Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13811834 ft
Checked your flightlog, flying in RC Mode3.
Indeed after autotake off and after zero on the UP stick, craft did climb on its own!
(see the blue bar height line ; yellow = uncontrolled climb.
In the log no errors for hitting a wire or any other object in air.
In the log at 42.2secs a weird value seen ; DroneOnGround ! just one entry, never seen this before in many many logs i have checked.
Checked the 2 batt cells, normal values up to the last record.
For sure someting wrong with your Mini3 Pro ! But what ? i cannot give a good explantion, hope that DJI can.
But i do a guess ; as the log stops suddenly with all normal indications it looks like a power failure to me.