Flight distance : 1846736 ft
Hello everyone, today I tried using waypoints with my DJI Mavic 3, and immediately noticed a problem for my use case.
The path that is generated between wayponts is very aggresively curved, similar to a bezier tool in a drawing program. And there is no way to control the amount of the "curving" effect or disable it entirely. For my waypoints flight I would like to have right angles and straight lines if I need to. Now I am totally dependent on what the algorithm will create without any control over that.
Bellow is a crude example, You can see what path the app generated in black, while in red is what I would want to do.
I know I can add a lot of waypoints to combat this, but frankly drawing on the map is barely usable as it is while adding waypoints by flying is just inefficient. There are a lot of bugs and the user experience is pretty bad overall. It would be quite easy for developers to add a radius slider, that would increase or decrease the amount of "curving" that is happening. Or atleast a few preset values, like smooth, medium, and off for the curving. Now the drone pathing is really dependent on this uncontrollable factor, making waypoints a much less valuable feature.
I know asking for new features from the Fly app is almost futile, but this would require minimal effort for very usefull functionality. Please consider adding this.