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S1 Battle Tournament @ NVIDIA Sun. Sept. 15
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6290 52 2019-8-21
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Ok, it's no secret now, I have been hawking about our S1 meetup on Slack and now we have a LOT of eyes on us.

Several highly accomplished computer scientists and roboticists including some NVIDIA management are interested in seeing our resulting videos.

Did your skin just crawl with excitement?  Mine is.

So I figure we should go full auto gel bead on this.  Let's make it memorable with some planning.

Firstly, I have a vague idea about small ramps and buckets.  Buckets are cool because they provide cover, present as an obstacle and can be bashed around harmlessly.

Ramps are cool but if an S1 falls off, it could potentially be damaged and nobody wants that.  Ramps will be low, and I have plenty of foam pads to lay down around them.

Now the kick butt part I just though of.  I got two of these on the way:

For Team Play, each team will have these as a "Base" of sorts, to mimic the Robomaster Tournament constuct.

The Base will be protected by a large foam Shield, and behind that, a wall of paper cups.  It will be illegal to move around the Shield to shoot at the paper cups until the attacking Team has scored a Kill.  After a Kill is scored (simulating Sentry destruction in the Robomaster Tournament) it will legal for an attacking S1 to move around the Shield and start taking down the Wall of Paper Cups - that is the last defense of the Base.  Once a Base has all of it's Targets hit, the attacking Team will be awarderd bonus points after time expires.  The other Base is worth zero after the first Base is "destroyed".

I have a couple other rules in mind, so the Team Play rounds will need a little refereeing and a tad of note keeping.

For Healing - if your S1 is "destroyed" you can still  limp at reduced speed to a "Healing Area".  There will be a ramp, and some cover, so after you heal you have to run off the ramp to avoid being ganged up on.  Healing is done simply by looking at the "Heart" Vision Marker placed at the top of the ramp.

Ok, post up!  Even if you can't attend the Battle if you have any thoughts you'd like to share, fire away!

And please tell me if you can attend you can bring something ramp-like or two and a bucket or two.  

Edit:  Network connection:  We  will use my TP-Link AC750 Mobile Router to connect all the S1's  together, and our devices will have internet access through the Router  to the Nvidia Guest Wifi.  I recommend this Mobile Router as it has many  functions and great utility and a smallish cost:
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DJI Stephen

Hello and good day MarkusXL. Thank you for sharing these information and these links with us. Have a safe driving and a happy programming always.
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David Martin Graff
First Officer
Flight distance : 108805200 ft
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United States

Thanks for sharing, good to know!!
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United States

Imagined Robotmaster Jr. Tournament Playfield of the near future.   Not to scale.  

The gray areas are elevated.  The area with the Blue Tape Line is elevated enough to drive under, but is inaccessible to any except that side's team's designated Sentry S1 'bot.  By rule the Sentry must be fully autonomous (when the features are unlocked to allow this).

The large circles are buckets that can be kicked around.  The small circles are low profile soccer cones that can be driven over but will knock you around some.

The Base consists of a 3x Drop Target protected behind a small wall of paper cups.  The white wall are foam sheets secured in place, should function as "walls" and provide cover.

The Heart is that side's Healing Area with the Heart Vision Marker.  Behind a "wall" and / or up a small ramp not sure...

The big X in the middle are low ramps for tumbling around some if not careful.  Some elevation provides some shooting advantage, at risk of exposure.

By Rule, you can't target the "Base" or the Paper Cups until the Sentry is "destroyed".  The first "Base" to be "destroyed" by getting all it's 3 targets dropped is worth points to the other team after time expires to end the match.  The surviving Base is worth zero after the first base is destroyed.

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United States

Ok I got another S1 owner to sign up!  And he has TWO S1s.

So now we have myself, 3 from these forums, plus one more and plus one maybe (if he can get and build his S1 in time).

That's 7 robots so far and enough pilots - if we can get 4-on-4 it will be epic!
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United States

Getting closer!  We have 7 pilots and 7 'bots lined up.  If I can get my 2nd S1 in time, my son can pilot it, so we'll have 4 x 4 contest.  The most number of S1's in the USA in the same place?  I think so!

Biggest and Best S1 Tournament in the USA so far?  Yeeeepppp.  Breaking new ground why not!

I took a long walk around today to find the best place for our tourney.  If it's less than 84 / 29 degrees outside there is a wonderful enclosed courtyard nearly wide open with comfy lounge chairs and tables off to the sides.  Plus a couple trees to navigate around and they provide cooling shade all day.  The gel beads can be swept into the drainage gates near the center.  The S1 can clear those gates easy.

