Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12142077 ft
United States
frankymusik Posted at 3-14 23:36
... for me there are a lot of arguments to use the RC Pro (instead of the "normal" RC plus a cell phone etc. pp.).
I don't even know where to start listing all the benefits...
Agreed. My first go-to would be 100% DJI product and just use the RC Pro. However, with the tablet, I can:
Have other apps like:
Aloft & B4ufly, and since I have cellular on the tablet, can get the auth sms's right to the device.
Have my other GPS and compass apps, helpful for finding the location where a customer wants me to film. (Think vacant properties in the middle of nowhere where county roads don't quite cut it.)
Google apps, Google Ads, Google Business etc for your business listing. Assuming drones are a side gig business.
OneDrive for easily getting flight logs off to my server. (Server back at home using Flight Reader)
Run other SAR apps - share and coorindate KML files from Google Earth
And of course the automation apps I have noted.
The net for me is that with the right tablet, I can practically run my drone business from the same device I use to fly with. There are certain on-site events I have done also where being able to take a credit card is helpful, and the tablet again helps there. Would I get all that from using the RC Pro, If I could get the apps on there sure, but still would not actually do that because of the sticks. : )