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32993 275 2022-12-31
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Flight distance : 280860 ft


I bought my DJI Mini 3 Pro last week and have been doing some flying and reading a lot in this forum as well as watching videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, I should have FIRST read the forum and THEN bought the drone because DJI have a huge problem with it.

The 2 issues, actually:

1. The lens gets fogged. OK, since I'm dealing with photography, I realized what the issue with the lens is, besides not so good design (the rubber insulator isn't fit well, or it isn't made good enough), the difference in outside and inside temperatures. In other words, any device with a lens MUST be left out outside (take the battery out, though) for about 10 min so that the lens may adjust to the difference between the temperature inside your house/car and the one outside. This is especially important in climates like Ireland's.

2. RANGE. This problem is that M3P FAILS BIG TIME! The device has a declared 12 km range! Well, guess what the REAL range is? LESS THAN 500 M! I've done some tests which confirm so many complaints on the DJI forum that this drone is a total failure and DJI are NOT being honest about the specs of its product.

How can you sell a product with FALSE specifications? I could accept some difference in range but 500 m to 12,000 m is a HUGE difference!

I have to think what to do but most likelty, I will return it in the 14-day period and will try to go for the Mavic 3 Classic, or Mavic 3.

Here are some pictures of the range I managed to get which prove beyond any doubt that everyone complaining about it is right and DJI are obviously only replacing one drone for another. Well, that's a game and the product is a semi-product because it has a problem. I am not expecting even 7-8 km range but not to be able to send the drone even 1 km from the homepoint is pathetic.

I was careful to be in light of sight of the drone so that I could minimize the signal loss but, nope, the damn thing won't fly more than 455 meters which was the max range I could manage. Almost evey flight I had was would start showing range issues at around 300 m.

DJI, this drone is not cheap and if someone pays 1000 euro, the least he would expect is to have a product that works according to the specs you published.

Pathetic range

Pathetic range

Pathetic range

Pathetic range
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Range varies with the surrounding enviroment and how accurately the drone's and controller's antennae are pointed at one another.
I have seen my Mavic mini lose connection at around 400m or less in one place and yet exceed specs somewhere else. I have seen a Mavic Mini reach well beyond spec in somewhere suitable and it was the pilot's nerve that caused the turn around, not loss of signal. My Mavic Mini can also lose connection directly overhead but at height.

There is no reason why the mini 3 is shouldn't also be sensitive to such things.

Try a better area before you start condemming the drone and working yourself into a palaver.

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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 12-31 09:25
Range varies with the surrounding enviroment and how accurately the drone's and controller's antennae are pointed at one another.
I have seen my Mavic mini lose connection at around 400m or less in one place and yet exceed specs somewhere else. I have seen a Mavic Mini reach well beyond spec in somewhere suitable and it was the pilot's nerve that caused the turn around, not loss of signal. My Mavic Mini can also lose connection directly overhead but at height.

I know enough about radio waves and obstacles and that the declared range can't be reached in real-time scenarios but to have 450 m over 12 km is way off.

Maybe you haven't read my whole post and start condemning what I posted - I tried 3 different areas and in all of them the range was pathetic. All 3 areas were in different locations. In one case, I was on the top of the hill and flew the drone downwards, basically giving advantage to the signal. The max range I could get was 455 m.

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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Here is a possible cause and temporary fix for the issue. DJI must take an action and fix the problem:

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Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

Interesting video find.  I realize it is a different drone, but with the new M3E, I am finding range to be horrible as well.  I have taken to setting the band selection to 2.4 only, and changing the channel width to 20 to 10.  With this, I am getting range back again on par with what I would get with the M2P and am able to complete the larger mapping missions.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

TonyPHX Posted at 12-31 10:31
Interesting video find.  I realize it is a different drone, but with the new M3E, I am finding range to be horrible as well.  I have taken to setting the band selection to 2.4 only, and changing the channel width to 20 to 10.  With this, I am getting range back again on par with what I would get with the M2P and am able to complete the larger mapping missions.

