DJI Stephen
djiuser_gi91LqaECy4j Posted at 9-15 10:49
Its out of waranty. Just need an explination is there or is there not a come back safety if drone gets lost or disconected. It hapened before that it was a warning of bad connection and it will start to fly home. But in this case it all went red, said rc conection lost and never said it will fly back to home point.
Hi there, sorry for the loss. DJI Mini 2 supports RTH feature. If the drone does not return, it may be affected by many reasons, such as whether there are obstacles while returning home, whether the Homepoint is recorded when you launch the drone, whether the battery is sufficient for returning, and so on.
As data analysis is not available after the drone is beyond the warranty period, we may not be able to confirm the exact reason for your case.
Sorry again for the accident, please let us know if you have any further request, we will try our best to help. |