Blue Canyon
 Second Officer
United States
My experience with MAS:
When I received the propellers, I immediately put them on and started testing.
I did a total of 3 flights for these tests. The first was with the stock propellers. The second was with the Airscrew propellers. The third was with the stock propellers to verify the results. All 3 flights consisted of me flying to different parts of my property while doing some turns and altitude changes.
During the tests:
- The propellers were .4db(ground/idle) and .5db(flight) louder than the stock propellers according to a Db meter that I borrowed from a friend that owns a speaker manufacturing plant.
- The propellers actually caused the drone to use roughly 6% more battery and required 4 more amps than the stock propellers when flying the same route and altitude on a windless day.
- When idling on the landing pad, the drone actually vibrated so badly that it almost fell off the edge of the pad. In flight, this vibration caused multiple errors:
-IMU Attitude Error
-Gimbal Overheat
-Propeller Error (I don't remember the exact error title, but I think it was the same one you get when you throw a prop.) - When I brought it in for a landing, the drone completely stopped and dropped about 45 feet. Luckily, I was right beneath it so I was able to catch it.
Ten minutes later with the stock propellers back on, I flew the exact same route with absolutely no issues.
I'm not saying they are bad propellers since apparently EVERYBODY loves them. I probably just got a bad batch. I sent them a message on Facebook requesting a refund and actually received a full refund later that day.