All I need a is:

a long extension cord
power strip
mobile router
a couple brooms.  
cardboard and tape to make some ramps
a small plastic bucket or two
some small soccer cones
2 electronic drop-targets
a bunch of foam sheets to make some barriers

If it's hot day, over 30 / 85ish, the next best place is the exercise room.  Totally wide open, but have to sweep up most of the gel beads.  Restrooms and fountain right there.  No furniture, but I can drag in some chairs.  I got a small folding table.  It should be wide open on a hot Sunday, but there is Plan C.  In building E there is a conference room but it's a little stuffy on a hot day.  A couple fans would help.
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Malibu Aerial
Flight distance : 143898 ft
United States

Two more weekends.  I really appreciate you hosting and taking the time to plan and make this happen.  I can't wait.
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United States

I just learned my second S1 has cleared customs and should be here this Wednesday!  

So 4 x 4 is looking good!

Yeah this will be making history kind of, perhaps in just a small way, but thinking what may come of it is intriguing!
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Flight distance : 210226 ft
United States

Count me in. 1 Robomaster S1. I might bring my older son.

Remind me of the timing and arrival logistics? Or send me a DM with the address?

I understand we all have to be there on time so you only have to escort 1 group through security.
How many batteries does everyone have? Might be a good idea to order some extras + chargers.

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Malibu Aerial
Flight distance : 143898 ft
United States

gpvillamil Posted at 9-2 11:36
Count me in. 1 Robomaster S1. I might bring my older son.

Remind me of the timing and arrival logistics? Or send me a DM with the address?

I ordered an extra battery so I have 2 and 4 bottles of gel beads from DJI.
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Malibu Aerial Posted at 9-2 13:03
I ordered an extra battery so I have 2 and 4 bottles of gel beads from DJI.

NEWS! I got a nice email from DJI marketing.  They seem happy that I am building an S1 club (duh).  They say they are working on promotional banners and other materials to add some sauce to the fun.  If they turn something over for free I’ll be quite quite pleased.  

Now the whole DJI marketing group will be watching our upcoming video.  We're like rock stars over there!
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OK!  We're GO for having a big Robomaster S1 robot battle-fest on Sunday Sept. 15 in Building R center courtyard starting 10am - 3pm.  Please pass this info along to any like-minded individuals and please stop by if you can!  

Show up for Building E Security Sign In no later than 9:45am sharp!    

Locals, please PM me to exchange cell phone #'s

Map Link:
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Second Officer

MarkusXL Posted at 9-6 06:59
OK!  We're GO for having a big Robomaster S1 robot battle-fest on Sunday Sept. 15 in Building R center courtyard starting 10am - 3pm.  Please pass this info along to any like-minded individuals and please stop by if you can!  

Show up for Building E Security Sign In no later than 9:45am sharp!    

Is it ok to bring my 4 year old kid with me? If so, I can come and bring 2 Robomaster S1s.
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Kids are fine as long as they remain under constant parental supervision.  From my boss.
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Video from Friday- Robot laser tag in the Nvidia lobby was a hoot, generating lots of buzz.  I got into several very interesting conversations that morning.
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Ok teams another reminder!  

All robots in Sunday's fun should PLEASE have an SD card and we must remember to record all the action.  This is actually really important as we want to analyze the all data.  

Also with your permission I would like to collect brief video statements from everyone before and after and you can declare them public or private and I'll adhere to that.  

We'd like everyone's take on the whole thing.  You can introduce yourself and your robot and who knows, maybe DJI will take our raw footage and do something pro with it.  

This requites consent of course!  They stand to profit from all this.  

That's fine.  I will assume WE are in it for the fun, and to promote the hobby, to attract more S1 owners, which enhances our own experience.  Thus our goals are in alignment.

Another upside is that in promoting the hobby of programming robots, we encourage programming, in particular Python programming, which is a gem of a skill that many will benefit from learning.

And have your gel beads soaked the night before!  I keep saying because I know someone will forget
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rhoude57 - YUL

Just one note. I also have 2 of the Scoring Digital Targets and it should be known that they reset automatically when all three targets have been hit.
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rhoude57 - YUL

I know time is getting short, but you may want to get in touch with Das Valdez ( on Twitch) or Matt Baron (@BadNewsBaron on the RoboMaster Discord server), the two English commentators of the RoboMaster International Tournament and Grand Finals and invite them to go livestream the 1st American National RoboMaster S1 fest!
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Second Officer

MarkusXL Posted at 9-6 12:47
Kids are fine as long as they remain under constant parental supervision.  From my boss.

