MySky Posted at 5-25 10:54
Well done, especialy getting the downward sensors more off the ground.
Have you claimed the coppyright ? Hopefully the Chinese will not copy your idea.
The only concern i have is the weight.
I have seen more than my fair share of Chinese piracy, and for some of my older designs (for a different drone) I have even seen the products for sale on sites like Banggood. The files were free, but only for personal use, so not allowed to use commercially. That's also true for these new designs, for which I hold the copyright (by having them published and named as copyrighted). However, that is of course only true for my particular design, and for sure other designs will also pop up going forward.
For practical purposes, I don't think that less than 10 grams will matter much, but fo regulatory purposes it does bring the weight above the 250 grams limit, of course.
BTW, I'm using a standard FDM printer (a Craftbot 2), so nothing special. This was printed in 0.2 mm layer height, so not at the minimum possible layer height.