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Is this the new Spark?
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6402 55 2019-10-8
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DJI Mavic Mini confirmed in FCC database filing
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I'd somehow say so, yes.
But I am saying for quiet some time, in my opinion there is no Spark 2, because there will just be the Mavic Series in the future.
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Flight distance : 636663 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 10-8 16:17
I'd somehow say so, yes.
But I am saying for quiet some time, in my opinion there is no Spark 2, because there will just be the Mavic Series in the future.

It's funny that people are still waiting for a "SPARK 2.0" in particular although there are so many options in the market now.
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Only time will tell.
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Flight distance : 46325 ft

nilanjan118 Posted at 10-8 16:35
It's funny that people are still waiting for a "SPARK 2.0" in particular although there are so many options in the market now.

Hi nilanjan118,

Which options do you mean especially in the sub-250gr class (which the Mavic Mini will be), that have decent video and gimbal quality and brushless motors?

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Looking forward for that
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Flight distance : 6247444 ft

A long time ago, I read an article suggesting your product name needs to be a made-up word like "KODAK" and not a real word like "Spark" or "Phantom." Perhaps somebody at DJI read the same article?
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Flight distance : 434721 ft

Tentoes Posted at 10-9 05:31
A long time ago, I read an article suggesting your product name needs to be a made-up word like "KODAK" and not a real word like "Spark" or "Phantom." Perhaps somebody at DJI read the same article?

You might be right. Cheers
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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I'd say, the spark, as successful it was, it was kind of a troublemaker in the timeline of DJI.
To many "why not this, why not that", even if capable about, to often (by pilot) unforced errors.
The Mavic, however, is a top-notch product line. And the Air is, somehow, not just the smaller "brother" of the Mavic,  but with "just wifi"  the "better" brother of the Spark, too (not 2!)
So let the spark go, come up with a foldable smaller "Air", that eben gets the Spark pilots, who wanna have a 250g drone (I hope, it has just 249g, still 15 minutes flighttime and 3 axxis gimble plus 4k60!)

So, in my opinion, since the Mavic Air  was out, I did not see a Spark 2 coming along

Lets see, what DJI has to offer for next year, this years x-mas season!
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Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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S-e-ven Posted at 10-9 06:18
I'd say, the spark, as successful it was, it was kind of a troublemaker in the timeline of DJI.
To many "why not this, why not that", even if capable about, to often (by pilot) unforced errors.
The Mavic, however, is a top-notch product line. And the Air is, somehow, not just the smaller "brother" of the Mavic,  but with "just wifi"  the "better" brother of the Spark, too (not 2!)

If you think the Spark was a problem for DJI, I think you are crazy!  

The Spark was the gateway drug for many people into the DJI ecosystem.  I am one of them.  Had DJI never released the Spark with some great features at a reasonable price, many people wouldn't have gotten into this hobby.  I know the Spark wasn't/isn't perfect, but it was built to a specific price point to be an entry level drone to get people started.

I really didn't have a clue if I would really be into drones, but the Spark let me test the waters at a reasonable price.  Now just look at the list of DJI products below my name over there on the left (<-----) I've bought as a result!  Without the Spark, none of the rest of that probably is sitting on my shelf here.

If the Mavic Mini is released and ends up being the $400, under 250g, 4K drone it is expected to be, DJI won't be able to make them fast enough!  It probably still won't have OcuSync and won't be able to do everything as well as a M2P, but it will be a winner for DJI.  
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Flight distance : 6247444 ft

KlooGee Posted at 10-9 07:11
If you think the Spark was a problem for DJI, I think you are crazy!  

The Spark was the gateway drug for many people into the DJI ecosystem.  I am one of them.  Had DJI never released the Spark with some great features at a reasonable price, many people wouldn't have gotten into this hobby.  I know the Spark wasn't/isn't perfect, but it was built to a specific price point to be an entry level drone to get people started.

Good points. That's why I own a spark!

