Flight distance : 1134662 ft
United Kingdom
Geo_Drone Posted at 6-6 22:58
Install POT PLAYER on PC, check to download all codecs, at end check to detect video card hardware.
It will work, as HEVC does not need such power for DECODING as everybody thinks, is just not optimized your player to hardware decode using GPU from video card.
Even an old GT card Nvidia is able to decode a 4K HEVC, with a Intel even lower than I3 cpu, as uses GPU and GL.
Hi Geo-Drone, did as you suggested and loaded Pot Player, and checked the load additional codecs and checked the detect card check box. But this did not work as hoped. The video played back through POT player was not good I'm afraid, judder was there as with other players. It was worth a try though, there has got to be something on the laptop, stopping it from wotrking with 60fps footage. |