Custom scenarios in DJI Simulator
5426 1 2020-1-24
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Cyril Murat
Flight distance : 455558 ft

Hi all.
I'm trying to use the Windows' free version of the Simulator and almost everything works great, but I'm having issues using the editor of custom scenarios which would be a great help for my training.
Despite the fact that the editing and placement of the object is quite strange sometime, my main issue is that I'm unable to save my work. The little disc icon is grey.
Is there a way to save my work?
Best regards,
Use props
United States

per the release notes, can only import the 3d model, no edit/save/customize, with the free trial...prob shouldn't have allowed editing in the first place...
confusing to allow editing but then not allow saving...

Date: 2019.03.14
Free Trial Version: v1.4.0.0
Enterprise Version: v1.4.0.0
Customized Version: v1.4.0.0

What’s New?
Free Trial Version
 Added the Mavic 2 Pro aircraft.
 Added two new scenarios in the Free Flight module: Free Flight-Farm, Free Flight-Custom Scenario. In the
Custom Scenario, users can import 3D models for simulation.

 Added two new scenarios in the Entertainment module: Bubble Race, and a new Time Trial level - City
 Added support for additional remote controllers. Refer to the official DJI website for the up-to-date
support list.
 Improved flight simulation experience.

Enterprise Version / Customized Version
 Added the Mavic 2 Pro aircraft.
 Added two new scenarios in the Free Flight module: Free Flight-Farm, Free Flight-Custom Scenario.  
In the Custom Scenario, users can import 3D models, edit, save, and read customized levels for simulation.
 Added two new scenarios in the Entertainment module: Bubble Race, and a new Time Trial level - City
 Added support for additional remote controllers. Refer to the official DJI website for the up-to-date
support list. Improved flight simulation experience.
 Added a new scenario in the Skills Training module: UTC Public Safety Test.
Use props
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