Are spectators ok? I would like to bring my wife too.
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Yes spectators are welcome!  Cool place, it is surrounded by glass and seating so you can sit and watch from there without Eye Protection.

To enter the Field, you go through a glass door, on which will hang a sign "Eye Protection Required".

I must delegate the contact of those Live Streaming Guys I am swamped over here.  But since this event is a prototype, I at least want to make sure they get the video we will produce from this event.  Perhaps they can be in on the next one.  Cool stuff.

Ok after some chat with DJI Marketing I decided to make this first meetup informal, but include just 4 short "Official Robomaster System One Battles" for actual points we will tally.

The breakdown is intense.  Are you ready to Learn to Win?

Welcome to the first large S1 meetup in the USA!
Perhaps to be officially known as "Robomaster System One".
IF all has gone to plan, this will be the agenda:


I show up and start coordinating


Building E Security Check In


Target time to finish Check Ins


Walk to Building R center courtyard
Set up mobile router and verify all players connections
Begin any obstacle construction as is deemed resonable, also deploy any cones, targets, or other obstacles as is resonable.
While people are setting up and finding positions, I'll be taking video.

Free Time:  Mess around try programs, target practice

11:00am    First Official Match for Points

First Match:  Free for all, while present on the field

11:05am    Tally scores, determine Winner

Free Time

11:30am    Second Official Match for Points

2nd Match: Team Play, while present on the field

11:35am    Tally scores, determine Winner

Free Time

12:00pm    3rd Official Match for Points

Free for all, FPV ONLY

12:05pm    Tally scores, determine Winner

Free Time - longer to allow for snack breaks and Video

1:00pm       FINAL ROUND for points    

Team Play, FPV ONLY


Tally scores, determine Winner

Tally all scores, determine Inaugural Robomaster System One Champion!

Free Time, Video

Note that as the Organizer - Participant, I'm not eligible to be declared the Winner (that would be raw) and my score won't be kept on the official tallies.
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Some notes in my Scratch book.  Chime in, please!

Basic Stuff
Given the combat oriented nature of the S1, case in point, the rather prominent gun, and hit detectors, it is reasonable to assume that the Robomaster System One events are free to attempt to mimic the actual Robomaster Tournaments DJI holds in Shenzhen.  Thus, we are in a competition, keep score, and determine a winner.

What's the Prize?
The Winners of each Round get paper thing I will print up.  Yay!  The overall Champion gets an additional laser printed paper thing.  Yay!!!  And the Champion will get a special final Video Interview at the end, if he / she permits.

If this goes well, and we all have fun, what might come of it?
Pretty big open ended discussion.  Being a novice programmer, I have an interest in getting more features unlocked.  I'd like to think that going forward, to further mimic the large scale Robomaster Events, we will want to specify,  for a new Special A.I. Teams play, that one S1 on each side be designated as a "Sentry" and by rule be fully autonomous.  If this event goes well, it should encourage DJI to unlock the features we need to do this.  That hopefully will be a stepping stone towards getting new AI recognition features unlocked and beyond that, I foresee a Gen 2 version, S2, having even more advanced AI recognition features, that also will be accessible to programmers of all levels thanks to their handy built in Python API modules.  

Oh my.  Umm, better Gesture Recognition, Collision Avoidance, the ability to do "AI Training" to make the model better at various tasks, for example Object Recognition (a step up from Vision Marker Recog), AI Driving and Maneuvering Assistance, Target Highlighting and AI Aiming Assist, more AR features, stepped up video and video data processing, stepped up audio ensemble, VR headset connectivity with motion tracking...   lots on my wish list!
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Ok, I have printed up the Winners Certificates.  Yeah, pretty neat.  Now I'm kinda sad I can't get one myself.

Ooohhh, the Champion's Certificate should be framed and hung above your robot's lab bench.  Good luck to all!

For me, tomorrow I go to the planned Battle Arena, the Building R center courtyard, and do some Live Tests with my S1s.  I will post photos and video.

The weather forecast is green for Sunday!  
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Ok, I did final Live Testing of S1 Battle Mode at the Building R central courtyard.  I found two like minded souls that may very well pick up their own S1's, and we tested IR blasters in direct sunlight, found some minor issues there, but Gel Bead Cannon does not seem affected.

Pics attached.  As you can see there is table seating behind glass with an excellent view of the Arena.  My mobile router had no trouble connecting and the S1's connected through it, so Battle Mode worked perfectly.  Easy access to AC outlets, I have a couple power strips and extra outlets available.

