Flight distance : 5922034 ft
Edit Jan. 2020:
Mandatory registration for all drones over 250g needed, at least from April 2020
I had a nice couple of days in Singapore, last week.
And on 2 of these days some time, to fly my Spark
And b/c the rehearsal for the national day on 8 of August 2019 is having some additional temporary nfz, I thought a "drone-strategy" topic is helpful!
But starting with the entry point, bringing a drone to Singapore via Changi Airport
This time it was the first time ever, I got stopped at the X-ray (at the exit of the arrival area, "green-zone", nothing to declare) b/c of the drones. And I went there a couple of times with a drone in my carry on!
And a week before that, same exit, same x-ray, nothing, this time "oh, drones", calling security.
No big deal, anyway, the superior called the office, I got told I just have to inform them.
I missed to ask, if that is temporary or a new directive, but:
Right now (21.06.2019) I would suggest, before leaving the arrival area, declare the drone. ;-)
So, where to get the information for the flying areas?
Some important and general information:
Till now, there is no registration needed for "fun flights"
Just the max altitude is only 200ft/61m and that over sea level !!!
So no flying from most roofs, over certain hotels (60m is in average about 20 floors, only)
Even mount fabor (105m) is out of limits, not just because of the cable way!
First of all: https://flywhere.sg/
This website is a interactive map, collecting all informations (thanks a lot!) , at time with a link under NPD 2019 named: read more, to the CAAS website, where relevant information can be found, easily too!
For the actual and not common nfz's, follow the read more link, this got me this time to this:
( https://www.caas.gov.sg/about-caas/newsroom/Detail/establishment-of-temporary-restricted-area-for-the-conduct-of-aerial-activities-2019 )
clicking on the map gets you to a bigger version
Also the CAAS offers a lot informations on there site:
This is the official map:

Also there a links to all relevant info to find.
Also there are a lot of websites (google, yahoo, Bing, Baidoo, Duckduckgo, ......) to find, with tipps and location hints.
This time I also got informed, twice, that I was operating my bird FROM privat ground, with the request to stop.
Just saying, because it is permitted by law over public ground, still the owner of the ground you are starting/sitting on can tell you, not to do that .
Marina Bay