Thanks for the tip, Tony! I will test the M3P tomorrow with the info you provided and will post how it goes but, really, 12 km declared range down to 300-500 m real range is bad, really bad.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

AntonioTech Posted at 12-31 09:41
I know enough about radio waves and obstacles and that the declared range can't be reached in real-time scenarios but to have 450 m over 12 km is way off.

Maybe you haven't read my whole post and start condemning what I posted - I tried 3 different areas and in all of them the range was pathetic. All 3 areas were in different locations. In one case, I was on the top of the hill and flew the drone downwards, basically giving advantage to the signal. The max range I could get was 455 m.

I read your entire post.
My point is that if the drone were so utterly crap then people like Bashy and Dronehunter wouldn't be able to post logs showing maximum distances around 5km, and Bashy's probably using a CE spec drone presumably the same as you.
posts #119 & #120.
I also suspect that DAFlys would have been complaining given that he is trying to wear his drone out, I forget its current flight distance but at 1542km 7/Aug/2020 he might have noticed.
Ditto dirtybird hitting a distance of 5miles though that's presumably FCC mode

Incidentaly if you check the manua pages 67 & 68 of v1.4 2022/10, you will find that the cited CE range is 8km. The 12km that you cite is for FCC mode.

Max Transmission Distance  
(unobstructed, free of               12 km (FCC); 8 km (CE/SRRC/MIC

with lesser distances cited below that

Transmission Distance (in       Strong interference (e.g., city center): 1.5-3 km
common scenarios)                  Moderate interference (e.g., suburbs, small towns): 3-7 km
                                                     No interference (e.g., rural areas, beaches): 7-12 km

Obviously some people are getting short ranges, I do not dispute that, but others are getting decent ranges and maybe not even reaching the limit of their control range.

Bear in mind people like to complain and satisfied customers do not tend to be so 'vocal'.
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AntonioTech Posted at 12-31 09:41
I know enough about radio waves and obstacles and that the declared range can't be reached in real-time scenarios but to have 450 m over 12 km is way off.

Maybe you haven't read my whole post and start condemning what I posted - I tried 3 different areas and in all of them the range was pathetic. All 3 areas were in different locations. In one case, I was on the top of the hill and flew the drone downwards, basically giving advantage to the signal. The max range I could get was 455 m.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 12-31 11:29
I read your entire post.
My point is that if the drone were so utterly crap then people like Bashy and Dronehunter wouldn't be able to post logs showing maximum distances around 5km, and Bashy's probably using a CE spec drone presumably the same as you.

Thanks for the info and for the references to other posts! The fact that someone might be getting 2 million km range doesn't mean anything to me as I don't even get one single km

And yes, of course dissatisfied customers should be vocal. After all, I don't remember someone else buying the drone for me but I worked my money for it and the least one deserves is a finished product which, unfortunately, M3P doesn't seem to be.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Thanks for the video! It points to the following facts:

1. The user with the drone did 11 km and his drone has no issues with the range.
2. My drone does have issues with the range as the best I could do was 455 m. Only today I did 3 tests and 455 my was best result.

If the video is from your drone, do you mind sharing the settings in the Transmission option of the RC.
PS I noticed that the farther the drone got, the highest the operator took it to so this might be one of the keys to getting a better signal? However, the guy was flying the drone at 273 m which is way above the limit of 120 m.

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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Here is another video that seems to be listing the cause of the issue - the newer RC may be automatically choosing the wrong frequency for the flight:

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

AntonioTech Posted at 12-31 12:18
Here is another video that seems to be listing the cause of the issue - the newer RC may be automatically choosing the wrong frequency for the flight:

Antonio - thank you for sharing this video.  The content producer on this essentially hit right on the head what I am experiencing with my M3E.  M3E is fairly new, but still based on Mavic 3.  I really got frustrated with Occusync not picking the right band.  I am really getting things done on 2.4, thus my previous advice.  Thanks for zooming in on this issue!!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10499931 ft
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You can try replacing your unit with another one as that one might be faulty.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Tuxtard Posted at 12-31 15:31
You can try replacing your unit with another one as that one might be faulty.