Ok, it should cost 100 USD, have 4k video, 3 axis gimbal, weigh 245 gramms, fly 30 minutes on one battery, have 4 mile range, be rock steady in a gale...


I love my spark. Would have Mavic 2 pro if I could afford it. Maybe will some day, like when the current version is Mavic 7.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 10-9 06:18
I'd say, the spark, as successful it was, it was kind of a troublemaker in the timeline of DJI.
To many "why not this, why not that", even if capable about, to often (by pilot) unforced errors.
The Mavic, however, is a top-notch product line. And the Air is, somehow, not just the smaller "brother" of the Mavic,  but with "just wifi"  the "better" brother of the Spark, too (not 2!)

It would be nice, unfortunately, to get enough flight time, at least with the present battery technology < 250 g is not possible.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

KlooGee Posted at 10-9 07:11
If you think the Spark was a problem for DJI, I think you are crazy!  

The Spark was the gateway drug for many people into the DJI ecosystem.  I am one of them.  Had DJI never released the Spark with some great features at a reasonable price, many people wouldn't have gotten into this hobby.  I know the Spark wasn't/isn't perfect, but it was built to a specific price point to be an entry level drone to get people started.

Unfortunately, even if <250 g was possible with enough flight time, the drone has to be heavy enough to be stable in windy conditions.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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KlooGee Posted at 10-9 07:11
If you think the Spark was a problem for DJI, I think you are crazy!  

The Spark was the gateway drug for many people into the DJI ecosystem.  I am one of them.  Had DJI never released the Spark with some great features at a reasonable price, many people wouldn't have gotten into this hobby.  I know the Spark wasn't/isn't perfect, but it was built to a specific price point to be an entry level drone to get people started.

Trouble maker isn't saying, it wasn't a money maker or is one if the nicest drones out there.
It is just a way, to combine the succes in the small drone business with a unspoiled name.
Spark has a bit of a "it could have been better" image. And there I mean the GPS loss, the Atti fallin, the unexplored/-plained fly aways, the fallin batteries.
The Spark was/is a very nice drone.
But there are things, I assume, we will never see at DJI drones again.
Also it serms, that foldables are "the thing", so why not use the unspoiled brand mavic fir the follow up on the Spark, folded, smaller, more powerfull (perhaps not in time, but there is mini, air, pro, ....)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 10-9 07:44
Troubke maker isn't saying, it wasn't a money maker or is one if the nicest drones out there.
It is just a way, to combine the succes in the small drone business with a unspoiled name.
Spark has a bit of a "it could have been better" image. And there I mean the GPS loss, the Atti fallin, the unexplored/-plained fly aways, the fallin batteries.

With technology advances almost on a daily basis, it is normal now to have much better drones, but as KlooGee mentioned, the Spark has introduced  drone flying, video & photography to a lot of people
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Oracle Miata
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Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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Spark’s reputation was earned by inexperienced pilots unfortunately.  That and modern society’s addiction to mass hysteria.
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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ssylca44 Posted at 10-9 07:57
With technology advances almost on a daily basis, it is normal now to have much better drones, but as KlooGee mentioned, the Spark has introduced  drone flying, video & photography to a lot of people

But on top of that, the Spark gave DJI a lot of headache!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

S-e-ven Posted at 10-9 08:18
But on top of that, the Spark gave DJI a lot of headache!

Growing pains (maybe!)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

Oracle Miata Posted at 10-9 08:15
Spark’s reputation was earned by inexperienced pilots unfortunately.  That and modern society’s addiction to mass hysteria.

Yes, I agree. Cheers
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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S-e-ven Posted at 10-9 07:44
Trouble maker isn't saying, it wasn't a money maker or is one if the nicest drones out there.
It is just a way, to combine the succes in the small drone business with a unspoiled name.
Spark has a bit of a "it could have been better" image. And there I mean the GPS loss, the Atti fallin, the unexplored/-plained fly aways, the fallin batteries.

