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No signal after new firmware
1085 6 2015-8-13
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Flight distance : 824672 ft
United States

Just wanted to let everyone know, I too was getting a no singal in and out message after I did the firmware upgrade. It wasnt the first time flying after the firmware, I tested it right after and everything was fine. It was a days later (today) I charged the battery before hand, just to top it off as I do when I dont' fly for a few days. The remote was beeping like crazy going from a signal to no signal... What i noticed first was the RC was at 70% charged, so before I went crazy with changing the channels to custom and picking one or putitng the older firmware back on or changing the cable to the RC and Ipad mini, as i read some suggested. I fully charged the RC and the probelm went away.

I just wanted to let everyone who's having this issue know, it could be as simple as putting as full charge back on your RC!
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Flight distance : 824672 ft
United States

I would like to add... what I have noticed are the batteries seem to not last as long... at first I thought it was because it was a TB47, but the TB48 drained down fast too... I only had it up for about 3 minutes and it went from 100% to 65% which to me seemed pretty fast...

I thought I read i might have to do a total drain on them to get them to work correctly again, is this true?
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Flight distance : 824672 ft
United States

Well if anyone cares.... once the RC drop down below 80% it started again with poor single on the RC... I called DJI and they never heard of this problem. So i decided to put the older version of firmware back on and the problem has went away and thats the only thing I did. I did not charge the RC its still at 80%... funny thing is, DJI said that the firmware couldn't have anything to do with this... well apparently they are mistaken!
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Flight distance : 824672 ft
United States

DJI suggested i reload the new firmware back on and I did and so far all is good, but haven't had the time to really fly as of yet, just turned on to see it problem went away and so far so good...
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United States

Talking to yourself there tapboxer? ..Anyway, the no signal is due to bad firmware push..You have to pay attention to the txt file on the sd card..On mine, I use two sd card, one with old firmware and the other is new..I keep on updating from old to new and new to old until I get a good firmware update wrtten successfully. Once that is done, the no signal/video feed issue disappears..there is a hidden file under MISC/LOG and you can actually see whati it is doing
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Flight distance : 824672 ft
United States

retret66 Posted at 2015-8-15 03:54
Talking to yourself there tapboxer?  ..Anyway, the no signal is due to bad firmware push..You have ...

yes i felt like i was...

thank you
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Flight distance : 824672 ft
United States

retret66 Posted at 2015-8-15 03:54
Talking to yourself there tapboxer?  ..Anyway, the no signal is due to bad firmware push..You have ...

well its doing it again, so Im putting the old firmware back on... and just so you know, every time it states the it was successful on the SD card
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