Thanks for the suggestion! As I've had the drone less than 14 days, I wonder if I should return it to the retailer, or to open a ticket via the service portal with DJI. Any idea? Thanks!
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

TonyPHX Posted at 12-31 15:11
Antonio - thank you for sharing this video.  The content producer on this essentially hit right on the head what I am experiencing with my M3E.  M3E is fairly new, but still based on Mavic 3.  I really got frustrated with Occusync not picking the right band.  I am really getting things done on 2.4, thus my previous advice.  Thanks for zooming in on this issue!!

You are welcome! We need to share info with e/o so that we can help e/o and enjoy our nice boys "toys" LOL
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

I think you will find any exchanges you make will result in the same.

Just showing screenshots means absolutely nothing except to show that the top image is urban, that distance is quite acceptable in an urban environment, the other image is showing you over trees and this is a known killer of the signal especially when low.
I am not sure why you're hiding the height because you're not even at the max allowed of 120m or is that why you're hiding it? therefore, raising the height will improve the signal.
You're not using the Flight Attitude Radar, you cannot achieve the best alignment without it unless you can still see the drone and that's highly unlikely at that distance especially when you've taken your eyes off it.
We can't see how you're holding the RC either, this plays a big part in the signal.

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Flight distance : 1348881 ft
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United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 12-31 09:25
Range varies with the surrounding enviroment and how accurately the drone's and controller's antennae are pointed at one another.
I have seen my Mavic mini lose connection at around 400m or less in one place and yet exceed specs somewhere else. I have seen a Mavic Mini reach well beyond spec in somewhere suitable and it was the pilot's nerve that caused the turn around, not loss of signal. My Mavic Mini can also lose connection directly overhead but at height.

I and many more have same problem, stop lick DJI butt and admit there is a problem.

My mini 3 is 300m, disconnects....pile of rip off!
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Flight distance : 1348881 ft
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United Kingdom

FFS, my parents own a 800 acre bit of lnd i I have been there many times with a crazy awesome line of sight, no trees, no cars, no NOTHING for miles and strill I get 300ish you want me to put up at least 30 links to different people also having this problem from just this forum alone......why can't you accept THAT WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMPLAIN  COZ WHENE U PAYA LOT OF MONEY FOR SOMETHING YOU EXPECT IT TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

Staffydog33 Posted at 12-31 22:14
I and many more have same problem, stop lick DJI butt and admit there is a problem.

My mini 3 is 300m, disconnects....pile of rip off!

I will only concede that you think there is a problem. I cannot admit there is a problem because there isn't one until you show me what you're up against.

Why don't you have someone make a video of you flying and showing this "issue"

No one is saying you do not have the right to complain, you have every right, the problem is, you obviously haven't taken any of my advice and put it into practice, if you have, then like i said, have someone record a video showing you flying it and showing the issue, btw, you must have the radar showing on the live view for me to even consider taking it seriously.

If all that seems too much then send it back to DJI, contact them here or get a refund

If you just keep repeating yourself over and over then i will leave it with you, I've only ever tried to advise you of the best way to improve your range, shouting and swearing will not help.

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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

When I first got the Mini 3 Pro I did a lot of test flights with the Mini2 and Mini3 back to back,  same routes etc one after the other and I can say the Mini3 out performed my Mini 2,   It certainly will not fly to 12km but then nor will my other drones.   One thing is key though is to turn on the radar view and ensure that the arrow is green to indicate the remote is properly orientated.  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12142077 ft
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United States

Bashy Posted at 2022-12-31 22:47
I will only concede that you think there is a problem. I cannot admit there is a problem because there isn't one until you show me what you're up against.

Why don't you have someone make a video of you flying and showing this "issue"

Agree.  The shouting and swearing is a major turn-off.  There is a lot of collective experience here on the forum, and when people try to help you can either take it or leave it.  But if you end up not being able to enjoy or handle the drone you have, just send it back or sell it.  Move on!  
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Bashy Posted at 2022-12-31 22:47
I will only concede that you think there is a problem. I cannot admit there is a problem because there isn't one until you show me what you're up against.