Okay, I can understand that.  I would argue that most people that are looking to buy an entry level drone like the Spark very likely have no clue about some people's perception of the Spark name.

I do think that it is smart marketing on their part to capitalize on the generally positive image of the Mavic name.  

In the end, from my perspective, I could really care less what they call it.  I know it matters to some, but for me, its all about what it can do and how much it will cost.  

I'm really excited to see to see if they can nail the <250g for <$400 with a 4K 3-axis gimbal.  I'm a bit skeptical on the price point though...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

KlooGee Posted at 10-9 08:32
Okay, I can understand that.  I would argue that most people that are looking to buy an entry level drone like the Spark very likely have no clue about some people's perception of the Spark name.

I do think that it is smart marketing on their part to capitalize on the generally positive image of the Mavic name.  

KlooGee, I don't think it will be <250 g, just because of the battery. Too bad!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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ssylca44 Posted at 10-9 09:26
KlooGee, I don't think it will be

The Spark released about 2.5 yrs ago weighs in at 300 grams.  I have confidence they can shave off those 50+ grams to get to that magic number.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

KlooGee Posted at 10-9 10:45
The Spark released about 2.5 yrs ago weighs in at 300 grams.  I have confidence they can shave off those 50+ grams to get to that magic number.

We just can hope, but keep in mind that the spark battery weighs almost 100 g.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

Wolferl Posted at 10-9 00:11
Hi nilanjan118,

Which options do you mean especially in the sub-250gr class (which the Mavic Mini will be), that have decent video and gimbal quality and brushless motors?

Hello Wolfer,

Are you expecting the Spark 2.0 to be below 250g? Well I feel that will be quite an uphill task for DJI to achieve considering the fact that the Spark itself weighs 300g. And if we take into account the feature additions that most people are expecting, I think it will only get heavier. Personally, if I have to "upgrade" from the Spark, I would like to have the following features in order of priority.

1. 3-axis gimbal
2. More shooting modes on the camera; RAW format for photos, 4K@60 fps, 1080p@120fps for videos
3. Stable connection between AC-RC; I am not looking for 2km+ range. But if I get solid connection upto 1km with smooth live feed, I will be very happy.
4. Better obstacle avoidance - both front and rear
5. Longer battery life ~ 20mins
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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nilanjan118 Posted at 10-9 16:17
Hello Wolfer,

Are you expecting the Spark 2.0 to be below 250g? Well I feel that will be quite an uphill task for DJI to achieve considering the fact that the Spark itself weighs 300g. And if we take into account the feature additions that most people are expecting, I think it will only get heavier. Personally, if I have to "upgrade" from the Spark, I would like to have the following features in order of priority.

Those are all great requests, but I highly doubt you'll see them on an entry level drone like many expect with the Mavic Mini.

I really think losing 50g is very doable.  Its been 2.5 years since the Spark was released.  Just based on how quickly technology progresses, you've got to think that the electronics would be much smaller and even more efficient.  With that and the increase in battery technology, I think its reasonable.

I doubt we'll see a 3-axis gimbal.  With the leaps in electronic stabilization DJI has made and demonstrated with the Osmo Action, I would think it would be reasonable to stay with a 2-axis gimbal and use EIS for the 3rd axis just like the Spark.  They definitely won't introduce 4K60 in the entry level drone when their star M2P doesn't even have it.  And if the leaked photos are to be believed, it will be only front obstacle avoidance.  

I think they would be crazy to release a small, entry level drone and not hit that 250g mark.  Having been so close 2.5 years ago, it seems like it would be a huge miss for them to not go for it.

But I can't even predict what I'll have for breakfast in the morning, so I'm probably way off on what DJI has in store for us.  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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If you change the parameters in the Spark, it will fly like a Spark 2.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

KlooGee Posted at 10-9 19:27
Those are all great requests, but I highly doubt you'll see them on an entry level drone like many expect with the Mavic Mini.

