dont buy the mini its garbage
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17575 162 2019-11-30
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Hey all just wanted to let you know about the mav mini. I think DJI rushed it again and is using early purchasers as ginny pigs with their obviously flawed new products. Personally im not going to put up with this anymore. heres what happened. flying the mavic today in a gym everything going fine until sensor failure poped up on the screen the the drone dicided to do its own thing control inputs did not work and it just flew into the wall. it was only 5 feet off the floor hit the wall and fell and bingo another DJI drone with a broken gimbal. I really dont understand thats 4 drones and 3 of them have broken gimbals. I lost it its not like thease things are cheap I eneded up ripping that thing apart with my bare hands wow it felt so good and now if you want to know what the inside of a mavic mini looks like have a look at the pic.

i will be surprised if DJI allows this post but if they do lets all have a look t the completely idiotic response they will give lol

have a good one all and save your money maybe after 6 months or so they will get it right and maybe then you could purchase one but i just give up.

thanks for letting me vent

lots of DJI products for sale mavicpro (broken gimbal) vision 2 plus (broken gimbal) saprk (all good) all dirt cheap cause DJI is junk
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Flight distance : 428186 ft

Hi Willbo. I’ll buy your batteries from you.
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oh and i have a mavic mini controller with three flight batteries and charging hub I didnt rip them apart lol
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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That won’t get fixed in a cold wash ,
I suppose asking you to post log is out of the question,

That’s a bad day’s work
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davidms Posted at 11-30 15:30
Hi Willbo. I’ll buy your batteries from you.

sure whats your offer and you'll need to pay shipping from Nunavut Canada but they are light so it shouldn't cost much
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hallmark007 Posted at 11-30 15:32
That won’t get fixed in a cold wash ,
I suppose asking you to post log is out of the question,

drone is in the garbage where it belongs i dont know how to do the log thing it just said sensor failure didn't say what sensor failed then it flew into wall nothing i could do and i was only 15 feet away
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Flight distance : 2241375 ft
United States


I take it this is comedic post?
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WSUPolar Posted at 11-30 15:49

I take it this is comedic post?

no sir it is very real
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Gray Volk
United States

I feel sorry for your loss. At least now you have parts for your next Mini.

Thanks for the photo.
1. GPS antenna is in the front, good to know when blocking it.
2. upper body part is broken so badly that it doesn't look like from the fall alone
3. you said remote.. PM, I want to try range upgrade, but afraid of simply ruining it.

Hmm... you have already sold 1 battery, for $200 I can buy the rest, what's left of fly more combo.. PM me if interested.
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Gray Volk Posted at 11-30 15:55
I feel sorry for your loss. At least now you have parts for your next Mini.

Thanks for the photo.

hi the only damage from the crash was the broken gimbal but since the camera makes the drone and the cost of shipping and repair is higher then a new drone. I ripped it apart with my bare hands felt sooooo good lol
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12151329 ft
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willbo Posted at 11-30 15:58
hi the only damage from the crash was the broken gimbal but since the camera makes the drone and the cost of shipping and repair is higher then a new drone. I ripped it apart with my bare hands felt sooooo good lol

A gimbal can be fixed pretty cheaply a camera now that might cos a few quid .
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Gray Volk
United States

willbo Posted at 11-30 15:58
hi the only damage from the crash was the broken gimbal but since the camera makes the drone and the cost of shipping and repair is higher then a new drone. I ripped it apart with my bare hands felt sooooo good lol

flying without cage indoor was a bad idea. positioning in this case is based on the camera. and camera can be easily fooled by repetitive patterns and reflections on the floor. I think that's probably happened.

you can still sell the parts on ebay. just checked camera with gimbal about $190 (that's what it would cost you to replace at least), remote $110, batteries, motors. You can still get more than half of the money back.
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  • >>>
United States

I’m sorry for your loss.  I fly mine inside with the prop guards.   It helps it a lot.  I’m sure you can still
make some money with the combo items.  
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Flight distance : 284728 ft

willbo Posted at 11-30 15:58
hi the only damage from the crash was the broken gimbal but since the camera makes the drone and the cost of shipping and repair is higher then a new drone. I ripped it apart with my bare hands felt sooooo good lol
Well this one specific post of "neanderthalic" nature explains quite a bit of the original post...
There were some crashes, where people provided as much details and technical logs to figure out what happened and to possibly prevent potential failures for others with future FW updates...
You crashed (most likely in hazardous conditions), called it a trash, ripped it apart and then you arrived to c**p all over it... With this you probably won't get much credibility nor sympathy here.