Plenty of outdoor seating on one end.  With all NINE 'bots it will be a little cramped!  Not too bad though, I hope.  There are TWO small DIRT patches, like "sand traps", each about 1m across, and circular.  LOL.  There 3 trees to maneuver around and on the other end is two un-movable trash cans to hide behind or shoot from.

So again reminder!  I hope everyone can get there BEFORE 10am so we all get checked in through Building E security in one big shot.

The schedule is relaxed - we have several hours before any of us have to leave, mostly all Free Time to explore S1 features, punctuated by 4, short, intense twitch games of Official Combat for Points.  I think this should fly pretty well with most people.

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rhoude57 - YUL

MarkusXL Posted at 9-13 14:26
Ok, I did final Live Testing of S1 Battle Mode at the Building R central courtyard.  I found two like minded souls that may very well pick up their own S1's, and we tested IR blasters in direct sunlight, found some minor issues there, but Gel Bead Cannon does not seem affected.

Pics attached.  As you can see there is table seating behind glass with an excellent view of the Arena.  My mobile router had no trouble connecting and the S1's connected through it, so Battle Mode worked perfectly.  Easy access to AC outlets, I have a couple power strips and extra outlets available.

Too COOL! The set-up is pretty awesome!
Will the Official matches be "Twitched"... your fault... you wrote twitch in you post... now you're committed... LOL
After the very least, I'll certainly be looking forward to the videos recordings of the matches.
Looks like we might hold the second RoboMaster System One tournament in Montreal, this Fall or Winter. It likely will be patterned after your format.
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  • >>>

Fantastic idea! Where is this 'tournament' taking place? I did 'skim/read' all posts but can't find the location. I'm in the Chicago area and would love to organize/participate in something similar.
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rhoude57 - YUL

JB63 Posted at 9-13 22:49
Fantastic idea! Where is this 'tournament' taking place? I did 'skim/read' all posts but can't find the location. I'm in the Chicago area and would love to organize/participate in something similar.

It's taking place at the NVidia Headquarters in Santa Clara, CA. ... arters-santa-clara/
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Second Officer

Ready for tomorrow!
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Here is the official map link to the meetup tomorrow, 9:45 am

I hope to get everyone through Building E security by about 10am.

Everybody get your gel beads soaking!  With up to NINE 'bots blazing away it's going to be a HAIL STORM.  Everybody bring a broom!  
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rhoude57 - YUL Posted at 9-14 12:25
It's taking place at the NVidia Headquarters in Santa Clara, CA. ... arters-santa-clara/

Oh, just be clear, follow the map link I gave, that big amazing HQ building is across the street from where we'll be meeting.  I could give tours of "Endeavor" if anyone wants to stay late, we could go over there and look around, it's pretty amazing.  Too bad the bar Shannon's will be closed...

On a related topic, I looked around Endeavor and could not find an appropriate place for our S1 battles with gel beads.  However, a fellow engineer told me on Friday that Endeavor does indeed house certain "robot romper rooms", and I reserve it officially, I can even request that janitorial clean up the gel beads.  I am dying to check it out, how cool would that be?  
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JB63 Posted at 9-13 22:49
Fantastic idea! Where is this 'tournament' taking place? I did 'skim/read' all posts but can't find the location. I'm in the Chicago area and would love to organize/participate in something similar.

@jB63 that is excellent if you want to organize S1 battles in the Chicago area!

I have been chatting with DJI Marketing and they are eager to see the video from tomorrow's big battle, "The 1st Robomaster System One".  

It will be a bit raw and rough around the edges, but I looked to pattern the event after the official Robomaster Tournaments that DJI stages in Shenzhen.  They seem to have fun with it.  In fact, the S1 is patterned after the "Standard" or "basic soldier / screener" class robots of those competitions.

They will look at our video and feed back and they told me they are working on stuff.  I can only imagine that stuff will be promotional aids, standardized rules, maps, and the like.

I am really looking forward to anything they offer.  Stay tuned!
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rhoude57 - YUL

MarkusXL Posted at 9-14 19:22
@jB63 that is excellent if you want to organize S1 battles in the Chicago area!

I have been chatting with DJI Marketing and they are eager to see the video from tomorrow's big battle, "The 1st Robomaster System One".  

Keep me in the loop if you can for a Montreal RoboMaster System One event.
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Flight distance : 210226 ft

Thank you Markus for organizing this awesome event!

Here are two of my POV videos of the battles:

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WooT!  That was fun times!  I'd say the 1st Robomaster System One Event was a success!

Six S1's were shooting it out with gel beads!  It was EPIC!

