Auto tune every time with same payload
930 2 2023-4-24
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Saudi Arabia

Greetings I use DJI rs3 with sony a73 and 50mm lens and 2 cards
After every shoot, I take off my camera from the DJI rs3 so
Should I auto-tune when I put back the camera I heard it is not good to auto-tune every time, but I do it when putting back my camera with the same payload,
I do auto-tune every time because it takes out small bumps from walking please tell me ( should I auto-tune every time is it safe if I start shooting and is it true that it’s not suitable for the gimbal motors )
Thank you
can I auto-tune every time before shooting I take off my camera after a shoot and when I put it back on the gimbal I notice If I don't do auto tune I can see small bumps and its not smooth but after doing auto tune it becomes smooth, i just want to know that
first: is it safe to auto-tune every time before filming
second: do worry i have to check the balance status it is green but still i see little bumps when moving
can you reply ASAP?

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DJI Wanda

Hello, there. After changing the lens or taking off the camera, the balanced position changes. Thus, it requires you to perform auto-tune again so that the three-axis motors can redistribute the corresponding force and adapted parameters. You may perform Auto-tune based on your needs.
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Saudi Arabia

My question also was is it harmless to auto tune frequently
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