 First Officer
Flight distance : 27904331 ft
For example with the (free) Davinci Resolve you can also create a Dolly Zoom very nicely (afterwards) ...
Simply record a scene in such a way that you fly back evenly from a POI ...
Then in Resolve leave the zoom at the beginning of this clip at "1" and at the end set it to approx. "4" ...
You should definitely record in 4k so that the resolution at the end (of the Dooly Zoom clip) is still decent ...
(... you can of course also fly towards the object and then do it the other way around, with the zoom factor...)
Of course, such an "automatic" effect in the Fly app would be easier to use, but with Resolve it is very easy, because you don't have to operate too many things at the same time during the shooting ...
BTW, the Dolly Zoom is also quite easy with the Smart Controller because a second dial is available for the MA2's zoom.