Why don't you have someone make a video of you flying and showing this "issue"


Thank you for your thoughts!

However, do you think that I have no life, no obligations and no other stuff to do but to spend time on the DJI forum and "moan" about a non-existing problem? I don't think so.

I was about to do 4 runs today:

1. With automatic frequency selected
2. With 2.4GHz frequency selected
3. With 5.8GHz frequency selected
4. With the hack from one of the videos by covering the drone with the RC so that I could try to force the drone to start and get locked with the FCC and not with the CE settings

But the weather didn't permit me as it's raining.

As I said, I could care less about what someone thinks since I am the one dealing with the DJI $h1t. Besides, there are so many complaints all over internet that one more only proves the fact that this drone has range issues. Today I only managed to do one run but as soon as the rain stops, I will do all 4 tests.

As soon as I get the videos, I will post them because this issue has not gone away with the latest updates and what makes it even worse is that there are no rules when and who sees it:

One would expect that it would be an issue limited only to the EU market because of the CE regulations but nope, users all over the globe have it.

I am not expecting all 8 km but not to be able to even go 2-3 km is simply selling a semi-product that has not been tested enough or properly, I don't know which one it is.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

TonyPHX Posted at 1-1 06:57
Agree.  The shouting and swearing is a major turn-off.  There is a lot of collective experience here on the forum, and when people try to help you can either take it or leave it.  But if you end up not being able to enjoy or handle the drone you have, just send it back or sell it.  Move on!

I can't believe you two don't get the point. If someone is selling a product with specific characteristics, then the customer should expect at least 85% of what the claimed range is but this isn't the case.

Yes, I could sell, or return the product but this does not solve the issue for many others and I don't agree that we should sweep it under the carpet just by "selling" a semi-product. Actually, where is the moral of selling bad product to someone else?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10499931 ft
  • >>>

AntonioTech Posted at 2022-12-31 15:50
Thanks for the suggestion! As I've had the drone less than 14 days, I wonder if I should return it to the retailer, or to open a ticket via the service portal with DJI. Any idea? Thanks!

I would play safe and returned it. It is much less of a hustle that way. Then I would try to find someone with the same model and ask him to fly at the same spot where I had problems. If it performs the same than I would forget about this model and maybe look for regular Mini 3.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10499931 ft
  • >>>

Staffydog33 Posted at 2022-12-31 22:14
I and many more have same problem, stop lick DJI butt and admit there is a problem.

My mini 3 is 300m, disconnects....pile of rip off!

DJI admitted the problem by adding front legs on a regular Mini 3. Even so, there might be a production quality issue that affects certain batch of drones and not all of them because people are reporting totally different experiences.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Tuxtard Posted at 1-1 08:19
I would play safe and returned it. It is much less of a hustle that way. Then I would try to find someone with the same model and ask him to fly at the same spot where I had problems. If it performs the same than I would forget about this model and maybe look for regular Mini 3.

Thanks for your input!

I am actually battling with myself what to do, stay with (another/replaced) Mini 3 Pro, or upgrade to Mavic 3 Classic as I have not heard of any range issues with the Mavic. I already have the pilot license.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

OK, I did the following tests and still the best I could get was... 1000 m after which the signal was lost completely and the drone initiated automatic RTH. And just for your info, I went purposely on the top of the hill where I live and thus was flying the drone downwards, i.e. during the flying away it was going a bit downwards which means the signal should be much better. Also, while in flight, I was moving the RC in all directions, slowly, just to observe if there was any difference. Hardly any.

1. I flew in "Dual frequency mode" and I could get up to 600 m.

2. I flew in 2.4GHz and I could get up to 800 m.

3. I flew in 5.8GHz and I could get up to 1000m where the RC completely disconnected and the drone initiated automatic RTH. As soon as I saw the drone on the RC, I was able to take over.

We may disagree with whatever we want but the fact is that there are too many users with the same problem and, as I mentioned earlier, what makes it very hard to detect the cause of the issue is the fact that there is no pattern of behavior that we could cling on, or detect, and say now we know what it is.

