So, I did a bit of experimenting and indeed it was mostly my monitor's refresh rate that was causing the stutter.
Here are two new videos that I shot.
29.97 fps 1/60 shutter speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yqwfeQw61c
29.97 fps 1/50 shutter speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glcnrAq6CGk
Both videos are shot using the Osmo Pocket's 30 fps setting, which in reality is 29.97 fps. This is why I set my monitor's refresh rate to exactly 59,94 Hz (29.97 X 2) and played the videos at that refesh rate. Now the pans look a lot smoother.
I still see jitter and flickering where the left edge of the building meets the sky, but the pan is smooth and there is no choppyness.
If I change my refresh rate to anything else that is not exactly divisible by 29.97, then the choppyness re-appears.
Now, it is obviously not the camera's fault, but this whole monitor refresh rate deal this creates a few problems.
First, I cannot shoot my movie at 24 fps (like I am supposed to), because people who watch it online will most probably have their monitors set to refresh rates that are not not exactly divisible by 24 and therefore will experience choppyness...
At the same time, I cannot shoot at 30 fps, because this will make my film have that soap opera look and not the cinematic look of a proper 24 fps theater movie.
It's a Catch 22 situation, but there must be a solution.