 Second Officer
Flight distance : 78612 ft
United States
As long as you're not pretty much right overhead, that looks okay.
The major key with the antennas - DO NOT POINT THEM AT YOUR Phantom!
The best signal is "broadside" to the antennas.
The weakest signal strength is directly off the end of each antenna, so, if you're pointing
your antennas directly at your Phantom, the strongest effect of the signal is not getting there.
Almost forgot one more, perhaps important, point. If you're intent on looking at your screen and your Phantom gets behind you, your mobile device can actually start blocking/shielding your antenna. Imagine that you're facing north and your Phantom is now behind you, south of where you're standing - let's say at about a 45-degree angle. The signal is now trying to go through your tablet/phone to your Phantom. You need to re-orient yourself so the antennas have a "clear shot" to your Phantom - again, without pointing the antennas directly at it.
And, at the frequencies you're dealing with, if much of anything gets in the way, there's a good liklihood you'll lose signal contact with your Phantom. In the winter time, when many trees are bare of leaves, signals might be slightly attenuated (weakened) but still usable. During the warmer months, when leaves are abundant, they become very effective signal blockers - particularly as frequencies get higher and higher. And the frequencies your Phantom is using are *very* high. Signals to and from the Phantom are in the GHz range - they are short, they are not very strong and they are absolutely line of sight. Unlike your FM radio frequencies they won't work in tunnels and blocked areas.