Flight distance : 1433114 ft
United Kingdom
Had a look at these jpgs you linked to in your drive link. One shot is just a focus miss. As Bashy says, how are you focusing? Some use the screen, but I prefer the button and don't get issue. Technically a half press focuses, but if you just press it fully, it should focus and then take the shot in a one-er.
I checked the left and right sides of your frames. You will get resolution fall off in any lens to the borders, and especially corners, espeicially when this is a plastic element to reduce weight. If you look at file DJI_0137 this is the sharpest across frame shot you have provided here, but I would say my lens seems a bit sharper than this. I'd say, your lens has some extra hard fall off on the right frame, which with this sort of lens means it is not perfectly aligned to the sensor behind it. As a tip anyway, I'd urge you to go into your settings on the app and drop the NR to -2 and leave sharpening at 0. Then during RAW processing, adjust that to taste.
This aside, I think I would push to have that camera changed based on what I am seeing. I am not a video expert by any stretch but, I would again say there is much stronger resolution loss on the right border than left in this as well. No smoke without fire, as they say. There is definately copy variation out there.
I can send you a full size from mine to compare if you like?