Drone Crash? How DJI Repair Works and Tips You Should Know
21547 10 2019-7-26
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 170627 ft

Though it’s known to us all that most of DJI drones are built with reliable obstacle avoidance sensors, it’s still not hard to crash a drone due to a variety of possibilities. The possible causes to drone damage are also not that hard to figure out interference sources, over water flight, signal interruptions, pilot errors etc.
If unfortunately, you found yourself in the inevitable situation of owning a crashed/damaged DJI drone, what should you do right after the accident happened? Maybe you’ll be too freaked out to realize what to do next and definitely lost any clue who to contact. If this is the case, then you definitely should check this article out. Read on for the full details of how DJI Repair process works and what should you do after your drone gets damaged.

1.  How DJI Repair Process Works

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2. Got DJI Care Refresh?

In most crash scenes, no matter you are a newbie or an experienced pilot, DJI care refresh always comes as a life saver. Why? It’s probably because warranty only covers damages caused by defects, while most of the time the crashes are caused by PILOT’S FAULT! So just in case you’ll get yourself a horrific repair bill from DJI Repair Service, a DJI Care Refresh is quite necessary.

If you’ve sent your drone back to DJI for repair, and luckily it’s covered by DJI Care Refresh, the DJI repair process will become a whole lot easier for you. Once you’ve shipped your drone back, DJI received it and offered you the quotation after diagnosis, you’ll be able to choose to use DJI Care Refresh, in which case you’ll need to pay the replacement fee, you can check the replacement fee for each product here; or you can decline to use your DJI Care Refresh and pay the repair fee and then wait for DJI repair team to have your drone fixed.

Once you’ve accepted to use your DJI Care Refresh for replacement, DJI will (in most case) ship out your new replacement right after your payment. In this case, the entire shipping fee will be covered by DJI. All you need to do is to ship back your drone, and confirm the payment for the replacement throughout the whole process.

Tips: Some regions will support DJI Care Refresh Express, which is an option that allows you to skip the damage assessment and quotation process. A DJI service center will ship you a replacement as soon as they receive your product.Supported regions are:
Mainland China, United States, Canada, EU countries, Switzerland, Norway, the UK.

3. How To Apply For Data Analysis?

Yeah, in most cases, pilots will just NOT admit the crash is all by his own fault and can’t help thinking it’s a manufacturing problem. So here comes the problem, how to apply for data analysis and in which case you’ll be able to get DJI to do it for you without any charges?

If your drone’s still under warranty, you’ll be able to apply for data analysis on DJI’s repair websiteFOR FREE in your repair case. However, if your drone’s out of warranty, you’ll have to pay for extra data analysis. And one thing you should keep in mind, keep record of your flight video will definitely be helpful for data analysis as the DJI technicians will be able to see what had happened actually.

Tips: If the data analysis result from DJI technicians can't convince you, you can also try to learn how to do flight data analysis through thistutorial.

Use props

Had an incident with my Mavic Air last time, so I returned it to DJI for a replacement.. I got a new one within 3 day?!!  I did use the DJI Care Refresh Express.. I have to say It was quite impressive.
Use props
Flight distance : 167982 ft

The nice thing I feel about DJI customer service is that in most cases, they'll pay for the shipping fee. Once I've mailed my drone back to DJI, all I have to do is wait for them to ship me back the new one.. quite simple.
Use props
Flight distance : 179026 ft

Thanks for sharing!
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Hong Kong

The DJI repair process is quite clear and helpful. Thanks for the info!
Use props

Thanks for sharing those information!  
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G37 Mavic Pro
Flight distance : 49741 ft
United States

Thanks for sharing, hope I never have to follow this process or get assistance with a crash/ repairs.
Use props
Flight distance : 2913035 ft
  • >>>

Nice info!
Use props
United States

They really need to include something for people who lose their drone due to malfunction.
Use props
Flight distance : 587362 ft
United States

Currently going through this right now.  Just paid for the repairs and waiting for my Spark to be returned to me. I didn't have DJI refresh but will be getting it when I get my drone back.
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P4 Drony
Flight distance : 2302733 ft

3 days ago my Mavic2Zoom suddenly start behaving really weird. It was on RTH in a reach of about 50mtr.
It flew back and then it crashed.
In the flight log viewer I can read  it got on ATTI.
‘message’ says: Other (8).
I really want to know what happened or caused this crash.
I wish the crash was caused by myself but I really don’t have a clue.
Where can I upload the flightlog for examiniation by DJI?
There is no warranty.
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