Pocket 2 - Correcting the Design issues...
3371 20 2020-11-16
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The power button on Pocket 2  it shows indeed an design issue. This button it was wrongly meant to be at the same level with the rest of the camera body surface. The button should be lowered at least one mm under the camera body surface level, to prevent frequently touches while the camera is handled.
The design issue is too late to be corrected, as this model is already manufactured and sold out there on marked. The only the user can do to fix the DJI lack of engineering in this area, is to add and glue a sort of material around this button (see picture). I can agree that this solution it may not be very esthetical, but it works, and prevent accidental  power on/off when using the camera.
Another issue (by design) for Poxket 2, is the dificulty to take out the camera from its standard (provided) protection cover. The modification shown in the picture hereby it make much easier removing the camera from its cover (by pushing it out with a finger, through that hole). Maybe DJI will be able to release and updated cover/case version with this hole made already...
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First Officer
South Korea

Good mod idea.
Power button guard would be an easy product for 3rd party accessory manufacturers.
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Interesting solution!
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But what about the other power-on button, the function button, which is perhaps even more raised?

As for the case, I had to bend mine inwards a bit to make it grip the camera a little more tightly.  It does that fine now, but is still easy to remove.  As for making a hole in the back - well, I hope you removed the wide angle lens from its holder before using the drill!
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DJI Stephen

Hello there Coris. Thank you for reaching out and for sharing these information and your valued insights with regards to this matter for the DJI Pocket 2. I will forward these information and this thread to the designated DJI department for further attention. All significant suggestions or requests will be implemented after the evaluation of the DJI Engineers. For the latest DJI updates please stay tuned to our DJI official website at www.dji.com. Thank you for your valued support.
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fansfe82067d Posted at 11-17 01:18
But what about the other power-on button, the function button, which is perhaps even more raised?

As for the case, I had to bend mine inwards a bit to make it grip the camera a little more tightly.  It does that fine now, but is still easy to remove.  As for making a hole in the back - well, I hope you removed the wide angle lens from its holder before using the drill!

As I have experienced so far, it may be a difference in between these two buttons which it seems having the power on function. The dedicated power on/off button it seems to me it initiate an general reset at start up, as a kind of testing sequence for gimbal as well. The long press on function button it power up the camera, but only very quick, and the gimbal is only positioned in the default position.

I had firstly the same solution as you, about taking out the camera from its cover, by pulling out first its bottom. I then found out that doing so, the gimbal is always pressed against the cover on the other end, and this it may not be very fortunate, especially when repeated many times, with an uncontrolled press force. Pressing the camera body through that hole made in the cover, it prevent any mechanical stress on the delicate gimbal, and it take camera out very easy and fast. In my opinion, the designed places for storing some of the small camera accessories inside, is not very useful, as that small parts it can fall out very easy. There is not a good place to store such small things. Putting there inside a lens for camera is dificult both ways (putting inside and taking it out). I have appreciated that a hole in the cover body is more worth in helping taking easy out the camera, than using the dedicated storage places for small accessories...
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DJI Stephen Posted at 11-17 01:29
Hello there Coris. Thank you for reaching out and for sharing these information and your valued insights with regards to this matter for the DJI Pocket 2. I will forward these information and this thread to the designated DJI department for further attention. All significant suggestions or requests will be implemented after the evaluation of the DJI Engineers. For the latest DJI updates please stay tuned to our DJI official website at www.dji.com. Thank you for your valued support.

Well, actually this it was my intention: improving what it can, or it have to be improved for a better user experience.
About the power button, I think it may be even better if it will be used a stronger force pussing button, in addition to lowering it under the camera body surface level. This button it have to be a little bit more difficult to manipulate it, to minimise the accidental actions on it.
I may also further suggest that either the function button or the record button on front panel of the camera, it should be somehow tactile differentiated, as it is a little bit difficult to find out if the finger it press on the right button, while one it looks at the scene, and not down on camera. I mean a small top on one of that buttons (mostly on the record one), it will make it easier to find it when touching the area with the finger, while looking at the scene/subject to be recorded or pictured. The same approach as on the numerical keyboards, where the 5 figure button (center) is tactile marked, for a fast and safer identification.
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United States

This was my power button solution until a 3rd party option comes out... the fuzzy side of industrial Velcro tape with a hole cut out... can put the grip side on that to completely cover the button...

Copy of 20201121_210226.jpg
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Yes, it seems a good solution as well. However, both solutions are highly unaesthetically... Another problem with these DIY solutions is the difficulty to use some accessories, as a cage. A more elaborated solution may come from a 3rd party accessory/product.  But the best solution is that DJI itself should modify the power button design, lowering it into the cam body, and using a stronger force button.
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Second Officer

Does anyone know about any good third party case?
There were several good ones for the first Osmo Pocket...
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A good protective case it is in my opinion, the original one, a little bit modified as shown above. I have also modified a little bit an Osmo Pocket case/cage, which it fit quite well to Pocket 2...
Else, it seems the 3rd party it have a big delay in adapting itself to the new coming on markets. For moment, it are only very few accessories for Pocket 2, and most of these are already discounted, because the very big demand.  However, it will come, I hope. And then it will come out the Pocket 3...
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United Kingdom

Coris Posted at 11-26 10:44
A good protective case it is in my opinion, the original one, a little bit modified as shown above. I have also modified a little bit an Osmo Pocket case/cage, which it fit quite well to Pocket 2...
Else, it seems the 3rd party it have a big delay in adapting itself to the new coming on markets. For moment, it are only very few accessories for Pocket 2, and most of these are already discounted, because the very big demand.  However, it will come, I hope. And then it will come out the Pocket 3...

