Flight distance : 3577717 ft
LV_Forestry Posted at 2022-12-19 22:33
"Boom" But how old are you my friend?
Your document is pretty, it tends to prove that the TX/RX module is the same in the three radio controls. This is not a scoop, just look at the frequency specifications on the DJI site.
Did you read the letter DJI provided to the FCC? The issue here is the result of a commercial decision by the manufacturer, so whilst it is still a technical issue, it's deliberate, and only an issue from the consumer point of view, since I'd guarantee that DJI would see it as being an assett, since it increases the profitability of this particular piece of hardware. Since the differences you are making assumptions about, don't exist, and the letter above confirms this categorically.
They are the same controller physically, save for the model number printed on the label.
There are two models, and the difference between these is that one ships with consumer firmware, the other with enterprise firmware and this allows them to avoid developing two hardware products whil offering different features for the same hardware at different price points to make more money.
This is a commercial decision to prevent one controller operating both drones.
If DJI allowed end users to load either firmware without restriction, or released firmware that was compatible with both enterprise & consumer products then the remote would operate both aircraft without issue, it's that simple. One day, some wise guy will gain root access and then it may become a reality, and this, my arrogant friend, is the extent of the technical nature of the issue.
It's intentional, to prevent the cheaper consumer product undermining the price tag of the more expensive enterprise product.
It'd be appreciated if you could be a good sport and pay more attention to the details, before being overwhelmed by the need to share your incorrect opinion on things in future. That's the way. |