 First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
As Labroides wrote, the IMU does not frequently require calibration. The most frequent case is during large temperature changes because these components are sensitive to them. Anyway, don't panic, if necessary, the application will tell you and ask you to put the drone in different positions in order to perform the automatic calibration.
For the compass it's the same, the North South axis is far from perfect. It looks like this:
source : Magnetic declination - Wikipedia
Does the compass needle point toward the magnetic pole?
No. The compass points in the directions of the horizontal component of the magnetic field where the compass is located, and not to any single point.
So when you move a certain distance, the magnetic declination will change. Again the application will ask you to initiate the calibration step to perform the correction. Same with big temperature changes.
If you want more info you can go see the compass datasheets. You will see that there is a self-calibration process. It often requires moving the sensor in more than one direction. This is the reason why the application asks you to rotate the drone on Z with two different angles. For most mobile phones equipped with a compass, you have to make "eight" patterns.
I put the link to the datasheet of a Honeywell compass, I don't know if it's this model that is used in DJI drones. Simply that I worked with this reference so I know a little about what it is made of. And yes it requires regular calibration, you can look at the self test chapter it is well explained.
Datasheet - honeywellaerospace-hmc5883ltr-datasheets-7405.pdf (
To sum up:
If the application asks you to calibrate the compass it is quite normal if you have moved a certain distance, in my experience about 50km but it all depends on where you are on earth. Refer to the map above.
If the application asks you for a calibration each time the drone is started, this is not normal. It is then necessary to make sure that there is not a metallic mass nearby, a car for example.
For the IMU, it must be really exceptional (big temperature change). If the application asks for calibration every time, think about to send it to the service.