Vertical Speed Indicator?
1150 5 2023-1-24
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Flight distance : 6003934 ft

Hello, I noticed that when it comes to read the reading in VSI inside the googles, it is always positive number even if you are climbing or descending. It would be a good idea to get a minus when descending because that way we would quickly able to determine that the drone is doing. Now, as it is, I have to check if the VSI is zero or not and when I get a number, then I am checking the altitude to see if increases or decreases. Not so convenient...
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DJI Gamora

Hi, djiuser_EOf6ekrX2N8H. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience. We'd like you to know that we appreciate your valuable suggestions. We will forward your concern to our related department. Thank you for your understanding and support.
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

couple of things, doesn't it depend on what mode you are make sense?  if in manual mode, you're just going fast or slow but in normal/sport mode, youre up or down, like a regular drone?  just thinking aloud.  second, when you are in an aircraft, does it show negative vertical speed when you are descending?  never been in front of the cabin area.
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Flight distance : 6003934 ft

In manual mode everything is happening so fast that there is no time to check anything. In normal or sport mode, when the left stick is auto centering, things are pretty straight forward. If you push up the drone is climbing, if you pull down the drone is descending. This is not the case although when the left stick is not auto centering ( a step before entering manual mode world). Then is when you need a plus or minus in VSI to determine quickly what the drone is doing. In real airplane, yes there is an indicator that indicates what I explained above. Thank you all.
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Flight distance : 6454173 ft

New Zealand

The original poster in this thread is exactly correct. Claims like in the previous post that "in manual mode everything is happening so fast that there is no time to check anything" show ignorance and are incorrect. Not every flight in manual mode is lightning speed or super low level!

1. In the DJI Fly app descent appears as negative vertical speed. I know this from personal experience when flying something like the DJI Mini 2 and also when playing back a flight log from the DJI Avata. However I suspect this actually true for any flight log that could be replayed through that app and probably any DJI drone flown with a controller that has a mobile phone attached (or built-in) with that same app. *This makes perfect sense.*

2. The DJI Virtual Flight app shows descent with a negative vertical speed. This is true for whether you have  selected the DJI FPV or the DJI Avata. DJI's own tutorial for flying in the DJI Virtual Flight app shows this, at 75 seconds for example. (See: *This also makes perfect sense.*

3. Real-world aeroplanes distinguish between ascending and descending with their VSI gauge (old style) or something similar in newer aircraft. No competent real-world pilot of a manned aircraft wants to have ascent and descent displayed identically within their VSI or equivalent instrument.  *This also makes perfect sense and has been the case "forever".*

4. It is useful (in manual mode particularly) to be able to determine with a quick  glance whether your DJI FPV or Avata or Avata 2 is ascending or descending, especially if the camera feed does not make that immediately obvious. This is the case at some points in aerobatic flying (e.g. camera showing just a blue sky during a power loop), or doing a "tail slide" (drone ascends and then descends with camera pointing approximately directly upwards throughout. Similarly if the drone inadvertently enters cloud or fog or some other situation where reliable visual indications are absent. Of course this is a situation pilots will attempt to avoid but it is possible it may happen in any case.

While the pilot could (theoretically) look at how the height display is changing this takes more time and effort by far and is more distracting than a very quick glance to see if vertical speed is positive or negative. The fact the DJI support staff and others don't seem to understand this is a failure on their part. There is no downside to using negative values to indicate the aircraft is going down!

Despite all of the above and also despite repeated attempts by me recent in an email exchange with DJI support staff they are apparently determined to wallow in their ignorance and not change anything. This makes no sense! DJI staff, if you think it is more useful or sensible to have inconsistent (always positive values in the Google display of vertical speed regardless of whether the aircraft is climbing or descending) please explain why and how.

At the very least it is an obvious and glaring inconsistency with the Googles display (for the Avata at least) showing positive values for vertical speed regardless of what the aircraft is actually doing and differently from in the DJI Virtual Flight program and DJI Fly app.

Going up? Dropping down?

Going up? Dropping down?
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Flight distance : 6003934 ft

Totally agree with that! Now as I moved on manual Mode, I have to relay on what I am seeing through googles to determine if I am Ascending or Descending. In DJI Simulator has a negative when descending TRYE. DJI Support should fix this and give as a minus when descending on the vertical speed indicator.
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