Master Airscrew Stealth Propellers - Review
10297 15 2019-5-3
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Flight distance : 85253 ft
United States

We performed some really dumb tests indoors (don't do that), and some side-by-side tests outside.  Overall we are happy with the Master Airscrew props and feel it gives excellent lower RPM power to the platform!  Not a bad purchase at $20, but definitely be aware that the drone is still noisy.

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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Hello and good day Flying_Nevada. Thank you for sharing this video and thank you for your support.
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Flight distance : 2464 ft
United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 5-4 07:45
Hello and good day Flying_Nevada. Thank you for sharing this video and thank you for your support.

Is it safe to use this Propellers?
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DJI Stephen
DJI team

Bo3waas Posted at 5-4 13:33
Is it safe to use this Propellers?

Hello and good day Bo3waas. Thank you for reaching out. Actually, there is a possibility that the Master Airscrew Stealth Propellers will be able work on the DJI Mavic Air. However, since it's not yet optimized and tested by DJI we cannot guaranteed the stability of the Master Airscrew Stealth Propellers if it will work all the time with no issues while using the DJI Mavic Air.  Just a friendly reminder that  it is recommended to use the original propellers for the DJI Mavic Air for compatibility and reliability. If in case of damage caused by the third-party propellers to the said drone. The warranty of the drone might be void. Thank you for your understanding.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1695351 ft
United States

has there been resultant incident affirmed attributed to such propeller change?
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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Thanks for sharing
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Flight distance : 790814 ft
United States

Great video with lots of valuable information -- although Ariane could probably host by herself, she's a natural.  Pretty and articulate -- born for the screen.  Then there's John...let's just say he has a face for radio.  It almost looks like a kidnapping.  What a mismatch.  May I suggest he wear a beekeepers hat or something similar for future shows?

Just kidding John, you know you're a lucky guy.  Awesome job, you two (Ariane mostly).  I really enjoy your videos, keep up the good work.

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Flight distance : 8431946 ft
United States

They were working great for 10+ flights until I got the motor current error while flying. Why yes, I did adjust the gain to 80 in case you were going to ask. It WAS windy that day

I emailed Master Airscrew, they have not responded with an answer
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Flight distance : 85253 ft
United States

Bluehook Posted at 5-14 14:06
Great video with lots of valuable information -- although Ariane could probably host by herself, she's a natural.  Pretty and articulate -- born for the screen.  Then there's John...let's just say he has a face for radio.  It almost looks like a kidnapping.  What a mismatch.  May I suggest he wear a beekeepers hat or something similar for future shows?

Just kidding John, you know you're a lucky guy.  Awesome job, you two (Ariane mostly).  I really enjoy your videos, keep up the good work.

Oh wow, I agree with you 100%!  She is a natural and just drags me along for the ride!  Behind every great woman is a dopey guy hanging on for dear life!  
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Flight distance : 85253 ft
United States

Straker Posted at 5-15 14:24
They were working great for 10+ flights until I got the motor current error while flying. Why yes, I did adjust the gain to 80 in case you were going to ask. It WAS windy that day

I emailed Master Airscrew, they have not responded with an answer

I too saw a motor current error on a very windy day; that's good info about adjusting the gain to 80!!
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Flight distance : 790814 ft
United States

Flying_Nevada Posted at 5-17 17:01
Oh wow, I agree with you 100%!  She is a natural and just drags me along for the ride!  Behind every great woman is a dopey guy hanging on for dear life!

That comment is hysterical!  And true!

You're a good sport, John.  

You guys are the best, looking forward to your next production!

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Mr. Motta
Flight distance : 341434 ft
United States

I bought them also. havent fly with them yet. They seem super flimsy though.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 507087 ft
United Kingdom

A pal has a MK1 Pro with aftermarket low noise propellers.. Whilst there is a minute, barely discernible  difference in pitch between his and my Pro2 I really dont think it's worth even contemplating spending money on 'low noise' props for that purpose alone.

DJI approved props for me all day plus its fun scaring little furry animals
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Flight distance : 85253 ft
United States

Bluehook Posted at 5-19 17:39
That comment is hysterical!  And true!

You're a good sport, John.  

It all depends on what 'the boss' says we are going to do!    She is firm, but fair!
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Flight distance : 85253 ft
United States

*DM* Posted at 5-19 22:32
A pal has a MK1 Pro with aftermarket low noise propellers.. Whilst there is a minute, barely discernible  difference in pitch between his and my Pro2 I really dont think it's worth even contemplating spending money on 'low noise' props for that purpose alone.

DJI approved props for me all day plus its fun scaring little furry animals

We want to nail down if these props have any performance gain; we are working on tests that are comical at best, but might give some further insight!  I do agree with the furry animal scaring; it is a wonderful sound to hear the drone scream up over a ridge, I can almost hear 'Ride of the Valkyries'.
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Flight distance : 7425909 ft
United States

I've used these props exclusively for about 20 batteries now.  I can't say enough good things about them.  Yes, they reduce the decibels and they lower the frequency of my MA - both very welcomed changes.  I guess the part I like the most is the improvement in efficiency.  I usually fly until I hit around 30% and then begin coming in for a landing.  I'm not a guy who wants to lose his drone because I pushed it too far.  With the stock props, I averaged about 20,000 ft per flight.  With the MAS props I average about 24,000 ft.  That's a 20% increase in efficiency.

I will get the current errors if I have it in sport mode and both sticks pushed fully forward.  As long as I back off on one of the sticks, the errors won't happen.  I've also noticed that the batteries aren't as warm when I land.  That could be me imagining it (I have no real metrics) but it seems consistently a little better.  I can't see that I'll be returning to the stock props.
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