The reason this happened Is not because mini would be a rushed product - it simply lacks lots of sensors, that other drones have - by a design! (To cut weigh and price)
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Spark Kam
Flight distance : 417 ft
United States

Dang willbo, I wish you wouldn't have ripped it all to hell. I would have bought the whole kit from you for xtra parts, especially the arms. Oh Well....
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Flight distance : 284728 ft

Spark Kam Posted at 11-30 17:02
Dang willbo, I wish you wouldn't have ripped it all to hell. I would have bought the whole kit from you for xtra parts, especially the arms. Oh Well....
Quite the irony - being sold for parts - OP would probably get most of the money back.
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Gu5s Posted at 11-30 16:49
Well this one specific post of "neanderthalic" nature explains quite a bit of the original post...
There were some crashes, where people provided as much details and technical logs to figure out what happened and to possibly prevent potential failures for others with future FW updates...
You crashed (most likely in hazardous conditions), called it a trash, ripped it apart and then you arrived to c**p all over it... With this you probably won't get much credibility nor sympathy here.

hi fried not looking for sympathy or your insults I did not crash in hazardous conditions i was flying the drone in a large gymnasium in cinematic mode like i said the drone had a sensor failure and flew into wall and that tore the camera and gimbal from the craft . prop guards would have had no affect as they protected the props not the camera. I would love to provide logs but as i have said im not sure how to do that and the drone is in the garbage as well i have deleted the app. I completely understand how upset you must be to troll me o this forum . but im not asking anyone for anything nor do i want anything . we are all responsible for our own actions  this may have not been what you may have done but it is what i did so deal with it and move on. PEACE!
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Flight distance : 428186 ft

PM'd you willbo.
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Flight distance : 33963 ft
United Kingdom

Flight logs?
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Gu5s Posted at 11-30 16:49
Well this one specific post of "neanderthalic" nature explains quite a bit of the original post...
There were some crashes, where people provided as much details and technical logs to figure out what happened and to possibly prevent potential failures for others with future FW updates...
You crashed (most likely in hazardous conditions), called it a trash, ripped it apart and then you arrived to c**p all over it... With this you probably won't get much credibility nor sympathy here.

No need to be so judgemental ... After all Willbo is trying to entertain us, quite successfully I must admit ...
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Flight distance : 33963 ft
United Kingdom

Hope I never bump into you and spill your coffee fella!
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wilbo      ...Are you going to let a little toy drone beat you like this?
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Spark Kam Posted at 11-30 17:02
Dang willbo, I wish you wouldn't have ripped it all to hell. I would have bought the whole kit from you for xtra parts, especially the arms. Oh Well....

lol ya I know heat of the moment an all that i seem to have an issue with gimbals lol lots of drones but only one that will still take video

I was one of the first in Canada to get the mavic when it came out i never crashed it but while flying fast sideways i breaked hard and the drone was almost 90 degrees and the camera gimbal ribbon cable broke im guessing because of the angle. live and learn but not in this case lol
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djiuser_RDpozUn4JhQY Posted at 11-30 17:21
wilbo      ...Are you going to let a little toy drone beat you like this?

lmao well I guess if Im honest i did say the same thing when i crashed my first drone the now old phantom 2 plus so maybe when i get south and can walk into a store i might give it another try as long as the wife is not with me
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urbanweb Posted at 11-30 17:20
Hope I never bump into you and spill your coffee fella!