DJI have NO CLUE what is causing the problem and that's why this pathetic range issue has been dragging for what now? More than 6 months!

This is not the way to do honest business! I will most likely be returning the drone and possibly getting the Mavic 3 Classic. I will pay more but at least I haven't heard of such issues, let alone the goodies I will get with the Mavic.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Staffydog33 Posted at 2022-12-31 22:14
I and many more have same problem, stop lick DJI butt and admit there is a problem.

My mini 3 is 300m, disconnects....pile of rip off!

You are dead right! Obviously, only those who have the problem have the problem but those who don't have it, or don't even have the M3P, don't quite believe us.

I would be the happiest persona and would've gone my own way and done flying without wasting my time on the DJI forum trying to say what tons of users are saying: The DJI Mini 3 Pro has a serious issue with the range and DJI still have not offered a fix.

I am sorry but if I spend 1300 euro on the drone and fly more kit, I would expect the drone to fly close to its declared range. So far I got 1 km max out of the declared 8 so the ratio is 1:8!

To those who really lick DJI's butt I would just say: imagine buying a car and there was a fault that would prevent to you to drive it more than 100 km. Would you be happy, after spending your hard-earned money? I don't think so!

The worst of all is that DJI don't give a $h1t because they have no real competition. If they had, I bet you they would've solved the issue by now. And how did it take them to admit that there was a problem after they started selling the drone? This is sick business practice!

I am IT myself and know that no one could expect a perfect world but to sell a product that is still being developed and tested on the users is too much.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Staffydog33 Posted at 2022-12-31 22:21
FFS, my parents own a 800 acre bit of lnd i I have been there many times with a crazy awesome line of sight, no trees, no cars, no NOTHING for miles and strill I get 300ish you want me to put up at least 30 links to different people also having this problem from just this forum alone......why can't you accept THAT WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMPLAIN  COZ WHENE U PAYA LOT OF MONEY FOR SOMETHING YOU EXPECT IT TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, today I tested the drone in exactly the same conditions. Ireland has tons of green fields and I purposely flew over one of them, while I was on the top of the hill, hoping that the range would be better but it isn't.

Thus I don't buy the argument either that it's the users who are expecting too much and that we are total dumb a$$e$ who require too much.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

If the weather is good tomorrow, I will record my screen data during all test flights and post it on YouTube so that I can convince some of you that the drone does have a problem.
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Flight distance : 1433114 ft
United Kingdom

AntonioTech Posted at 1-1 09:39
Actually, today I tested the drone in exactly the same conditions. Ireland has tons of green fields and I purposely flew over one of them, while I was on the top of the hill, hoping that the range would be better but it isn't.

How far are you getting in a true rural place like a field and what height are you at when doing so? Ps turn on the radar map!
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I have this range issue on same drone (Dji Mini 3 Pro with RC). I lost signal on RC at 600 - 700 meters. Try some variant from forum and youtube videos to fix this problem, unfortunally. Many peoples offer use hack to RC, but I am against this approach.
I'm from Kazakhstan, support said to me that in my region RC used FCC, not CE, but i dont have some options like dual mode or 5ghz, only not changable 2.4ghz option and I cant test another variants.
I hope support find problem and fix this, because such a product and brand must have a high quality product and service.

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I wonder what will be the official answer to this problem from DJI?
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

primeshooter Posted at 1-1 11:53
How far are you getting in a true rural place like a field and what height are you at when doing so? Ps turn on the radar map!

I was flying at 49 m height. If the weather allows me tomorrow, I will do more tests but this time I will record my RC screen.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

djiuser_kYK1RlXs7e9R Posted at 1-1 12:04
I have this range issue on same drone (Dji Mini 3 Pro with RC). I lost signal on RC at 600 - 700 meters. Try some variant from forum and youtube videos to fix this problem, unfortunally. Many peoples offer use hack to RC, but I am against this approach.
I'm from Kazakhstan, support said to me that in my region RC used FCC, not CE, but i dont have some options like dual mode or 5ghz, only not changable 2.4ghz option and I cant test another variants.


