Aircraft Horizontal Speed / Control Sensitivity
854 1 2015-7-1
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Tony Tronic
United Kingdom

Does anybody know which of the  Gain & Expo Settings I need to change to slow the aircraft horizontal speed, make it less sensitive to stick input and reduce the 'speed curve'.I've experimented with most of the values on the simulator but can't find the one or one's that make a noticeable change.

I  find that the aircraft speeds up too fast and has a kind of 'speed curve' rubber band effect, which I expected would be one of the curves.  I would prefer it if for example if a 25% stick input equalled a quarter aircraft speed and it maintained a constant velocity.

At the moment I am making minor inputs say 5% and the aircraft starts slowly but gradually speeds without any change to input. I need to slow it down dramtaically and make the controls less sensitive. I find it difficult to maintain these minor stick inputs for low speed and constant velocity making it impossible to record video.

It may not be exactly achievable, but any ideas which of the many settings I should focus my attention.
If this is documented somewhere, I apologise.
Use props
United States

I'm interested as well. If you have a YouTube video or site that explains the gain settings, in newbie words, I would appreciate the information.
Use props
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