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Pilot app on iOS
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United States


I am about to pull the trigger on an apple tablet for my P3P, which I have ordered but not yet received. When you run the app and record the flight and flight data, can you replay that without uploading to the dji cloud storage? In other words can I replay it locally. Can I backup to another drive on the my networs and store the flight videos and telemetry for later review? Or do I have to upload everything to the DJI server? I am reluctiant to upload everything to another server, I would rather keep things locally and archive locally or where I have complete control. What I want to do is shoot my images and video in full size on the camera card, then go back and review the inflight video and telemetry so on the next shoot I can adjust accordingly.

I understand there is a way to use a side loaded app that "records" the screen image and saves it locally.


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Flight distance : 640203 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Alan,  simple solution is to take the Micro SD card from the P3 and transfer files from it direct to your computer using a card reader.  While the P3 and transmitter are still turned on you can also download the files direct to your iPad should you wish to.
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