as long as yu dont bump into me with your drone you should be good
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Flight distance : 284728 ft

willbo Posted at 11-30 17:08
hi fried not looking for sympathy or your insults I did not crash in hazardous conditions i was flying the drone in a large gymnasium in cinematic mode like i said the drone had a sensor failure and flew into wall and that tore the camera and gimbal from the craft . prop guards would have had no affect as they protected the props not the camera. I would love to provide logs but as i have said im not sure how to do that and the drone is in the garbage as well i have deleted the app. I completely understand how upset you must be to troll me o this forum . but im not asking anyone for anything nor do i want anything . we are all responsible for our own actions  this may have not been what you may have done but it is what i did so deal with it and move on. PEACE!
Oh sorry, I didn't know calling "ripping things up" a "neanderthalic act" was trolling while it was actually a pinacle of a civilised behaviour...

Even now I am not trolling, just a good old sarcasm.
I can't empathize since I have not felt destructive urgencies while upset in my adult life.

Sensors can and will fail, try to minize potential damages in advance - flying mini with a minimum of sensors basically without a gps (or worse - jittery jumping GPS) inside a gym does not sound like a good idea - you probably won't be the last one.
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willbo Posted at 11-30 17:30
lmao well I guess if Im honest i did say the same thing when i crashed my first drone the now old phantom 2 plus so maybe when i get south and can walk into a store i might give it another try as long as the wife is not with me

I'd wait before buying another Mavic Mini though... if you get back on the horse wait until the bugs are worked out like a lot of others are doing.
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Gu5s Posted at 11-30 17:38
Oh sorry, I didn't know calling "ripping things up" a "neanderthalic act" was trolling while it was actually a pinacle of a civilised behaviour...

thats too bad i feel horrible for you
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Flight distance : 284728 ft

willbo Posted at 11-30 17:46
thats too bad i feel horrible for you

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djiuser_RDpozUn4JhQY Posted at 11-30 17:45
I'd wait before buying another Mavic Mini though... if you get back on the horse wait until the bugs are worked out like a lot of others are doing.

that is most likely very good advice I am always very excited to get the new products when they come out i bought a first year GMC canyon once that was a mistake lol inline 5 cylinder
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

lot of people get angry at things that don't work right and destroy them.  decades ago, i remember i got mad at a $100 portable cd player (expensive for those times) that quit playing cds and sony wanted $50+ just to look at it and i lost it.  threw it over the bridge, the overpass, onto the roadway below and watched it dash into a thousand pieces. must have been 30 years ago and i still remember it and still feel good about it.

if drones are ever going to be mainstream, there's going to have to be some control built in to stop this kind of stuff.  doesn't matter who's fault it is, drone can't malfunction like this due to our error or their error or whomever error...if it does then it's going to be restricted and untrusted and drones are going to go nowhere.
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Gu5s Posted at 11-30 17:38
Oh sorry, I didn't know calling "ripping things up" a "neanderthalic act" was trolling while it was actually a pinacle of a civilised behaviour...

according to the fly app i was connected to 7 satellites and when the sensor warning came up i was still connected to 7 so no idea what sensor failed
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willbo Posted at 11-30 17:57
that is most likely very good advice I am always very excited to get the new products when they come out i bought a first year GMC canyon once that was a mistake lol inline 5 cylinder

I think most of us are the same... we bought the mini knowing there would be problems... but we all want a chance to fly this drone legally... drones are in their last days before being regulated out of existence for us. We might only see a few months before they change the rules again and the mini will be obsolete too. Drones will be only for government and corporations in the near future. The only drones left will be ones flown indoors and I'm sure they would like to ban that too.

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The Saint Posted at 11-30 17:59
lot of people get angry at things that don't work right and destroy them.  decades ago, i remember i got mad at a $100 portable cd player (expensive for those times) that quit playing cds and sony wanted $50+ just to look at it and i lost it.  threw it over the bridge, the overpass, onto the roadway below and watched it dash into a thousand pieces. must have been 30 years ago and i still remember it and still feel good about it.

if drones are ever going to be mainstream, there's going to have to be some control built in to stop this kind of stuff.  doesn't matter who's fault it is, drone can't malfunction like this due to our error or their error or whomever error...if it does then it's going to be restricted and untrusted and drones are going to go nowhere.

