I sent in a Request #165731 to the support desk and have received no answer, so I will try here...
I am applying for FAA Registration of my Phantom 3 Pro(date code CD211920153127, craft S/N P76DCD18010444) and require a statementthat the drone is not registered in another Country. Have you all provided onefor others in similar circumstance? If not, can you direct me to theappropriate Civil Aviation Authority where I might be able to verify? Basicallyit is a statement that the drone was manufactured in a specific country anddirectly exported, never registered in the Country of origin. FAA Registration requirement - Confirmation the sUA is not registered in another country. Whena sUA is purchased from a manufacturer or seller located in another country itis considered an import. This requires a statement from the Civil AviationAuthority of the exporting country confirming that the registration of the sUAin that country has been canceled or that the sUA was never issued registrationby that country. Has anyone one else registered their Phantom 3 and were you able to get a confirmation or did you just provide a statement to the effet it was a new in box item that has never been registered in anoother Countyr? And yes I even got a request from the help desk on asking for feedback on how well they did not answering my request...... makes you wonder! Regards, MKKERNAN