Thermal Analysis Tool
4544 6 2022-10-25
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United States

Good morning,

Does anyone know if DJI will be updating the Thermal Analysis Tool?  I currently do power line inspections and have a couple of custom built thermal report templates that I use.  I would like to use the M30 for these inspections, however you have to use DJI's new thermal tool, which to be honest is severly lacking.  Even adding the abiltiy to have a Delta comparision to two or more spots would be helpful.
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Another problem with this tool: the temperature scale on the right side of the picture (the one where you can use the sliders up and down to set a temperature range) does not show the correct temperature range.

For example: the scene is a cup of hot coffee in a room. The scale would shoul a temperature range of 18.4°C to 35.4°C. When using the "spot temperature" or "rectangle temperature" function it shows a much more plausible temperature of 53.2°C. And since those two values don't match, die color gradient of the picture gets really messy if you use the sliders of the scale to set a temperature range.

Another bug: the distance, the picture was taken at, can only be set to a max. of 25m
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Meanwhile there have been new updates for the M30T/RC Plus and also for the Thermal Analysis Tool (V3.0.3). Unfortunately the problems still persist.

As you can see in the first picture, the max. temperature when using the "Square temperature" tool is 42.8°C (which is the correct temperature). While the scale on the right side of the picture shows a max. temperature of 33.0°C. This problem exists in every picture I take with the M30T and then use the Thermal Analysis Tool to analyse it. The max. scale temperature is always wrong (too low). Also this can't be changed manually.

On the second picture you can see what happens if I just slightly touch the temperature scale and change the min. temp. by like 0.1°C. The color gradient gets messed up and I have to reload the picture to fix it. Also still a bug:  the distance, the picture was taken at, can only be set to a max. of 25m.
Screenshot 2022-11-18 153154.jpg
Screenshot 2022-11-18 153232.jpg
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Could someone please move this topic to the "Pro Systems Software" forum? Maybe it will get more attention there
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

It won't change anything to move the thread from M30 to PS software. There are not many thermal imaging users on the forum. That's why you don't have an answer.

DJI's software isn't great. You can try with FLIR's software, I don't have the M30T so I don't know if it will work but you can try.
Most often I use Metashape to get the absolute temperature value. (0.04xIR)-273.15 this is the formula that will allow you to extract the temperature with a raster calculator.
I don't know what your experience with thermal imaging is, but there is also emissivity that must be taken into account to do quality work.

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United States

rmuc_ Posted at 2022-10-27 07:18
Another problem with this tool: the temperature scale on the right side of the picture (the one where you can use the sliders up and down to set a temperature range) does not show the correct temperature range.

For example: the scene is a cup of hot coffee in a room. The scale would shoul a temperature range of 18.4°C to 35.4°C. When using the "spot temperature" or "rectangle temperature" function it shows a much more plausible temperature of 53.2°C. And since those two values don't match, die color gradient of the picture gets really messy if you use the sliders of the scale to set a temperature range.

I use FLIR software for part of my regular job, and what you describe with the range scale doesn't seem to be unusual. It also occurs in the FLIR Tools software. The scale doesn't appear to cover the entire range in the image, though it's typically very close. I suspect it is something to do with averaging.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Try using GDAL Translate, look up the temperature range in the EXIF, then convert from 8 bit to Float32.  Then you can use the raster tools as you wish.  I just tried it works wonderfully.
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