!

"Another is an insurance policy showing the drone model and its serial number.  Like I said, American homeowners policy doesn't list every personal property.  For them "personal property" covers everything.|"

Call your insurance up. Better send a mail with drone pic of serial.
The will (worldwide needs that) get you an letter ("to whom in may concern" or such), WITH your drone Serial (you provide that with as PHOTO to your insurance) and what they cover.

And you don't have to show ANYONE, just officials!
If someone else wanna see that, it is up2you to go to trouble or not.
If someone complains, try to get him on your side by showing your device display.
If that doesn't work, say sorry and get the bird back and fly somewhere else!

I have not shown any of my registration paperes in the past 2 years!
And the papers (also the digital) are in Thai, so don't worry.

My guess: 90+% of the drones, flown by non-Thais in Thailand, aren't registered,
NBTC is OFFICIAL paperwork, that You have in hands, the CAAT online account states "registration", after supplied the digital papers.

And in the end, driving a motorcycle without license or insurance gets you 500-1000 baht fine
And, depending on province, a 24h-1 week "Go on, you have paid it now"
Go figure!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 810561 ft

Thanks for the share.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
  • >>>


I just "renewed" one of my birds, the two year period was over!

But technically it was a "new registration", since the old one was done before the website was started.

And b/c I made a mistake (invalid document)  the first time , I had to send in the application/pictures twice.
Which got me an overview how quick there responding time is.
And how many people even in this times wanna register a drone.

From the registration numbers, there were about 400 registration requests in that week between my two entries.
And the feedback for "wrong", as much as the one for "registered" was just 2 to 3 days.

So, in case the borders are opening up for travel, some time in the future, it looks like it is really possible to get the full registration process done in a week after arrival to Thailand!
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Pierre maxi2
Flight distance : 177874 ft

thanks for everything I hope next year we can travel normally it’s been 2 years since I went to thailand,and before I had no drone
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6713271 ft
United States

S-e-ven, Thanks for sharing your nice photos and information!
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If I am coming to Thailand only for 2 weeks trip with Mavic mini 3, using drone only occasionally, away from people, cities, airports, etc., respecting all rules and safety distances, do I still have to register it?
What about 30days rule?
It will be not enough time to complete all paperwork if they do require an entry stamp!
For us it will be a short trip only.

Somebody can help how does it look like in practise please ?

No answer found, however so many people asking for the same.

Thank you!

3-2 00:40
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