 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
Hi Cam ... Those are small (1500 x 844) cached images rather than the full-sized images which would be saved on the SD card.
They look OK but a little washed out.
The Phantom 4 pro tends to do that on default settings.
If you aren't very familiar with camera controls and settings, I'll make a suggestion that should get you great exposure most of the time.
Set the camera to A for Aperture Priority and lock the ISO on 100 and set the aperture on f 5.6
Then set the exposure compensation to -0.3.
Now the camera will select the appropriate shutter speed to give good exposure and the -0.3 compensation should prevent things being a little over exposed.
Any extra questions, just ask
ps ... Try placing the horizon higher or lower, rather than dead centre too.