Flight distance : 4494124 ft
fansf2e52ec4 Posted at 2021-11-6 21:10
Following, because I would like to know as well. My understanding is that the Mavic 2 Pro used the DJII Go 4 app, which had an upgraded version of waypoints compared to the Phantom drones. However, I was disappointed to learn the Mavic 3 uses the Fly App, which apparently has neither waypoints, nor the basica camera modes like shutter priority mode, aperture priority modes (according to Dpreviw review), nor manual color balance options. That's really hard to believe. Mind boggling, really. Almost like shelling out $3k for the latest prosumer digital camera and finding out you can only shoot in P mode.
I’m pretty sure I no why there won’t be any Waypoints, everyone is aware of the GPS signal issue when starting up your drone it takes a long time to lock in the Satellite. The main reason is the GPS chip isn’t the same as the Mavic 2 it’s a hardware problem not a software problem, they will say it’s a software thing but the real truth is the chip that why there’s no Waypoints the GPS chip can’t handle the GPS Waypoint s demands |