Thanks for the confirmation that another user is having an issue with the range! As I mentioned earlier in one of my comments, I did several tests today, with the automatic frequency, with the 2..4GHz and finally with the 5.8GHz and the farthest I could get was 1000 meters on the 5.8GHz.

I will do some more tests tomorrow because I am very irritated that I paid 1300 euro for the drone + the fly more kit and I have to WASTE MY PERSONAL time to try to figure out why the heck this drone won't perform and how to perform better.

I paid with my own money and want the product to perform as declared but nope, it won't.

I am also against every hack because I don't want to lose my warranty and, plus, God forbid something happens after you modify the drone in any way and it causes serious damage, or hurt someone, you are in a huge trouble, so huge that you will pay for the rest of your life some money. No, thanks! I want to do it all legally and that's why I am persistent in "moaning" that there is a problem and that this drone should have been either fixed, or not sold at all as it does not perform remotely close to what DJI are claiming it should.

I am also sick of being used as a guinea pig for a semi-product which DJI Mini 3 Pro is!

I work for my money and when I pay for something, I would like for it to function.

I can return completely this semi-product and will see if I can get the Mavic 3 Classic because it has been around for some time and it works perfectly.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

JerryBrusler Posted at 1-1 12:10
I wonder what will be the official answer to this problem from DJI?

From what I could find in the forum here and in other places, DJI initially was quiet pretending that the problem did not exist but after many users like me "moaned" about it, DJI promised to fix it with the next update. Well, the next update came and nothing was fixed.

This DJI behavior shows that they:

1. Either have no clue why the pathetically short range


2. They know but won't come public about it and hopefully are going to fix it.

But when? How many users must complain before DJI fixes the problem? 1000? 1 milion?

I could accept that the drone is not perfect but at least they should have given it to me for free so that I can do the testing and then send them the results.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 10499931 ft
  • >>>

AntonioTech Posted at 1-1 13:12

Thanks for the confirmation that another user is having an issue with the range! As I mentioned earlier in one of my comments, I did several tests today, with the automatic frequency, with the 2..4GHz and finally with the 5.8GHz and the farthest I could get was 1000 meters on the 5.8GHz.

I don't really think that we are being used as guinea pigs. I am more convinced that there is a production issue with certain batch of faulty wifi modules or wrong antenna placement. Something similar happened with Autel Nano+ series when they had put gimbal dampeners wrong which caused jello effect. Autel acknowledged this issue and provided users with free repair service. DJI is doing the same, but silently. If you send them your faulty unit they will replace it for free.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Tuxtard Posted at 1-1 14:14
I don't really think that we are being used as guinea pigs. I am more convinced that there is a production issue with certain batch of faulty wifi modules or wrong antenna placement. Something similar happened with Autel Nano+ series when they had put gimbal dampeners wrong which caused jello effect. Autel acknowledged this issue and provided users with free repair service. DJI is doing the same, but silently. If you send them your faulty unit they will replace it for free.

I am still in the 14 day period and I may take the current drone to have it replaced with the retailer, not DJI, and then I can see what is happening with the range. Look, as I said, most of us don't have time to deal with some unintentional production faults and I understand the DJI is silently replacing them but certainly hope that DJI will soon offer a firmware update that will somewhat fix the range issue. I understand the 8 km may not reachable but I'd like to have at least 2-3 km.
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Flight distance : 280860 ft

Tuxtard Posted at 1-1 14:14
I don't really think that we are being used as guinea pigs. I am more convinced that there is a production issue with certain batch of faulty wifi modules or wrong antenna placement. Something similar happened with Autel Nano+ series when they had put gimbal dampeners wrong which caused jello effect. Autel acknowledged this issue and provided users with free repair service. DJI is doing the same, but silently. If you send them your faulty unit they will replace it for free.

Look, I am publically inviting DJI to send me drones for testing. Seriously! I will test them to the fullest.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3440564 ft
United States

AntonioTech Posted at 1-1 16:18
Look, I am publically inviting DJI to send me drones for testing. Seriously! I will test them to the fullest.

get rid of the mini 3 pro,and get the mavic 3 classic,then move on and be done with it.
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