Check out “ scottymakestuff.com “. Already made a case for Pocket2.
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Yes indeed, Scotty make good (engineered) stuff. The only (big) problem is his products are just sold so as it come out of his 3D printer (and the material is just the very poor plastic quality used in such cheap 3D printers). No any finish whatsoever, and it looks just horrible. I am waiting for a more serious 3rd party manufacturer...
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United States

I know this is a super-old thread, but wouldn't  it make more sense to ask DJI to update the firmware so that it requires a longer button  press to turn on and off? Like, 3 or 4 seconds?
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First Officer
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A slow turn on would be a 'turn off' if the action finished before the camera had booted.  Speed of turn on is one of the things which is featured as a positive in reputable YouTube reviews.
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Yes, it is more reasonable a such solution, but you can see by yourself how DJI react with the firmware updates... It take months until they possible may issue a new firmware, and then it most likely include anything else than the DJI users/customers it ask as improvements or corrections.
Since my solution described above it was published, no any correction it was done in firmware. They have only added some other quite stupid power up functions for that buttons. We are forced to chose our measures to correct what is possible to be corrected, as DJI for some reasons, do not care so much about. There is a very long list of improvements, or necessary corrections asked or suggested for device firmware, and nothing done so far...  
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United Kingdom

Coris Posted at 4-15 23:58
Yes, it is more reasonable a such solution, but you can see by yourself how DJI react with the firmware updates... It take months until they possible may issue a new firmware, and then it most likely include anything else than the DJI users/customers it ask as improvements or corrections.
Since my solution described above it was published, no any correction it was done in firmware. They have only added some other quite stupid power up functions for that buttons. We are forced to chose our measures to correct what is possible to be corrected, as DJI for some reasons, do not care so much about. There is a very long list of improvements, or necessary corrections asked or suggested for device firmware, and nothing done so far...

To be fair to the developers, I don't think there really is a software option that pleases everyone; any change they make to please the people who don't like the current system will only annoy the people who do. All the best options, including both of yours, are physical changes to the power button (e.g. indented button, firmer button actuation, etc.) which can't be fixed with a firmware update.
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Sorry, but your assertion is too general. The point here is not  about implementing all the customers suggestions, but those which it are mostly mentioned and required over and over again. A reasonable selection of the many suggestions included in the list vehiculated here, by so many. Almost nothing of the suggested or required improvements/corrections it are included in the last firmware upgrade, but an not required power on function split in between the two physical buttons, an pseudo HDR function which is an fiasco, and so on.
By the way, long press on power button to prevent accidental powering of the device, it is obviously an firmware issue, and it could be very easy implemented by firmware upgrade, until an hardware solution it may be eventually included in an further product version... It is not just right that customers should find solutions to correct the design issues of a product, that customers have already paid for...
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United Kingdom

1) I haven't been on the forums long enough to see the customer suggestions that were "mostly mentioned and required over and over again" outside of compatibility issues (not unexpected given the huge array of Android devices on the market), so I can't comment or argue against this one. I also haven't used the camera for long enough to have any serious gripes about it that I haven't been able to figure out for myself.
2) fansfe82067d literally just said before you that some people don't want a long press on power button; for those people, this isn't "obviously a firmware issue". Some people, myself included, like that the camera turns out with a quick poke of the button. However, it would be great if they included the long power button press as an option in the settings to be enabled or disabled depending on the user's preference.
3) "It is not just right that customers should find solutions to correct the design issues of a product, that customers have already paid for..." Why? In line with the point above, everyone has their own preferences; my preferences aren't going to be the same as your preferences and visa versa. Likewise, what I consider a design issue might be a feature you actually like and, again, visa versa. Every product designer and manufacturer simply does their best to satisfy as many potential customers as possible, it's not possible to satisfy literally everyone. There are plenty of people who have purchased and own a non-DJI gimbal camera because there are features they like about it that the DJI Pocket 2 doesn't. There's nothing wrong with that either. It's just deciding on personal preferences, finding the product that most closely matches yours and then customising it further to suit your individual, unique requirements.
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First Officer
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I think there would be uproar if there was a firmware update to take away the current fast startup features (including the one which allows the camera to go straight to selfie mode or straight to non-selfie mode) unless there was a menu option for "slow start" and "fast start" - and that could lead to options for all sorts of things.  Modern DSLRs for competent photographers do seem to have options for large numbers of features but personally I dread going down the rabbit hole to do the complex configuration.  In another thread today I see a regular contributor here suggesting that DJI should "keep it simple" and I'm inclined to agree.  Personally, after the first couple of times that I turned on the P2 by accident, my fingers have developed a muscle memory that simply keeps them away from the button.  And anyway, mine lives in a Scotty Makes Stuff case which requires enough pressure on the side button (through the case) that accidental power-up is close to impossible.  (It's close to impossible to turn the camera off too!).
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How can I fix this
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