Enable location services???
5342 11 2022-10-5
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Amit Dunsky
Flight distance : 1083205 ft

Today, I took the M3P for yet another flight. As I launched it, I noticed there wasn't any "The home point has been updated" call.I was out in an open field, cleae blue skies, I'm highly familiar with the location, so I knew there is nothing there to obstruct GPS reception. Given that, I just had the drone hovering for a few seconds, expecting it to update the home point, bu to no avail.

That was strange, so I opened the Safety menu, and tried to Update Home Point manually. I pressed the RC icon, and the a message poped up:
"Enable location services and app permission for your mobile device to ensure your location van be determined accurately"!
I know this is an Android message, but still, the stripped down version installed on the RC, will not allow enabling location services!

After trying for a few more times, without any success, I just set the home point for the location of the drone (it was there hovering next to me), and went out flying.
The drone had 31 GPS sattelites locked on, so that was yet another indication there wasn't any problem with GPS reception at the location.

I could see the compass display couldn't quite figure out the location of the drone in relation to the location of the RC, but I had the drone in my VLOS, so I had no problem bringing it back.
Fly app version: 1.7.4

Any ideas why that happened? Have you had that happening to your RC?


The attached is a screenshot of my RC screen recording.



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Flight distance : 12975272 ft
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Hi Amit,

Recently bought a M3P with the RC.

Several times i update the HP to the RC controller position, no problems doing that.
RC not connected to any other device.

Drone and RC to the last firmware.

So what is the difference between my M3P RC and yours ??? DJI should know this...

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Amit Dunsky
Flight distance : 1083205 ft

JJB* Posted at 10-5 07:24
Hi Amit,

Recently bought a M3P with the RC.

I Agree. My RC is also exclusively bounded with the M3P.
At this point, I really don't know what went wrong. Maybe Dji here will step in to investigate. My guess, is that for some reason, the Android location services subsystem crashed or halted. There isn't any other indication other than that error message, so this is really just my guess.
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Amit Dunsky Posted at 10-5 10:21
I Agree. My RC is also exclusively bounded with the M3P.
At this point, I really don't know what went wrong. Maybe Dji here will step in to investigate. My guess, is that for some reason, the Android location services subsystem crashed or halted. There isn't any other indication other than that error message, so this is really just my guess.

Has this happened since or was it just a one-off thing?
The message explains quite clearly what the issue was.
Location services was not enabled for the device.
Have you gone into the device settings and enabled location services?
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Amit Dunsky
Flight distance : 1083205 ft

Labroides Posted at 10-5 14:16
Has this happened since or was it just a one-off thing?
The message explains quite clearly what the issue was.
Location services was not enabled for the device.

You probably read my description of the problem, so you know I can read an error message!
There is no way to enable or disable location services in the RC software interface.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4537612 ft

When set to manual RTH, such a message appears for the first time, but subsequent times there is no such message and everything works correctly.
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Amit Dunsky
Flight distance : 1083205 ft

Drone.Hunter Posted at 10-9 09:12
When set to manual RTH, such a message appears for the first time, but subsequent times there is no such message and everything works correctly.

Well, not in this case. I've made several attempts to set the home point to the RC location, but continuously got that error message, and was finally forced to select the drone's location as the home point. It didn't really matter at the time, as both the RC and the drone were at the same place, but setting the home point to the RC location could become a necessity at times, mostly when you change locations while the drone is still in the air, and you want to make sure it does not return to the original takeoff spot.
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Did you agree to all permissions when you 1st setup the RC, perhaps one of those is location. I vaguely remember something
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United Kingdom

I had exactly this problem and frankly it was driving me nuts. RC controller with my Air2S.

Everything worked fine except setting the home point to the controller location. This is a software bug and here is my workaround which will hopefully be of some use to others –  ultimately DJI have to to fix this though, this is a serious and very confusing glitch.

With the drone in flight, going to Safety – Update Home Point always brought up the same message dialogue - “Enable location services and app permission for your mobile device to ensure your location can be determined accurately"

For a start, and just to be clear, you do NOT have to be connected / tether a phone to the RC – you only need that if you want to download maps live.

Although  location services (the RC GPS) are enabled the app seems to think they are not. To work around this go back from the fly screen and select Profile – Settings – Notifications and Privacy then disable Mobile Devices GPS Info.  It is now in a known “off” state”.

Go back to the fly screen and when you attempt to view the map or set the home point this will bring up a dialogue asking you to authorise DJI to access GPS info. Do this.

Everything should work fine now.

You may have to do this each time you fly, that’s the only thing  I‘m not certain about. I suspect not as reading the above messages suggests not everyone is having this problem and after switching the RC off and back on I did not have to repeat this.  It’s not big deal to fix and only takes a few seconds, but it is a bug and should be fixed. This looks like a classic software flag bug, where some flag is not being initially set. Another similar bug seems to be that on power up the CNS mode always sets to N irrespective of the switch position. That needs fixed too.

I hope this is if some use to you. DJI – please fix this;  it is a safety issue, albeit one that seems to be a bit random.
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Amit Dunsky
Flight distance : 1083205 ft

Wildfisher Posted at 11-27 03:32
I had exactly this problem and frankly it was driving me nuts. RC controller with my Air2S.

Everything worked fine except setting the home point to the controller location. This is a software bug and here is my workaround which will hopefully be of some use to others –  ultimately DJI have to to fix this though, this is a serious and very confusing glitch.

Thank you for the workaround suggestion. I just followed the steps, and got the expected messages. The only problem now is that I don't have a button with a "turn that howling wind off" functionality. Hopefully DJI will include that in one of the future firmware updates...

As for the CNS state: This behavior is by design, and is documented in the user manual. If you think it through: it is actually a safety feature. For me, I'm quite happy with it this way.
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Flight distance : 1173596 ft

I confirm having the exact same issue.
The above workaround works for me also.

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United Kingdom

Amit Dunsky Posted at 2022-11-28 02:38
Thank you for the workaround suggestion. I just followed the steps, and got the expected messages. The only problem now is that I don't have a button with a "turn that howling wind off" functionality. Hopefully DJI will include that in one of the future firmware updates...

As for the CNS state: This behavior is by design, and is documented in the user manual. If you think it through: it is actually a safety feature. For me, I'm quite happy with it this way.

Had exactly the same issue, good job I found this workaround as it was doing my head in
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