I really think losing 50g is very doable.  Its been 2.5 years since the Spark was released.  Just based on how quickly technology progresses, you've got to think that the electronics would be much smaller and even more efficient.  With that and the increase in battery technology, I think its reasonable.

Hello mate,

I understand and agree with your thoughts. But I never said I expect DJI to fulfil my wishlist in the Spark 2.0, if at all they come up with one. All I was trying to say is that if someone like me, whose 1st drone was a Spark wishes to upgrade, he would look for some feature enhancements. And he need not wait for a Spark 2.0 to get those enhancements.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

KlooGee Posted at 10-9 10:45
The Spark released about 2.5 yrs ago weighs in at 300 grams.  I have confidence they can shave off those 50+ grams to get to that magic number.

Talking of that magic number (250g), I understand your wish is to fly registration free but have you ever thought why FAA or any other authority made 250g as the limit? It's simply because there aren't any good drones under 250g which can fly that high and that far. I can bet that once DJI or any other OEM launches a drone under 250g with flying capabilities at par or better than the Spark, the rules will me made more stringent too.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 46325 ft

nilanjan118 Posted at 10-9 16:17
Hello Wolfer,

Are you expecting the Spark 2.0 to be below 250g? Well I feel that will be quite an uphill task for DJI to achieve considering the fact that the Spark itself weighs 300g. And if we take into account the feature additions that most people are expecting, I think it will only get heavier. Personally, if I have to "upgrade" from the Spark, I would like to have the following features in order of priority.

Hi Nilanjan,

Im definitely sure the new DJI drone will be less than 250 grams. It needs to be, to be able to sell it legally as a "toy". Have in mind that there are other large areas besides "FAA land"...
If that new drone model would have:
- less than 250 grams
- comparable flight time to the current Spark
- comparable flight distance
- 2 axis gimbal
- 4K30 and/or 1080p60 or even 120
- remote controller would be a winner.
For an entry/basic level drone:
I don't need a 3 axis gimbal, I can use course/home lock mode instead.
I don't need 20 min real flight time. I can land between shots and put another battery in.


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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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Wolferl Posted at 10-10 02:09
Hi Nilanjan,

Im definitely sure the new DJI drone will be less than 250 grams. It needs to be, to be able to sell it legally as a "toy". Have in mind that there are other large areas besides "FAA land"...

I also do think that 249g is possible.
Even with a real sound flight time of 10+ minutes.
50g less would not need the 100g battery of the Spark, I'd think that DJI could save 20g alone there.
And where a will, there is another 31g to find. ;-)

But I do not think, there will be 25/50 on board, perhaps not even 4k.
Distance to the bigger mavics, you know?
But I do expect a 3axxis gimbal.
Since the Anafi is out, and I do not see any full sphere cam (360x -90 to +90)at DJI anytime soon, they need that for all "real" drones (imho)

I just dont think, at least if this "toy" comes with 10+ minutes flighttime, 40-50kph, and 1-3 km range, that the 250g rule in most countries stays for long, like it is today.

I can just point to Thailand, since here it is "every drone with a cam", even the Tello, that has to be registered. That is, kind of, a "thing", not to contradict the "toydrone" 249g limit, but put in another rule, for "not so much a toy" drone

Anyway, I am excited to see the next models.
And the first reviews!

Let the games beginn.

DJI, when is your next drone coming out?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

More info here: ... hanks-to-fcc-filing
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Jakab Gipsz
Second Officer

KlooGee Posted at 10-9 07:11
If you think the Spark was a problem for DJI, I think you are crazy!  

The Spark was the gateway drug for many people into the DJI ecosystem.  I am one of them.  Had DJI never released the Spark with some great features at a reasonable price, many people wouldn't have gotten into this hobby.  I know the Spark wasn't/isn't perfect, but it was built to a specific price point to be an entry level drone to get people started.