I'm uploading some pics now...
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Flight distance : 210226 ft

MarkusXL Posted at 9-15 16:10
WooT!  That was fun times!  I'd say the 1st Robomaster System One Event was a success!

Eight S1's were shooting it out with gel beads!  It was EPIC!

I only just noticed that the poster frame for that first video is an action shot, with dust spraying!
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rhoude57 - YUL

gpvillamil Posted at 9-15 14:52
Thank you Markus for organizing this awesome event!

Here are two of my POV videos of the battles:

That was AWESOME!
In Match 1, is it me or were the gel beads jammed in the S1's gun or something? I could not see them coming out like they were in Match 2?
Also, how difficult was it to "aim, fire and run" all at the same time at moving targets, nonetheless?
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Flight distance : 210226 ft

rhoude57 - YUL Posted at 9-15 16:47
That was AWESOME!
In Match 1, is it me or were the gel beads jammed in the S1's gun or something? I could not see them coming out like they were in Match 2?
Also, how difficult was it to "aim, fire and run" all at the same time at moving targets, nonetheless?
I was out of ammo! Wondering why I was not scoring!

Re aim, fire, run: it is quite hard, and the game system punishes “spray and pray” tactics, so you really have to pick targets and attack deliberately. It is a lot of fun.
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We really need TEAM PLAY to be handled in the APP - it's now high on list of requests.  

BIG THANKS TO ALL that made the trip and hung out!  Here's some pics:

RSO (10).JPG
RSO (11).JPG
RSO (12).JPG
RSO (13).JPG
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rhoude57 - YUL

MarkusXL Posted at 9-15 17:24
We really need TEAM PLAY to be handled in the APP - it's now high on list of requests.  

BIG THANKS TO ALL that made the trip and hung out!  Here's some pics:

Great bunch of people!
Good looking bunch of bots!

As for team play, I thought that by picking the same LED colours, S1s got teamed for Battle Mode matches. If it's not, then YES, it should definitely be high on the improvements priority list!
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We really want to get LASER BLASTER FIRING ENABLED with our SCRATCH programs, that is also very high on the list of Requests.

We really need gel bead AND laser blaster ENABLED for Autonomous Program!  Also very high on the List.  We cannot further mimic the real Robomaster competitions without these and Team Play support in the App.

In Free for All, the App assigns the colors according to a rigid order of who logs into game first, with the Creator of the game always RED.  In Team Play, we should be able to select TEAM color that is shared by team mates, and in Free For All, please let us pick our colors.

My best video from my S1 was the first.  Will upload the raw version tonight.   My idea to evade wildly while my cannon was cooling down, and then picking a target, leveling my aim, and charging in to get in a full salvo, and then retreat to cool down, seemed to work.  As you can see in the Scoring, I only came out on top because I only got destroyed once.  gpvillamil actually scored more hits!  Yes it's quite challenging to score hits on a moving target, but we all were scoring.  Twice I got "perfect strafes" which is quite fun.

I comically tried to heal myself at the "?" Marker, but I did find the "Heart Marker" after realizing and laughing out loud how dumb that was,

Too bad none of the AR enhancements you see in the App come through in the video, which I assume is a raw feed from the camera.

There were a few technical difficulties that put some minor limits on our action.  I will detail these in my report to Marketing.

The short story of all this is:  DJI you are sooooo close to making the S1 truly awesome - just unlock and add a few easily coded features on you HAVE GOT IT!!
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rhoude57 - YUL

MarkusXL Posted at 9-15 17:47
We really want to get LASER BLASTER FIRING ENABLED with our SCRATCH programs, that is also very high on the list of Requests.

We really need gel bead AND laser blaster ENABLED for Autonomous Program!  Also very high on the List.  We cannot further mimic the real Robomaster competitions without these and Team Play support in the App.

Congrats and THANKS for taking the lead and running the 1st RoboMaster System One event! You are heralding a new front in the history of RoboMaster in North America.
I spoke to the leadership of the newly formed PolySTAR RoboMaster (yeah... the S1's big brother league) team here in Montreal. They are definitely starters for a Montreal System One tournament!
In its very first year, the team just recruited over 100 members from various Engineering departments at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, the main francophone Engineering school here.
The team already owns one RoboMaster S1 knicknamed Num-Num and they will be acquiring additional ones soon.
I definitely want to contact DJI Marketing to follow suit with them on the Montreal event.
Hopefully, we can make it happen this Fall, before the next RoboMaster challenge launches, normally around December.
At the same time, we may want to wait for a new software and app release to see what features and enhancements the S1 Development Team will have unlocked and added for us.

Once again, many thanks for your initiative and the help and participation of those around you!

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