fansfe82067d Posted at 11-17 01:18
But what about the other power-on button, the function button, which is perhaps even more raised?
As for the case, I had to bend mine inwards a bit to make it grip the camera a little more tightly. It does that fine now, but is still easy to remove. As for making a hole in the back - well, I hope you removed the wide angle lens from its holder before using the drill!
As I have experienced so far, it may be a difference in between these two buttons which it seems having the power on function. The dedicated power on/off button it seems to me it initiate an general reset at start up, as a kind of testing sequence for gimbal as well. The long press on function button it power up the camera, but only very quick, and the gimbal is only positioned in the default position.
I had firstly the same solution as you, about taking out the camera from its cover, by pulling out first its bottom. I then found out that doing so, the gimbal is always pressed against the cover on the other end, and this it may not be very fortunate, especially when repeated many times, with an uncontrolled press force. Pressing the camera body through that hole made in the cover, it prevent any mechanical stress on the delicate gimbal, and it take camera out very easy and fast. In my opinion, the designed places for storing some of the small camera accessories inside, is not very useful, as that small parts it can fall out very easy. There is not a good place to store such small things. Putting there inside a lens for camera is dificult both ways (putting inside and taking it out). I have appreciated that a hole in the cover body is more worth in helping taking easy out the camera, than using the dedicated storage places for small accessories...