You don't understand the point!
This is not about you! Of course, people were happy about a cheap drone ... But I think DJI wasn't happy that many people bought it and used it for something they could buy more expensive. Their benefits were smaller, and because of their unreliability, they had to make a lot of exchanges, which further reduced their profit and damaged their reputation.
As for the cheap, it comes with a price: because of the bitter battery, my Spark crashed, and it survived. Recently a hoppy Spark problem has occurred
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 636663 ft

Wolferl Posted at 10-10 02:09
Hi Nilanjan,

Im definitely sure the new DJI drone will be less than 250 grams. It needs to be, to be able to sell it legally as a "toy". Have in mind that there are other large areas besides "FAA land"...

If these specs come true, it will definitely take the drone market by storm. Meanwhile I am bracing for a real storm. Typhoon Hagibis is expected to lash through central Japan this weekend. Hopefully I will live to see another day or rather Spark 2.0. ... -hagibis-draws-near
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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nilanjan118 Posted at 10-10 15:36
If these specs come true, it will definitely take the drone market by storm. Meanwhile I am bracing for a real storm. Typhoon Hagibis is expected to lash through central Japan this weekend. Hopefully I will live to see another day or rather Spark 2.0.

Looks "nice", methinks.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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nilanjan118 Posted at 10-9 20:55
Talking of that magic number (250g), I understand your wish is to fly registration free but have you ever thought why FAA or any other authority made 250g as the limit? It's simply because there aren't any good drones under 250g which can fly that high and that far. I can bet that once DJI or any other OEM launches a drone under 250g with flying capabilities at par or better than the Spark, the rules will me made more stringent too.

That is a very good question.  I think part of the reason for excluding under 250g in lots of country's regulations (including the US) is that under that weight they consider to be less prone to causing damage if something goes awry.  But it will be interesting to see if those rules suddenly change if a capable drone comes to market under that threshold.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 16783757 ft
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Jakab Gipsz Posted at 10-10 06:21
You don't understand the point!
This is not about you! Of course, people were happy about a cheap drone ... But I think DJI wasn't happy that many people bought it and used it for something they could buy more expensive. Their benefits were smaller, and because of their unreliability, they had to make a lot of exchanges, which further reduced their profit and damaged their reputation.
As for the cheap, it comes with a price: because of the bitter battery, my Spark crashed, and it survived. Recently a hoppy Spark problem has occurred

No, I understand the point completely.  I just respectfully disagree with your view.  Although the Spark definitely could have been more reliable, I would bet it was a wildly successful product for DJI for the reasons I mentioned.  
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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KlooGee Posted at 10-10 21:15
No, I understand the point completely.  I just respectfully disagree with your view.  Although the Spark definitely could have been more reliable, I would bet it was a wildly successful product for DJI for the reasons I mentioned.

you are right, it was a game changer in the drone market, a big success in sales numbers
But just aside that, if was also a lot in the medias for lost, crashed, fall, ...  and: replacements.

Good, that could also have the reason in the numbers of sold Sparks.
I'd say that no other DJI drone got sold in that big numbers, before.

Isn't the future, in consumer drones at least, foldable?
Is the Mavic Series already the most succesfull series of DJI Drones?
Mavic Pro, Platinum, Air, Mavic 2, there is a design line, b/c of folding arms.
So why not take the advantage of a unspoiled brand and bigger the family this way.
And line it up, better, with specs.
The spark already could do things, the Mavics can.
Just haven't DJIs permission to do so. It needed hacked apps, or third parties to release them.

I think, Mavic it is in the future: Mini (2), Air(2), Mavic Pro2 (3), ....
Just Mavic.
For the consumer market.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 422149 ft

The new drone will probably more akin to a tello
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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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dansmar Posted at 10-10 23:20
The new drone will probably more akin to a tello

I highly doubt that!
The Tello IS a high quality  toy (imho)
The Spark, Mavic, ...., are flying cameras!
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