I agree consumer drone are an amazing technologies but you are correct if we keep getting these glitches the government will come out with new regulations restricting it more and more.

during my time in Afghanistan i was lucky enough to see some of the military drones. the had one from Boeing I think it was called the scan eagle or something like that. it took off from a catapult and was flown buy the operator just for the take off then the computer took over control  amazing piece of kit only about a 6 foot wing span single prop and a wicked camera they recovered it by hanging a robe on a pole and the drone would hook its wing on the line and spiral down to be caught by the operator.  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
  • >>>
United States

willbo Posted at 11-30 15:39
drone is in the garbage where it belongs i dont know how to do the log thing it just said sensor failure didn't say what sensor failed then it flew into wall nothing i could do and i was only 15 feet away

"I lost it its not like thease things are cheap I eneded up ripping that thing apart with my bare hands wow it felt so good and now if you want to know what the inside of a mavic mini looks like have a look at the pic."

They had to cost cut because of the tariffs.  They had to design it to be under the 249g limit.  Just another couple of grams for complete robustness and people wouldn't buy as they need to register to fly it.  Regulations ruin a lot of things, especially at the racing level.

It's only a matter of time before the government cracks down some serious regulation when people die because of it.  Some or one would have to be the example and it looks to be the Mavic Mini owners in the lottery.

People probably boosting the Minis TX wattage and them causing controller board failure due to overheating as adding a bigger heatsink for that to happen would make it go over it's gross weight of 249g.  Probably the flight control lacks the ability to properly handle itself under strong interference conditions.  Due to the weight savings intent, the electrical components for that to exist do not exist.

When I first got into making my own quadcopters and having a flying wing before Anybody knew about it, someone flew a 3D heli into his head in NY.  The whole world knew about it.  A day after, where I always fly the styrofoam over people at the park as I've done before w/o issue, people saw them as dangerous.  The media controls the perspective.  Gun control is one of the lowest ways on people dying but seen as the Highest because of the presentation.
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DJI Mindy

Hi willbo, we are very sorry for your loss and unpleasant experience with Mavic Mini, I understand how angry you were when the drone was crashed and the gimbal was damaged, but it would be great to start a ticket for the data analysis, there is a chance that the warranty could be provided if it is a non-pilot error.
Sorry again for the inconvenience caused, we will keep improving our products to make you have a better experience in the future.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2019951 ft

Sorry to see and hear such catastropic damage, but havent u bought your carefresh? Understand anger sometimes may go beyond our control ,I would returning it to DJI just after the gimbal damage and get a replacement.
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DJI Mindy Posted at 11-30 20:04
Hi willbo, we are very sorry for your loss and unpleasant experience with Mavic Mini, I understand how angry you were when the drone was crashed and the gimbal was damaged, but it would be great to start a ticket for the data analysis, there is a chance that the warranty could be provided if it is a non-pilot error.
Sorry again for the inconvenience caused, we will keep improving our products to make you have a better experience in the future.

hi Mindy again the drone is in the garbage and the app is deleted i understand its an extreme reaction but ive just had enough with the glitches in the DJI products i have purchased maybe its because im an early adopter of your drones and buy the first ones available or maybe im just unlucky or expecting to much
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DJI Mindy Posted at 11-30 20:04
Hi willbo, we are very sorry for your loss and unpleasant experience with Mavic Mini, I understand how angry you were when the drone was crashed and the gimbal was damaged, but it would be great to start a ticket for the data analysis, there is a chance that the warranty could be provided if it is a non-pilot error.
Sorry again for the inconvenience caused, we will keep improving our products to make you have a better experience in the future.

I will add it was most certainly not pilot error. I now have over 30 years on the RC sticks flying everything from pizza boxes to 3D helis and everything in between. lets tell it like it is i am not blaming DJI for selling a product that is not quite ready for prime time im upset with myself for buying it
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i am sorry for you.
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